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News Item6/23/07 12:04 PM
Cbcpreacher  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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KK, so your answer is to call names? You give nothing of substance to answer my post. How about some answers to the post instead of idiotic ranting!

News Item6/22/07 8:23 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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KK, I'm one of those "stupid" people from NY that you were refering to. I have to admit that I have thought quite a bit about this "marriage" of politics and religion that you keep talking about. I know you won't like this and that you'll tell me that I am part of the problem, but please, hear me out. Unfortunately, one of the main reasons that "christianity" has such a bad name in the US and around the world is because of "christianity" getting in bed with the politicians. Example, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan was started by a "christian" president. Atrociteis have been committed by "christian" nations for decades; England in her glory days had her foot on the throats of the Asians, "christian" America committed untold offenses against the native Americans of this country. You said yourself that Muslims and those of other religions should not have equal footing in a "christian" America. Where do you find any of this in the Bible? Jesus said, "Render to Ceasar what is his and to God what belongs to Him." Your "christian" imperialism is not biblical (now would be your chance to show me otherwise), nor is it in the best interest of our country. Look at what happened to christianity when in wassanctioned as the state religion by Charlemagne.

News Item6/18/07 12:35 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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I posted the A.W. Pink quote to show us that until GG comes to an understanding that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God that is to be our only guide for all that we believe and how we live, it is really casting pearls before swine. We need to pray for him (and others like him) that God might allow them to see the truth of the gospel and to respond accordingly. It breaks my heart to see so many enslaved by this heretical system and it angers me to think that such a system is so often regargded as OK because it is considered christian. We must continue to pray for these folks and to "contend for the faith once delivered to the saints" by exposing this system for what it is; a false religion. Having said that, to continue arguing with GG is only hardening his heart more to this false system.

News Item6/18/07 10:46 AM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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"Christianity is the religion of a Book. Christianity is based upon the impregnable rock of Holy Scripture. The starting point of all doctrinal discussion must be the Bible. Upon the foundation of the Divine inspiration of the Bible stands or falls the entire edifice of Christian truth.--"If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" (Ps. 11:3). Surrender the dogma of verbal inspiration and you are left like a rudderless ship on a stormy sea--at the mercy of every wind that blows. Deny that the Bible is, without any qualifications, the very Word of God, and you are left without any ultimate standard of measurement and without any supreme authority. It is useless to discuss any doctrine taught by the Bible until you are prepared to acknowledge, unreservedly, that the Bible is the final court of appeal. Grant that the Bible is a Divine revelation and communication of God's own mind and will to men, and you have a fixed starting point from which advance can be made into the domain of truth. Grant that the Bible is (in its original manuscripts) inerrant and infallible and you reach the place where study of its contents is both practicable and profitable." A.W Pink

News Item5/5/07 9:05 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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This article goes hand in hand with the one about 3 out of 4 children losing their faith in public schools. The problem lies in two places. First, the home. Dads aren't teaching their children the Bible and its basic fundamental truths. Our children get into the school setting and they can't defend their faith, plus, they are made to look, and feel, inferior for being christians. Parents are also to blame for not being responsible for their children's education in the first place. Second, the fault lies with the church. Why? Because many churches are more concerned with entertaining children than teaching them. We split them up and then cater to their needs based on their age, when, in reality, they should be learning with their parents, and every other member of the church, under the ministry of godly men who will preach the Word without fear or apology. Pastors, wake up and stop trying to be like the world to keep your people's interest! Parents, wake up and get your children out of the godless public schools (and most christian schools aren't much better) and educate your children at home! No excuses! No whining! Be willing to live out your faith!

News Item5/5/07 12:00 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Lance, notice Jesus is paralleling two separate events here. Nicodemus is speaking of physical birth (v.4) while Jesus was refering to spiritual birth in verse 3. Jesus shows this parallel again in v.6 when He speaks of that which is flesh (physical birth) and that which is Spirit (new birth). So Jesus is making the same distinction in verse 5. Notice, no stretch of the meaning, no twisting of the context. Understood, plain and simple. No mention of grace anywhere in this verse. To apply grace to baptism in this passage is to deny the simple meaning and context of the passage. Try again.

News Item5/4/07 9:04 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Oh, come on, Lance! Give it a try! Just one! Not one that you have to explain in a long post. Just one verse that simply says baptism imparts saving grace.

News Item5/3/07 7:17 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Lance, show us anywhere in the Bible where it says baptism imparts saving grace.

Survey5/3/07 7:07 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Atheists say we christians walk by blind faith. I think it takes more faith to believe that all life started from...nothing . And then we have this lifeless material producing...life . And then we have these simple one-celled organisms becoming...us . Can't you just smell the blind faith

Survey5/2/07 9:43 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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DB, you are right on the extremes thing. Both sides often seem to pitch their tents, dig in their heels, and blast away at each other. I like how you finished your comments, "It is hard to reconcile those two facts." I like it because it allows God to be God. I have always tried to leave room for this fact. If we have the whole Bible figured out; if we have God in a neat little theological box, then how can He really be God? I always try to leave room for the mystery of who God is i all that He has shown us. God is bigger than I am, so how can I be adamant about EVERY point of doctrine? I can't, and if anyone else wants to let God be God, they can't either. People who have God all figured out either place themselves to high or have a low view of God. Both are dangerous. Lord, keep us from extremes!

Survey5/2/07 9:28 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Michael, I believe in election. Having said that, I NEVER divorce it from our need to live a holy life nor from our responsibility to share the gospel with ALL people. Jesus said the gospel would be preached to the whole world. We are told to go out ito the highways and byways and share the good news. We are also told that we are new creatures, the world is our enemy and if we love it, we don't love God. Most importantly, we are told to be holy even as God is holy. How anyone can say that lifestyle and witness don't matter is beyond me. Also, I've been praying for you Michael. i don't know what your particular need is right now, but our Father does, and that's all that matters

News Item5/2/07 9:02 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Hello, Cindy! Good to hear from you! I want to note an observation I've made and then add to it. I've noticed a number of folks on here say that they don't go to church anywhere. Could I ask, if you don't mind, what some of your reasons might be? I know that as a pastor I sometimes get frustrated with what I see taking place, or not taking place, in the life of the church. I'm sure some of your reasons are the flip side of that, in that, you don't see what needs to be seen in the pulpit or you don't like what you do see. What is the answer to this dilemma? The Bible tells us to gather together, especially as we see the return of Christ drawing nearer.

Survey5/2/07 8:33 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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DB, "Also I hear many professions of faith, but see very little possessions of faith." The Bible tells us that will be one of the signs of the last days. Notice 2 Tim. 2:4 says, "Lovers of pleasures MORE THAN lovers of God". It doesn't say, "instead of", but "more than". They will "have" God and their pleasures to. Thus, the reason for no power. They know of Christ, but they don't know Him; professors, but not possessors. I think a lot of the reason for this is because christians today are more excited about "getting a convert" than making disciples. We will do whatever we can to get the sinner to say yes, then we figure, "mission accomplished". Unfortunately, all this does is add another unsaved sinner to the ranks of church membership. Another deluded soul, duped into thinking he's okay with God because he said a prayer. We need to get back to evangelism that lets people know that there is a cost to following Christ: deny yourself (sin included), take up your cross (on which you will die to this world), and follow Christ (where HE says to go, not where we want to go). We won't get as many "yes's", but we will be making disciples instead of false professors.

News Item5/2/07 8:24 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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What's really a shame, Yamil, is that the same people who dish out the same stuff we do are quick to use the "report abuse" button. There have been times when I felt personally attcked or insulted, yet,I let the chips fall where they may, because I give it out as well. I hope these folks get over their thin skin before REAL persecution hits or they will deny Christ in the blink of an eye.

News Item5/2/07 7:41 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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I was quite surprised, and disturbed, to see that the editors decided to delete my post to expositor 2 hours ago. Why is it that heretics can come on here and spew their filth and blasphemies, but when they are rebuked, maybe in a harsh manner, but not in a deleting way, the rebuke gets deleted? expositor has denied our Savior, diminished God's Word, trampled underfoot the precious blood of Christ, and spread false teaching; and I'm the one deleted. Go figure

News Item5/2/07 5:04 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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[removed by editor]

News Item5/1/07 9:42 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Publican, even though there was no cosmic time keeping for earth until the fourth day, the Genesis account still divides day and night from the first day. This in itself indicates some kind of time frame. Just because there was no sun or moon doesn't mean that there was no literal time. All that was necessary was dark and light. As far as where you see God using a part to explain the whole, I'm sorry, but I don't see it (sorry it took me so long to respond, I had to look up some of your words. I told you I was simple )

News Item5/1/07 8:21 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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expositor, you accuse me of scripture twisting and word bending. However, I use the text in its most obvious sense, and words with their most obvious meaning. You use verses mout of context and change words within those verses to fit your own meaning. You are a wolf and your sheep costume has fallen off for all to see. Resurrect means to bring back to life. Firstborn means the first of its kind. Physical means earthly, fleshly. Spiritual means heavenly and godly. Heretic means expositor and damned means your soul if you don't stop twisting the written Word and start trusting the Living, resurrected Word.

Survey5/1/07 8:15 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Yamil, the biggest problem I have with your answer is this, "Even in the OT when God chooses Israel over the other nations, he did so so that they may be a light unto the nations around them so that they can be reached." God told them to wipe out entire nations! Men, women, and children! How can they reach them if they are told, by God, to destroy them? This is a question that plagued me for many years. This is the question that started me on my search for some kind of answer to what appeared to be a different God in the OT. This is why, and I don't say this to start an argument or to get insulted, I have embraced the doctrines of grace. If God is sovereign in salvation, which I believe He is, then He can choose whom He wants to. It's not that He chooses some for Heaven and the rest for Hell. It's that we ALL deserve Hell, and in His mercy He chose to save some of us unworthy, ungrateful, wicked individuals through whom He could show His power and glory. I know you won't agree, but I hope you can at least see where I am coming from. I won't use it as an elitist thing, I don't deserve anything from God but Hell. Why He chose me, I don't know, other than for His glory. I want to live to show that in my life.

News Item5/1/07 7:55 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Publican, I know this may make me sound simple, but before I can answer your question I need to know whatyour meaning of immeasurable history is.
Wade, glad I could help. I don't claim to be a man of science or letters, I just try to understand things as best I can. Thanks for the recommendation as well
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