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News Item7/23/07 11:35 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Just because someone says, or tries to show, that a particular
work is "Christian" in its theme doesn't mean that it is so.

I recently witnessed an example of this watching a History Channel
program explaining the "philosophy behind Star Wars", where it was
claimed that Luke's redemption of his father was a "Christian"
principle (!), when the Bible clearly teaches that Christ redeemed
The Father's CHILDREN, NOT the Father himself.

What's sad is that many people watching this show (unless they know
the Lord & His Word) most likely came away assuming what they saw
and heard on this program was true and "Christian".

I haven't read the latest Potter book but would not be suprised
if it contained similar "Christian" themes.

News Item7/20/07 12:01 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Where will it all end? All this "diversity"?

How long will it be before priests from the Church of Satan
itself will be offering up before our governing bodies?

Probably sooner than we think, so long as we continue on
our present slippery-slope of political correctness, which
subsequent generations will be able to continue to liberalize
as they see fit.

News Item7/20/07 11:44 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Once again secular researchers, studying origins of humanity,
are drawn to the continent of Africa.

All I know is that the Bible clearly says the world was all
of one language, prior to building the tower of Babel, not
in Africa but in Mesopotamia.

Still, the Bible is not specific regarding the method by
which God "confused their languages", which makes even
secular research like this interesting as a means of suggesting
possible mechanisms whereby language changes and has changed
since the time of the Tower of Bable.

News Item7/18/07 11:49 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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I would NEVER presume believers sin more than non-believers.

Perhaps this Atheist encountered "Christians" who belive this
to be so, or he somehow misrepresented their position (straw-man?)

I actually tend to think the opposite is true.

Pastors and teachers are probably the greatest sinners of all,
since their enhanced position and authority present them with
greater opportunity to sin than either myself or this Atheist.

As a believer I'm far more succeptible to the sin of hypocracy
than the Atheist, who's much lower regard for God keeps him from
having to deal with such a sin as much as I do.

But for his many other sins, and we all sin, he will have to one
day give an account, not to man, but to God, which is why we need
the savior.

A person who is being guided by God's word and Holy Spirit could
easilly look like someone who is "picking and choosing" their
"morality" by one is not being guided by God's word or the Holy

I would hope that I would not be so
arrogant as to presume this of anyone.

News Item7/17/07 11:50 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"...we have very little violence here (in Iowa) and very little gun control."

Really? Guess I'll have to add your state to my list of possible relocation
destinations, should the opportunity arise .

Thanks, Pro-Gun Christian!

My only problem with the comparison of guns with "steak knives" is that the
former can be used to inflict harm at a stand-off distance, whereas the latter
is only good at close quarters and is therefore less dangerous.

I suspect you already know this but others may not.

News Item7/17/07 11:24 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"...At that point, the question of 'Where do you atheists get
your morality?' is easily answered: 'It's probably about the
same place YOU get your morality, since it clearly isn't from

Isn't it interesting that Atheists--those who claim to not
believe in God--so often assert their alleged capacity to
determine what God should or should not be like, were he to

I find this to be supremely arrogant on their part, unless
they are basing their reasoning on their own presuppositions
that "God" is a product of the human mind, and they therefore
have just as much right to "define" him as the Theists do.

Human depravity on their part aside, they could also be mis-
representing our perspective of Him when crafting their
rebuttals to our arguments for His existence.

News Item7/17/07 2:27 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Kirby S writes:

"Most who preach righteousness, do so out of the conviction that
they have more of it than those to whom they are preaching."

I actually see myself as being LESS righteous than those to whom
I try to witness.

Reasons for this include the fact that when I fail to live up
to Christ's standards (and all who take His name do) commit
hypocracy, which the unsave cannot do since they don't and can't
identify with Him.

My unsaved brother always was, and may yet be, a MUCH more righteous
person than I was. Difference is that I'm now trusting in Christ's
perfect righteousness while he remains confident in his own sense of
goodness, thinking that he'll fair better in this life (or the next)
than most others because of his own good works.

Something else I only recently noticed, to my own facination, is
that my unsaved brother has a MUCH more difficult time recalling
past events where he and I were caught in a sin for which we both
had to be punished.

Because we Christians are always confessing our sins we tend to
remember them, wheras those attempting to justify themselves
(in the case of my brother) seem to be unconscously, if not
consiously, REPRESSING the memory of--and thus NOT "confessing"
their own sins.

News Item7/16/07 5:02 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Yeah. Sure. They could market action figures of David on his
palace with Bathsheba in the shower--or how about a levite's
concubine action figure (Judges 19) which can be *divided* into
12 parts.

Step right up and get yours today before they're all sold out!

But seriously, folks, I think the Bible (for the most part)
is WAY too profound to be adaquately represented by mere toys.

I first learned of Daniel in the lions' den from 1970's-era
Sunday-school flanelgraphs (those of you old enough to remember
know what I'm talking about).

I remember Daniel being saved from the lions but I don't remember
my teacher mentioning the fate of Daniel's accusers, torn assunder
by the very same lions Daniel was rescued from. I wonder if the
Daniel's lions' den toy incorporates this. I doubt it.

I suppose parents could still use the toys, but I would hope that
they would (carefully, of course) tell their kids the rest of the
story, not represented by the toy itself.

Survey7/16/07 2:28 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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My current church uses Westminster Confession but
my previous church used one of the London confessions
(probably 1689) and the Belgic--or was it Helvetic--
Confession. Can't remember.

I know little if anything about any of these confessions
except what I hear from friends. Virtually everything
I've heard seems to agree with my understanding of the
Bible--which leads me to believe that whoever compiled
these confessions tended to know what they were talking
about and had a deep love for the Lord.

News Item7/13/07 12:11 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Huckabee's reference to what he calls the "second commandment sounds more like the second part of Christ's answer to the
lawyer who asked him what the greatest commandment is, which
is essentially "the goldent rule"; the particular wording of
which (in the book of Luke) is what Huckabee uses here.

If this is the case, then Huckabee is essentially elevating
the second table of the law (dealing with man-to-man relations)
above that of the first table (dealing with man-to-God relations).

Hello, Social-Gospel!!

Definitely NOT a good thing to do, and very confusing to other
Christians and especially non-Christians who need to be saved
much more than they need physical blessing (see parable of the
Rich man and Lazarus).

News Item7/13/07 11:45 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Yet another otherwise faithful person fails what I
call "the Job test", where God puts the professing
believer through trials to see if he will curse Him
(like Job's wife did) or continue to follow Him (as Job
himself did).

This man also reminds me of the rockey ground in one
of Christ's parabals, where the newly sown seed quickly
sprang up only to wither in the heat of the sun because
it had no root.

Even so, God can still convert this dear man as long as
he is still alive.

People in general tend to think they are much more righteous
than they are AND that God is much less righteous than
He is. This lack of contrast makes it difficult if not
impossible for the pagan person to believe in and accept
the existance of Hell.

News Item7/12/07 1:05 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Lotteries a "tax on the poor"?

Interesting that our government, with its progressive
tax system, which favors the poor over the rich--or at
least tries to directly--has (intentionally or not)
found a separate way to "get" additional money from the
poor while at the same time claiming to be their champion.

News Item7/9/07 12:03 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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The Bible teaches that for anyone to qualify for the
office of bishop or elder or deacon, that person MUST
rule their household (wife, kids, etc.) well.

This one requirement totally illiminates ALL women
from consideration since it is the husband and not
the wife that is to be the head or ruler of the

People who want women pastors are simply rebelling
against God. They don't want to listen to Him because
His Word demands what He wants rather than what they

It's really that simple. They need to repent.

Sermon7/8/07 4:15 PM
john  Find all comments by john
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Revival On The Isle Of Lewis
Rev. Duncan Campbell
“ Fantastic Sermon! ”
a fantastic account of the spitual movement of God in scotland,A man how spent much time alone with God.

Sermon7/8/07 4:10 PM
John  Find all comments by John
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W. P. Nicholson on Prayer
William P. Nicholson
“ Great Sermon! ”
fantastic sermon,from the most gifted preacher EVER to come out of the U.K.

News Item7/1/07 5:44 PM
John | Canada  Find all comments by John
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This is rank heresy. The Lord God will judge this specific departure from the faith.

News Item6/29/07 12:02 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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I tend to think all of this creeping diversity (disunity?) that we
see today is ultimately a result of our own culture--even in my
lifetime--idolizing "Western civilization" rather than worshipping
God. (Matthew 5:13)

God, being the jealous God that He is *said* "I'll show you guys
how weak and phony your 'champion' is"... by allowing Eastern philosophies,
religeons, etc. to prevail, climaxing during the revolution of the 60's
and continuing today in the form of this Hindu Congressional prayer.

What's as fascinating as it is pathetic is hearing from Godless conservative
authors who rightly diagnose the problem but can't see the real cure or cause
of this problem. But Christians can because they've been given the mind of

News Item6/27/07 11:50 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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With so many kids today playing soccer one would think
health wouldn't be much of an issue today.

When I was a kid, telephone, TV and stereo were the
primary devices used by couch potatos, but today we
have computers as well, which may account for some
decrease in our kids' health.

Scott McMahan's point about evolving statistics being
a product of evolving standards rather than evolving
realities themselves is a good one, to which I would
add that our increasingly risk-averse, saftey-obsessed
culture may be to blame as well.

For example, one of the best workouts by far for me
as a kid was tree-climbing, and it's been MANY years
since I've seen a kid in a tree because (I strongly
suspect) that such "dangerous" activities are
"no longer allowed" in our current PC culture.

News Item6/27/07 6:44 AM
john  Find all comments by john
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Just more RCC theology that destroys the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank God for His Electing Grace. It is God who opens our eyes and gives us faith to believe,not a corruptable man who pertends that he is a virgin in a white wedding dress who carries and ineffective dead non risen jesus around on a stick.

News Item6/27/07 6:37 AM
john  Find all comments by john
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looks like the infalable became falable again. Sinless, hmmmmm. There is no way that Risinger can be my personal rep in front of the Father.
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