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News Item6/6/09 6:09 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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That's the way to handle the ACLU and all the rest of those who hate the Bible and our spiritual heritage - DO IT ANYWAY AND DO IT OFTEN!! Take a stand. If they don't like it let them crawl in a hole and cover themselves up. My salute to these students!

News Item6/6/09 9:54 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Perhaps someone should read the Bible to this guy since he evidently can't read it himself. God's Word is very plain and very clear.

News Item6/6/09 9:46 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Good for her! We need more teens like this who will stand for what is right.

News Item6/3/09 7:20 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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What we need are men of God who will thunder out the Word of God from pulpits across America instead of these celebrities trying to win popularity contests! The prophets and apostles were not "frustrated" because they preached the truth and knew the power of God for doing so. The moral corruption in this country can be traced to silent pulpits. Thank God for those faithful few that remain.

News Item6/2/09 9:12 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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This is what America has become. Why? For decades our churches have drifted away from preaching the old-fashioned gospel as presented in the Bible. Sin has been condemned less and less. The world has been allowed to creep in with its ungodly influence and entertainment. The result is a president who does not know the difference between right and wrong. He was elected by people who know just about as much.
America is on the anvil of God's judgement and the hammer is raised. Revival, a return to God and the Bible, is the only thing that will keep it from striking.

News Item5/31/09 10:42 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Well, it appears as though Mr. Tiller will not be killing any more babies. Thank God for that! It's a shame he never turned from his wicked ways and to the Lord.

News Item5/31/09 10:25 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Besides being a student of the Bible I also enjoy military history. Plain fact: The IDF is the best military, man for man, in the world. They have no plans to let Jerusalem go. Sorry, Mr. Obama.

News Item5/31/09 2:12 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Of course, Christians should expect persecution (2 Tim. 3:12). But there is another side to this, especially when it comes to business. It is foolish for a company to reject someone simply because that person is a Christian. Instead, they may very well hire someone who seems outstanding but turns out to be a bad employee because he/she does not follow the work ethic found in the Bible. Not very smart.

News Item5/30/09 10:06 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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joy wrote:
How do you all feel about fornicating Christians? Teenage dating? ALL sin is an abhorrent offense against a Holy God. Homo sex is no better or worse than hetero fornication or adultery. We should be repenting not judging before His holy wrath.
Joy's beliefs are just what the homosexuals want to hear. God's Word, of course, says otherwise. Some good, old-fashioned Bible study will help.

News Item5/29/09 10:49 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Plan #1- I would remove (now) my children from this school district.
Plan #2- Investigate this insanity and do everything possible to have the three people responsible for passing the curriculum fired.
Time for decent folks, especially Christians, to organize, stand up and take action!

News Item5/29/09 9:13 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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I didn't know that San Diego had gone communist. Sound extreme? Hardly. Talk to people who have lived in communist countries. One of the first things to go, sometimes in a subtle manner, is the Bible and those who believe it.
It would be interesting to know if such alarm is present when there are people and cars galore for garage sales and parties.
This needs to be fought tenaciously.

News Item5/28/09 8:10 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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God never intended His holy Word to be reduced to this kind of absolute nonsense (Matthew 4:4). "Carpenter son"?! I know some sons whose fathers are carpenters, but none of them are the SON OF GOD. Cute fun? Not to me.

News Item5/25/09 9:37 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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If there is no repentance by the Church of Scotland for this evil, every Bible-believing member should leave it. I would not stay with ANY church or denomination that rejects God's Word in any form or fashion. We belong to the Lord, not to some religious system.

News Item5/23/09 10:25 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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What we have here, friends, is a man that has enough courage and conviction to stand against the Bible-haters of America. He also seems to know something about American history and the Bible foundation upon which this country was built.

News Item5/22/09 2:11 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Brethren, it's way past time to take a stand. Things like this happen because WE ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN. Many bad things in the past, both spiritual and secular, were NOT allowed to take place because a stand was taken. To say such things are God's will is fatalism and it is ridiculous. Paul never avoided a fight. He was right there in the middle of it. He didn't say, "Well, I guess it's just God's will." He took a stand, even against the Roman authorities. We in America ought to be ashmed of ourselves for letting the ungodly kick us around! WE HAVE THE POWER TO WIN THESES SPIRITUAL BATTLES. While we take a stand let's be sure to spread the gospel and get people saved!

News Item5/20/09 7:32 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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This is about like the passengers on the Titanic complaining because someone provided lifeboats. Our public schools have already hit the iceberg and they're going down. Since God and the Bible were removed many years ago there has been nothing but trouble-and it's getting worse.

News Item5/17/09 9:28 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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I highly recommend listening to or downloading the sermon "The End Time Sin of Homosexuality" by Lester Roloff found on this website. America is in such an ungodly condition because there are fewer preachers like Bro. Roloff. God give us more Elijah's!
For information on Lester Roloff, his ministries and more of his sermons go to www.roloff.org.

News Item5/12/09 10:08 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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If I had a child in a school that did something like this I would permanently remove him/her faster than you can read this sentence. WHERE ARE ALL OF THE DADDIES AT A TIME LIKE THIS??? When I was a kid even the nonreligious men would storm the castle and put an end to such absolute nonsense--especially when their own children were involved. Maybe America has an abundance of MALES and not enough MEN. Yes, I know, it is a spiritual battle we are in. However, I don't believe the Lord would find fault with a man defending his children.

News Item5/7/09 8:11 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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If the God of battles does not go before our armies we are doomed to defeat. Our shameful military leaders had better come to understand that. Besides bombs and bullets we also need plenty of BIBLES. Most people in that part of the world are very open to the Gospel. That's what the Islamic leaders know and are afraid of. They want to keep their people in fear, bondage and darkness.

News Item5/6/09 11:53 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Our Founding Fathers were not ashamed to pray to the God of Heaven. Nor were they ashamed to read the Bible. They did both in private AND in public without apology. The Bible was the most quoted book in America at that time and prayer was common. THEY knew to depend on God. WE would rather depend on government.
America's greatness was lost when we thought God and the Bible were no longer needed.
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