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News Item1/22/07 7:49 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Mike is the issue here more a business whose owner thought it was - or wanted it to be regarded as - a church?

I mean he was selling stuff & paying wages wasn't he? The NT church did neither...

News Item1/22/07 7:17 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Can someone give me biblical examples of a "creation ministry"? It doesn't seem he was operating (for want of a better word) a church in the biblical sense.

Not saying he has not done a lot of good work but I can't see why his organisation is not the same as any other business when it comes to taxes? Even if it is a non-profit organisation you still have to take taxes from your employees wages and file the relevant paperwork.

Survey1/22/07 7:10 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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What does preaching against homos have to do with Pharoahs will?

The fact is you either believe that:

1) Homos chose this perverted path and should repent, or

2) God made them perverted and never gave them the ability to repent.

If you are a true 5-pointed Calvinist - as the Phelps Westboros are - then you hold to point 2.

Which means you have no place criticizing what God has determined for the homosexual reprobates; it's his will for them to be this way.

Survey1/22/07 6:59 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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They rock of course, albeit in an unhinged way! I would like to visit them; to me they represent true America.

Hey, fancy them getting their own survey here! S-A should host some of Freds preachings

PS: They are full 5-pointed Calvinists, which is an absurd position given their activity of course, as Discerned pointed out below. But some oxymoronism adds to the flavour I guess.

Survey1/22/07 6:42 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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The word of God teaches in dozens of places that the unrepentant will perish eternally. There is a solid principal God establishes in the OT which carries through into the NT (the new covenant):

Eze 3:20 "And when a righteous man doth turn from his righteousness, and do what is wrong, and I lay a stumbling-block before him, he shall die; because thou hast not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteous acts which he hath done shall not be remembered"

In the NT Christ is our righteousness & those that willfully turn from him - ie depart from the faith - are eternally damned to hell having fallen from grace. Don't be decieved by the modern 'false grace' gospel!

News Item1/21/07 9:48 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Mike says "That's why the Southerner doesn't call the war the Civil War, but the War Between the States, or the War for Southern Independence."

Ha ha, you are rather polite.... I heard it called the "war of northern agression"

News Item1/21/07 9:36 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Jim, Christians are told in the Holy Bible not to swear - i.e. a Christian is not to swear on the Bible anyway.

James 5:12 "But before all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, nor by the earth, nor by any other oath; but let your yea be yea, and your nay, nay, that ye do not fall under judgment."

We are also told that liars have their destiny in hell.

As you say, any unbeliever swearing on Gods word is somewhat pointless anyway; such have no real moral absolutes in their lives.

But the additional problem in using the Quran is that Moslem theology not only permits but endorses the use of lying and deception to gain an advantage over non-Moslems. Thus the oxymoron - they swear to tell the truth by swearing on a book that permits them to lie. It is the antitheses of Christian doctrine.

News Item1/21/07 6:32 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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I have heard that quite a large percentage of Docs are addicted to their own drugs like pethedine etc. Reading below it looks like some of these doped quacks have settled here.....

News Item1/21/07 6:27 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Sounds like a hamster race.

News Item1/21/07 6:26 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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They still long for Nazism; Islam is the same but with robes.

News Item1/20/07 5:42 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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The heavens and earth declare it; perhaps they should instead study why people will swallow such an obviously daft concoction as the evolution hoax..... willfully decieved.

News Item1/19/07 8:18 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Well they is - rocks, bottles, AK47's, ammo, RPG's, mortars and HE - all courtesy of cash from the US of A (Universal Supplier of Arms?) via Egypt - Salties taxes at work.

"Does this suicide belt make me look Fatwa?"

News Item1/19/07 8:11 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Quoting Saltie: "The name Hersh to me says TRUTH."

To me it suggests 'CHOCOLATE'.

And when I think of Journalists I think 'LIES' and 'KLUTZ'.

Different things to different people I guess.

News Item1/19/07 6:57 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Quote "Actually, I think there are a lot of loonies who like to post on SA, not many sane or sensible people here at all anymore."

Yes I've noticed there are few of us left!

.....Or should that be there is a lot of us now?

Come back Walt!

News Item1/19/07 6:49 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Jim, what is the "one in the Caribbean" Cuba?

Darcy, the US also gives quite a lot of money each year to Egypt. That seems to be working well too..... helps the Pallys buy their weapons etc.

News Item1/19/07 6:47 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Oh well, it's still OK to pat them on the bottom.

News Item1/19/07 6:39 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Scott, you are right except that I think what Bernanke is stating here is that the population is aging which I think does seem rather likely to continue in the west, and I suggest - as Ginger also says - is in line with what the bible tells us also (lovers of self etc). If you travel to e.g. parts of Asia you can really notice the difference; far more young people and children about.

News Item1/19/07 6:34 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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It's a miracle! What a blessing.... all this money just suddenly materialised!

News Item1/19/07 6:32 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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A madrassa is not a 'Muslim seminary'.

These jouralists are retarded.

News Item1/18/07 11:17 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Yes, I Schmel a fish.....
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