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Survey8/16/07 7:19 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Nobody is the Anti-Christ as of yet. The Anti-Christ will not come onto the scene until the Great Tribulation Period.

News Item8/16/07 7:17 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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What is with you and the other Catholics on here? Why don't you guys accept that there are some unscriptural Catholic doctrines and some unscriptural parts to the Mass? Why don't you guys accept that salvation is by grace through faith in Christ alone? Why don't you guys accept that in order to get saved that you guys need to receive Christ as your Savior by praying to Him and asking Him to become your Savior?

News Item8/16/07 6:39 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Lance,GG And Other Catholics On Here,

Repent of and renounce the unscriptural Catholic doctrines and the unscriptural parts to the Mass and embrace and receive Christ as your Savior by praying to Him and asking Him to become your Savior or else when you stand before Christ after you pass away He will tell you "Depart from me you workers of iniquity into the Lake Of Fire prepared for the devil and his angels". You guys have been warned about the eternal consequences of refusing to receive Christ as your Savior.

News Item8/12/07 10:43 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Michael:That is an absolute lie that I have a different jesus. The Jesus that I received as my Savior during that Altar Call at my brother's Non Denominational Church and to whom I pray to every night when I go to bed is the biblical and historical Jesus. My Born Again Non Denominational brother does not state that I have to leave the RCC and join a Fundamentalist Protestant Church or else I will not gain entrance into Heaven. You state that I am living a life of sin? Well every night when I go to bed I pray to Christ and ask Him to forgive any sins that I may have committed during the day and thus every night I am forgiven by Christ of any sins that I may have committed during the day. Are you stating that when everybody stands before Christ that He will require that everybody had belonged to a Fundamentalist Protesdtant Church in addition to having received Him as their Savior? You must be stating that if you state that everybody who receives Christ as their Savior has to leave the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church and Mainline Protestant Churches and join a Fundamentalist Protestant Church.

News Item8/12/07 10:06 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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For once I am going to agree with you about these looney Fundamentalist Protestants on here stating that Catholicism is entirely wicked and unscriptural. If there are scriptural RCC doctrines and scriptural parts to the Mass then logic dictates that Catholicism is not entirely wicked and unscriptural.

News Item8/11/07 7:40 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Graham is the greatest minister around because he preaches the Gospel Of Christ which is that Christ must be received as Savior in order to be saved. Graham is not one of those looney Fundamentalist Protestant minister who states that when someone receives Chirst as their Savior that they have to leave the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church and Mainline Protestant Churches and join a Fundamentalist Protestant Church because Graham knows that it is not required for gaining entrance into Heaven that everybody who receives Christ as their Savior has to belong to a Fundamentalist Protestant Church. But you looney Fundamentalist Protestants on here think that if someone receives Christ as their Savior and they do not leave the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church and Mainline Protestant Churches and do not join a Fundamentalist Protestant Church that they will in no way gain entrance into Heaven.

News Item8/4/07 12:58 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Lance and GG,

Repent of and renounce the unscriptural RCC doctrines and the unscriptural parts to the Mass and embrace and receive Christ as your Savior by praying to Christ and asking Him to become your Savior or else when you guys stand before Christ after passing away then He will tell you "Depart from me you workers of iniquity into the Lake Of Fire prepared for the devil and his angels". You guys have been warned.

News Item8/4/07 6:55 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Why is it so vitally important to you Fundamentalist Protestants on here that everybody who becomes Born Again leave the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church and Mainline Protestant Churches and join a Fundamentalist Protestant Church? Is it because you guys believe that there are no Born Again individuals in Non Fundamentalist Protestant Churches? Is it because you guys believe that when everybody stands before Christ after they pass away that He will require for entrance into Heaven that everybody had belonged to a Fundamentalist Protestant Church in additon to having received Him as their Savior?

News Item8/3/07 5:35 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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I have a friend who is a Baptist and he was saved during an Altar Call at his Baptist Church when he was 10 years old by praying to Christ and asking Him to become his Savior. And my brother was saved during an Altar Call by praying to Christ and asking Him to become his Savior. In the Bible Belt of the United States every Fundamentalist Protestant Church has Altar Calls or as they used to be called Revival Meetings or Camp Meetings whereby individuals pray to Christ and ask Him to become their Savior and thus become saved. I am sure that I am saved because right after I received Christ as my Savior during that Altar Call at my brother's Non Denominational Church I started to be guided by the Holy Spirit to dispense with the unscriptural RCC doctrines, adhere to the scriptural RCC doctrines, dispense with and do not participate in the unscriptural parts to the Mass and only participate in the scriptural parts to the Mass. If I was not being guided by the Holy Spirit I would not have the ability to know which RCC doctrines are unscriptural and which parts to the Mass are unscriptural because someone who is not being guided by the Holy Spirit does not have the ability to know which RCC doctrines are unscriptural and which parts to the Mass are unscriptural.

News Item8/3/07 7:04 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Prayer is the only way to communicate with Christ to repent of all sins and be cleansed by Christ's blood of all sins and to receive Him as Savior. All Baptist ministers and other Fundamentalist Protestant ministers that I have heard preach either on television or in person have stated that the only way to get saved is by praying to Christ and asking Him to become ones Savior. Do you know more about the requirement for salvation then duly ordained Fundamentalist Protestant ministers do?

News Item8/2/07 5:45 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Lance and GG,

Repent of and renounce the unscriptural RCC doctrines and the unscriptural parts to the Mass and embrace and receive Christ as your Savior by praying to Him and asking Him to become you guys Savior or else when you guys stand before Christ after you pass away He will tell you "Depart from me your workers of iniquity into the Lake Of Fire prepared for the devil and his angels". You guys have been warned.

Survey7/31/07 5:51 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Question:Which political party brought the United States out of the Great Depression? Was it (A)Democrat party or (B)Republican party?

Answer:It was (A)Democrat party.

That is why I will only vote Democrat in appreciation for what the Democrat party did for my Father and Grandparents(Father's parents) during the Great Depression by providing my Father with jobs in the Works Progress Administration and the Civilian Conservation Corps so that my Father could send money home to my Grandparents during the Great Depression.

Survey7/31/07 10:46 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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I am a registered Pro Life Democrat and have been ever since I registered to vote at age 18 and thus naturally I am going to vote for whoever gets the Democratic nomination for president in 2008. Just because I as a Pro Life Catholic do not vote Republican but instead vote Democrat does not mean that I am not Pro Life.

News Item7/30/07 8:57 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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New York Mike,

I just call myself a Catholic because I do not consider myself to be a Protestant since I do not attend or belong to any Protestant Church. And I am getting sick and tired of this nonsense that I have started my own denomination. I attend and belong to the local Catholic Church and thus I have not started my own denomination.

News Item7/30/07 8:15 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Why do you state that I have started my own religion? I have not started my own religion because I as a Baptized Catholic attend and belong to the local Catholic Church and thus I am considered to be a Catholic by the Catholic Church. Just because I became Born Again during an Altar Call at my brother's Non Denominational Church by praying to Christ and asking Him to become my Savior does not indicate that I have started my own religion. My brother became saved in the exact manner that I became saved during an Altar Call. When you stand before Christ and He tells you "Depart from me you worker of iniquity into the Lake Of Fire prepared for the devil and his angels" because of not having received Christ as your Savior by praying to Him and asking Him to become your Savior then you will wish that you had heeded my warning that the only way to gain entrance into Heaven is by praying to Christ and asking Him to become ones Savior and that Baptism, the Sacraments and church membership are all totally superfluous to gaining entrance into Heaven.

News Item7/30/07 7:14 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Repent of and renounce the unscriptural Catholic doctrines and the unscriptural parts to the Mass and embrace and receive Christ as your Savior by praying to Christ and asking Him to become your Savior or else when you stand before Him after you pass away then He will tell you "Depart from me you worker of iniquity into the Lake Of Fire prepared for the devil and his angels". You have been warned.

News Item7/30/07 6:57 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Former Catholic:I am a Born Again Christian(By reason of having prayed to Christ during an Altar Call at my brother's Non Denominational Church and asked Christ to become my Savior) who is still a Catholic. I have totally dispensed with the unscriptural Catholic doctrines, the unscriptural parts to the Mass, I only adhere to the scriptural Catholic doctrines and I only participate in the scriptural parts to the Mass. If I only participate in the scriptural parts to the Mass then I am worshipping Christ in spirit and truth since the scriptural parts to the Mass are scriptural and thus acceptable to Christ. If there are scriptural doctrines and parts to the Mass then the statement that there is no resemblence all to Biblical Christianity within the Catholic Church is false because the scriptural Catholic doctrines and scriptural parts to the Mass resemble Biblical Christianity.

Lance:Repent of and renounce the unscriptural Catholic doctrines and the unscriptural parts to the Mass and embrace and receive Christ as your Savior by praying to Christ and asking Him to become your Savior or else when you stand before Christ after you pass away then He will tell you "Depart from me you worker of iniquity into the Lake Of Fire prepared for the devil and his angels".

News Item7/29/07 6:51 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Michael:Yes or no? If an RC becomes Born Again by praying to Christ and asking Him to become their Savior and they do not leave the RCC and do not join a Fundamentalist Protestant Church, will they gain entrance into Heaven?

GG:Repent of and renounce the unscriptural RCC doctrines and the unscriptural parts to the Mass and embrace and receive Christ as your Savior or else when you stand before Christ after you pass away then He will tell you "Depart from me you worker of iniquity into the Lake Of Fire prepared for the devil and his angels". You have been warned.

News Item7/25/07 5:50 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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The Vatican officials have to have bats in their balfry to want to try and influence the criminal justice system in the United States. Also the Vatican officials have to have bats in their balfry to be against Capital Punishment when both the Old and New Testaments sanction Capital Punishment for first degree murder.

News Item7/25/07 2:23 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Clinton should not have been asked about his affair with Lewinski because it was nobody's business. I am not sticking up for Clinton's affair with Lewinski. Clinton was stupid for getting involved with Lewinski when Hillary was available. The only reason that impeachment charges were brought against Clinton was because he refused to answer that question if he had sex with Lewinski and thus bringing impeachment charges against a president just on that means that the impeachment of Clinton was bogus and without substance. I voted for Clinton in 1992 and 1996 and if Hillary gets the Democratic nomination for president in 2008 I will vote for Hillary because I am and always will be a registered Democrat(I am a Pro Life Democrat) for the simple reason that the Democratic party cares more about the middle class then the Republican party does.

The economy under Clinton was better then it is under Bush. And it is not ludicrous to state that Bush and Chaney should be brought up on impeachment charges because what they are doing is more impeachable then was Clinton's affair with Lewinski.

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