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News Item12/5/2020 6:55 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Mike, the quote from Luther had nothing to do with eschatology ❗

I'm not a Lutheran and I don't agree with all their theological points, e.g.,

Martin Luther's Sacramental Gospel
by Dwight Oswald


An article I have pointed out through the years.

I never said that church should be treated differently than other businesses. Unfortunately, since many of these churches are peddlers of the word that's just what they are. I assume they are going to respect a universal lockdown, however? I don't believe the Supreme Court action outlaws that?

News Item12/5/2020 6:21 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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No, Timothy, the Don of the Trump family has been officially fired by the American people❗👍
ABC.net.au wrote:
California has certified its presidential election results, appointing 55 electors who pledge to vote for Democratic candidate Joe Biden.

Key points:

•With California's results certified, Joe Biden has 279 electoral college votes — more than the 270 threshold for victory

•Electors will meet on December 14 to formally vote for the next president

•After Colorado, Hawaii and New Jersey certify their results, Mr Biden will have 306 Electoral College votes to Donald Trump's 232

The votes will officially hand Mr Biden the Electoral College majority needed to win the White House.

excerpt from, "California certifies US election results, Joe Biden officially secures enough electors to become president"

Mike, I've already pointed out the abysmal handling of the covid pandemic.

News Item12/5/2020 1:05 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Proverbs 20:1

Wine is a mocker and beer is a brawler. Whoever is led astray by them is not wise.

News Item12/5/2020 12:46 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Good advice ❗👍💉

News Item12/4/2020 1:51 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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What I meant to say was noneducated white voters, but non-college educated voters. who showed much common sense in this election ❗👍

"‘It’s a big, big swing’: Trump loses ground with white voters"


This article even came out before the election.

Quite a few conservative Christians saw the error of their ways about throwing away their vote in 2016, I being one of them The only choice that a Christian had was to vote for Biden to change the regime ❗👍

News Item12/4/2020 1:29 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Ella Wall Prichard wrote:
I learned about the Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs (now “for Religious Liberty”), how multiple Baptist denominations and associations came together in Washington for the defense of First Amendment rights and protections. However, from 1979, when fundamentalists gained control of the Southern Baptist Convention, Southern Baptists were not interested in supporting separation of church and state. Once the largest contributor to BJC, by 1991 the SBC had withdrawn all financial support.

We have forgotten our history, that we were once a despised, ridiculed and persecuted people. We and our Southern culture blended seamlessly, as now-retired Baylor history professor Rufus Spain explained in At Ease in Zion,his seminal book on Southern Baptists from 1865 to 1900.

We were wise to abandon our rigid anti-Catholicism, but it seems to me we have merely substituted other immigrant groups for Catholics. We grew too comfortable in our culture as we grew from minority to majority through our evangelistic efforts, and we developed a taste for political power.

Now all that is threatened...

excerpt from, "Everything I know about separation of church and state I learned from my mother"


News Item12/4/2020 1:26 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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I sure didn't, Moses ❗ and I consider myself a social conservative. 👍

"White evangelical Christians stick by Trump again, exit polls show

"•75% voted for Donald Trump, compared with 81% in 2016 "• Group makes up almost one in five of US electorate"


But I read and other articles, is that Trump lost because many of the white non-educated men did not vote for Trump this time. This can be seen and why Biden won much of the Rust Belt back.

News Item12/4/2020 10:14 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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He criticized Pope Francis so that's all that counts, nothing else that he does, does ❗👎
Pilar Melendez wrote:
A 22-year-old working at St. Michael the Archangel in Manhattan said she was attacked by Father George Rutler, a regular on ETWN, after he played porn in front of her.
The allegations have rocked the church led by Rutler, who has condemned “abortionists and the sodomites,” criticized Pope Francis, and once hosted former Trump adviser Steve Bannon at the inauguration of a shrine for persecuted Christians. He also once defended former Pope Benedict XVI after he seemingly referred to Islam as a religion inherently flawed by fanaticism....
excerpt from, "George Rutler, Prominent Catholic TV Channel Priest, Accused of Sexually Assaulting NYC Female Security Guard"


Without collaborating evidence, this action will probably go nowhere. She should have had a body cam on her or whatever. If this woman happens to be a Catholic, this should make her realize the Catholic Church isn't Christian

https://tinyurl.com/gmt84eo (Come out of the Catholic Church) one had better identify what is Christian before they say the Christian Church is being persecuted!

News Item12/4/2020 9:38 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Samuel Bess and Gang Zhou, had what I think some of the best comments to the article on the article page. Just how are you going to straighten out the sins of the fathers? Of course some whiners say to pray for this and that, which absolves them of any action. it is good that a lot of people are thinking about this problem in Minnesota anyway.

Lily white churches as well as complete black ones have a certain blindness to racism. They often forget,

Galatians 3:26-28

26. For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.
27. For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
28. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. --
https://tinyurl.com/has82mk (NASB)

News Item12/4/2020 9:00 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Well, Mike, the way he's handled the corona virus situation, and Environmental issues, just one of two Then there are the ones,That miss trump has Pointed out

"In race to cement legacy, Trump pushes dozens of 'midnight regulations"


Or, as he's niece Mary has pointed out ,

"Mary Trump: ‘If he thinks he’s going down, he’s going to try to take the rest of us down with him.’"


Since it's a YouTube you'd have to listen to it at the very least. Once thing she said is that Trump will not be happy having been personally rejected, when many Republican congressmen and senators were reelected❗

This interview was done right after the election It is surprising how right she has been so far❗

News Item12/3/2020 11:15 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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News Item12/3/2020 6:44 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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She was the one that was recommended by Kim Kardashian, wasn't she Timothy? Kanye West her husband is a big supporter of Trump

One might read the following article just for information and the similarities that were at the start of Mr Trump's reign rather at the end of it

"Is Donald Trump truly delusional?"


Now a few psychiatrists have come to the same conclusion as this one has. It would be kinder of me to agree with him, because in some ways this would make Trump less responsible for his actions.

Anyway, even if you don't agree with his,conclusions it is sad to see the similarities between the beginning and end of Mr. Trump's reign

News Item12/3/2020 6:07 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Good article but it should more strongly appointed out

Matthew 19:4

And He answered and said, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, --
https://tinyurl.com/has82mk (NASB)

Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible wrote:
Verse 4. He which made them at the beginning] When Adam and
Eve were the first of human kind.

Made them male and female] Merely through the design of
matrimonial union, that the earth might be thus peopled. To
answer a case of conscience, a man should act as Christ does here;
pay no regard to that which the corruption of manners has
introduced into Divine ordinances, but go back to the original
will, purpose, and institution of God. Christ will never
accommodate his morality to the times, nor to the inclinations of
men. What was done at the beginning is what God judged most
worthy of his glory, most profitable for man, and most suitable to

News Item12/3/2020 5:41 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Evolution News & Science Today wrote:
This is a significant development. The article gives the arguments of intelligent design theorists a major hearing in a mainstream scientific journal. And don’t miss the purpose of the article, which is stated in its final sentence — to work towards “establish[ing] fine-tuning as a sustainable and fully testable scientific hypothesis, and ultimately a Design Science.” The authors present compelling arguments that biological fine-tuning cannot arise via unguided Darwinian mechanisms. Some explanation is needed to account for why biological systems “show the appearance of being deliberately fine-tuned.” Despite the noise that often surrounds this debate, for ID arguments to receive such a thoughtful and positive treatment in a prominent journal is itself convincing evidence that ID has intellectual merit. Claims of ID’s critics notwithstanding, design science is being taken seriously by scientists.
excerpt from, "Breakout Paper in Journal of Theoretical Biology Explicitly Supports Intelligent Design"👍


News Item12/3/2020 11:10 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Luther on plagues:

"Martin Luther’s pandemic advice goes viral — 500 years later"


Actually I doubt a few of the peddlers of the Word in California are going to follow Luther's example. Probably many of them are worried about raking in the money.

Richard Wolf wrote:
WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court ordered California judges Thursday to follow its lead in blocking stringent coronavirus restrictions on houses of worship, as the high court did in a New York case last week.

The justices' unsigned order sending a California church's challenge back to lower courts likely will stop Gov. Gavin Newsom from prohibiting most indoor religious services....

excerpt from, "Supreme Court grants California church's challenge to coronavirus restrictions"


News Item12/3/2020 10:55 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Allen Bernstein wrote:
"Socialism is a scare word that they have hurled at every advance the people have made in the last 20 years. Socialism is what they have called public power. Socialism is what they have called Social Security. Socialism is what they have called farm Price supports. Socialism is what they have called bank deposit insurance. Socialism is what they called the growth of free and independent labor organizations. Socialism is their name for almost anything that helps all the people." ---President Truman
excerpt from, "America's Problem with the S-Word...Socialism"


Many of you gentlemen should look at the three-part show on PBS, "The Rise of Nazism"


I think we have a lot more problem with authoritarianism in this country than we do with socialism

News Item12/2/2020 5:42 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Shayna Jacobs wrote:
NEW YORK — President Trump's ongoing court battles are unlikely to pose significant legal jeopardy for him before he leaves office, but the swirl of criminal investigations and civil complaints stemming from his business activities and personal conduct could prove potentially more serious once he departs, experts say.

Among Democrats, there is a palpable desire to pursue the harsh accountability for Trump that many say he has avoided by virtue of his office. But his successor, President-elect Joe Biden, reportedly has little appetite for doing so, having signaled to advisers that unleashing the federal government to settle scores would undermine his goal of unifying the country....

excerpt from, "Trump’s post-presidency will be cluttered with potentially serious legal battles"


Kieron, I gave you reasons why it's unhappy with him but they all seem to got erased. Needless to say, it's getting to be about 7 million people extra over the majority we're not happy with him. But as you see even Joe Biden has other things to do than to worry about Trump. I will be glad when January 20th comes along, and then New York State can start worrying about him.

News Item12/2/2020 11:34 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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News Item12/2/2020 9:22 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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I didn't have enough room to add:

The Monmouth (“Mon-muth”) University Poll wrote:
Most Americans (61%) disapprove of how Trump is handling the presidential transition process. Just 31% approve. One in four (25%) Republicans join 67% of independents and 92% of Democrats in voicing disapproval of the incumbent’s behavior. One-third (35%) of the public feels the Trump administration’s delay of the transition process poses a major threat to national security. Another 26% say it poses a minor threat while 36% say the administration’s delay poses no threat to national security....
excerpt from, "More Americans Happy About Trump Loss Than Biden Win.


News Item12/2/2020 9:06 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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So Ronnie found a way to pay off Donnie ❗
David Greene wrote:
....A former financier jailed for insider trading, a former police commissioner who served time for lying about a bribe he took and a former governor locked up for trying to sell Barack Obama's vacant U.S. Senate seat - those are just three of the 11 people granted clemency by President Trump yesterday....
...then the second thing is, overwhelmingly, the people who have received clemency from President Trump are either wealthy or politically connected in some way. There's a few people who don't fit that bill, but they're really a small fraction of the number of people who've gotten clemency grants from him....
excerpt from, "Trump Grants Clemency To 11 People Including Rod Blagojevich"


You will notice that it wasn't a Democratic President who pardoned him, but a Republican one.

You have to have connections to get a Trump pardon ❗👎

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