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News Item11/19/08 11:11 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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And these are the same people who support abortion! Don't spank your son, but it is ok for this family to abort their child's birth and life.

News Item11/19/08 11:06 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Thank you, Christian Raas. That is an excellent website and right on target.

News Item11/19/08 11:01 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Does not matter what this mayor suggests! What do the Apostles of Jesus suggest? From their writings we know what the Lord Jesus would suggest and it does not sound like what this mayor suggests! Why would God incarnate(that is Jesus) allow something contrary to his own order as seen in Genesis? The creation is subject to the Creator!

News Item11/19/08 5:12 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Maybe these compromisers should not even be called Anglican, since their original confession of faith( one of the confessions to which I hold) declares the Roman church has erred in many things and declares the scriptures to be sufficient.

News Item11/17/08 12:32 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Sounds like the last days of Sodom and Gormorrah. They are not a peaceable bunch. The command is to repent and abstain from fleshly lusts. This is the teaching of the Apostles. Repent while you have the time in this period of grace.

News Item11/17/08 12:29 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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"We are the American family." Hmm...The? I will now have to speak up forcefully. You have falsely represented my family and the majority of American families and I ask for your apology.

These people know the power of suggestion using choice words and phrases to make a lie into perceived truth. You might be a family, but not "the" family.

News Item11/17/08 9:15 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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All this anger from this homosexual movement sounds very similar to what went on in Sodom and Gomorrah. The experience of Lot's family is not much different from this current complaining and rioting.

News Item11/17/08 9:12 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Well, John, you are sort of right this time. The original confession of the Episcopal(Anglican) church confesses that scirpture alone is the source of faith and salvation:

"VI. Of the Sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures for Salvation.
Holy Scripture containeth all things necessary to salvation: so that whatsoever is not read therein, nor may be proved thereby, is not to be required of any man, that it should be believed as an article of the Faith, or be thought requisite or necessary to salvation."

I see no reason to be critical of the conservative Anglicans. I support their exodus in order to maintain their freedom to believe what God's word has stated on the matter of homosexuality. They are maintaining Scritpure Alone in a quite literal and Biblical understanding and that renders me as having no grounds on which to base a justifiable accusation against them.

News Item11/16/08 4:21 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Good to see them hold to real Biblical understanding on this matter.

News Item11/15/08 5:07 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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All views should be discussed and researched in the schools and research should be encouraged.

News Item11/15/08 4:51 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Wich may, may I ask? Mr. Bush is very ecumenical.

News Item11/15/08 4:49 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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The Apostle Paul had to deal with a bunch of problems in the Corithian church and others. He deplored their tolerance of immorality and fighting among themselves. Were the misbehaving people in those congregations unsaved? Maybe they were, maybe they were not. All we have before us today is the Bible with which we can compare today's events to its contents and one thing is certain: the way in which these monks behaved is contrary to the teaching of the Lord and His apostles, and the churches to which these monks belong could certainly get more in line with scripture alone. However, that is difficult because their tradition is pretty much on par with scripture when it comes to deciding what is an authoritative witness. Now, if they had used Scripture alone, this brawl probably would not have happened? Why? Because that in which they are participating is not found therein....holding such importance to a facility of worship, or a ritual or graven image.

News Item11/15/08 4:36 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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I don't agree with much of what Mormons believe, but they are correct to oppose the homosexual movement. Reading the news' description of the manner in which the homosexuals are protesting sounds just like what the Bible records about Sodom and Gomorah.

News Item11/15/08 4:32 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Of course they should not have voted for Obama.

News Item11/10/08 12:26 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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The New Testament discourages such behavior among believers. Furthermore, these people are more concerned with the created instead of the Creator. They could certainly get in better order by trusting in Christ alone by faith alone.

News Item11/10/08 10:47 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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"The proportion of infants arriving at school not knowing whether they are right or left-handed has trebled in the past decade,"

Trebled, you say? Sounds like something of muscial value here or is this a particular English dialect or did this get passed the editor(if there is one)?

Well, we are becoming more godless and also eating foods that are more artificial. What should we expect. It could also have something to do with technological gadgets replacing good old playing outside.

News Item11/9/08 5:07 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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He's right! Let them marry. The Bible says if a man and woman cannot contain themselves, let them marry. It is also stated that forbidding marriage is a doctrine of demons. Let them marry.

News Item11/9/08 2:36 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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The Liberals have turned their back on the authority of the Scriptures alone and so in order to maintain their Protestant identity and scriptural reformation, it may be best for these conservatives to separate in order to keep the faith pure.

Survey11/8/08 6:41 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Hi Lurker. You have certainly been living up to your name lately, but thanks for speaking up. Thanks for the input. I'll give it and the two websites DJC submitted some thought and see what consensus I come to. Until then, I think I'll step out of the Calvinist debates for a while to give more attention to the other topics on this website. Thank you again.

Survey11/8/08 5:52 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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However, in keeping with my convictions of religious liberty, I respect and will not forbid the other viewpoint to be practiced--infant baptism.
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