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News Item4/3/08 1:50 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Robert wrote:
"From being a nation, Israel shall not disappear from the earth, just as so many others perish in the course of ages, for Israel is His chosen people, the apple of His eyes. Israel can never be destroyed!"
Please Christians, pick up your bibles and read, the nation of Israel has been destroyed,and punished many times for their Idolatry, and their utter wickedness.
Read the History of the Jewish nation and people,it is rich with the wrath of God.
Will God destroy them again?
Have they repented?
Christians should not unreservedly support any nation which treats the blood of Christ as an unholy thing.
We should be concerned about justice and equity, for both Jew and Muslim, but most of all for Christians, the true holy nation the church.

You are right. That little nation in the Middle East is not the "Israel" of God. The true church universal of believers is the Israel of God. It is comprised of both Jews and Gentile believers as it is written in Eph. 2 and Romans 11.
We must remember "As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching THE ELECTION, they are beloved for the Father's sake."

I don't believe they teach this at Dallas Theological Seminary of Arminians nor John Haggee.

News Item4/3/08 11:21 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Mike wrote:
No disagreement there, Dr Phil. And if we were willing to look at control freak governments, dictatorships, etc., we'd see that there are only two classes, neither of them middle. What there is, is the "equal" and the more "equal." Do you remember "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. ..."?
You are right Mike. I find it interesting that the use of the term "democracy" is used indiscrimantly especially by our government leaders. However, few remember that the communists are the ones who first coined the term. For example:

"The Communists fight for the attainment of the immediate aims, for the enforcement of the momentary interests of the working class; but in the movement of the present, they also represent and take care of the future of that movement. In France, the Communists ally with the Social Democrats* against the conservative and radical bourgeoisie, reserving, however, the right to take up a critical position in regard to phases and illusions traditionally handed down from the Great Revolution.

In Switzerland, they support the Radicals, without losing sight of the fact that this party consists of antagonistic elements, partly of Democratic Socialists, . . ."- Communist Manifesto

News Item4/2/08 5:38 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Mike wrote:
The middle class IS the working class. The poor can add little to their/the economy, and the rich keep their riches one way or another. The middle class does the work, is the tax base, keeps the system running, and carries all the others along with them.
I hear you Mike, but notice how little the media refers to us as "the middle class" and now we are referred to as the "working class" of the John Lennon and Mao Tse Tung variety. Two of the major tenets of Communism is a "heavy progressive income tax" and ellimination of the ownership of property. Notice how the IRS and excessive property taxes have worked together to bring our country in satisfying the redistribution of wealth into the hands of Corporate America and the "poor lower class". Hence, the two tenets of communism have worked well to shore up failing businesses while destroying free enterprise. As the weight of these two increases, the middle class disappears and destroys general moral, the incentive to work, and the entreprenural spirit.

News Item4/2/08 4:51 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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What he doesn't realize is that it is harder to find an honest American corporation. He has apparently forgotten how AT&T robbed from its shareholders not long ago with a 2 for 5 reverse split on its stock. Afterwards the company received a sizable bail out, grants, and subsidies from the Feds at taxpayer expense. But, hey I suppose the Feds felt like it was the least they could do for breaking up their monopoly. Now they have developed a synergistic relationship with communism as China has taught them all how Capitalism and Communism can work together by redefining the middle class as the "working class".

News Item4/2/08 4:29 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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bernie wrote:
We certainly do not have to patronize this fast food chain, this is a growing trend of big corporations that tolerate and support homosexuality. . . .We cannot hibernate in our homes, we must proclaim the truth to a very dark world. We have work to do, and with wickedness increasing everywhere, it's apparent time is short. Let's not take on a 'holier than thou' attitude; this is a call to equip ourselves with our most effective weapon, the sword of the Spirit, the word of God. View this as an opportunity to proclaim God's truth, as the Spirit leads, and not as a reason to barricade ourselves in our homes. If we hold to that view, very soon we will not be able to leave for any reason. Poke some holes in the darkness, . . .
Bernie and Snook,

Good advice. However, while I am not going to hibernate in my home but "go forward" with the gospel, I am leaving my double cheese and Big Mac with their bone chips in the meat on the counter. To continue to do business them aids the cause of the "Sodomite Scourge", and is the same as taking the mark of the beast. This may be the means by which we will not be able to buy or sell without accepting the mark on our foreheads and thereby into our minds.

News Item3/27/08 6:38 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Wayne wrote:
Dear Dr. Phil:
Lastly, I STRONGLY suggest that you go on youtube and hear Mr. Wright in the "full" context of his words and you will perhaps hear something different from the 30 seconds snippet!

Believe me, I heard the whole thing, and the context does nothing to soften or change the meaning of Rev. Wright's objectives. I strongly suggest that you read Professor Jones' write up on "Black Theology". He is a professor at Florida State University in the Dept. of Religion. From this you can clearly read the connection between Marxist's liberal doctrine on power and the "important supplement that it is to Black ontology". It is this mindset that drives men like Rev. Wright.

[URL=http://www.nathanielturner.com/assessingblacktheology.htm]]]The Objectives of Black Theology[/URL]

News Item3/27/08 5:20 PM
Dr Phil  Find all comments by Dr Phil
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Lance Eccles wrote:
We cannot justify ourselves. We are justified only through Christ's sacrifice.
But it is through works that we show ourselves willing to accept that sacrifice and take part in it.
Merely saying "I believe" is not enough.
Many say "I believe" when they don't in reality for two reasons. One, men lie. Second, many do not understand belief or faith. Faith is an assent to the truth. This implies that there must be knowledge of the truth before one can actually believe.

Works are the consequence of faith or belief of the truth. They are not required or placed ahead of faith in order to show that we accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Faith in and of itself ALONE is defined as an acceptance of the truth of Christ's sacrifice for sins according to the scriptures. The placing of works into the equation reduces the work of Christ to that which must be improved upon by man in order to obtain salvation. If salvation is of works in the least degree, then it is not of grace.

News Item3/27/08 5:06 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Wayne wrote:
Dear JP:
You make absolutely no sense! Also, you are very badly misinformed about the Black church's involvement with the societal ills, both in the past and in the present day!
The White church was busy making sure that they were "Theologically" correct and "Doctrinally" sound, but could not make their theology reconcile with how they treated their neighbors, which is something our Lord clearly taught.
Furthermore, I can assure you that the Black church's involvement with the problems in Africa are noted world wide! However, you still did not answer the questions I posed to you concerning the mysterious whereabouts of the White church when people of color were being treated like crap!
I may be missing something, but I hear no one here touting the self-righteousness of the predominantly White Churches. Sure, whites have no doubt overlooked their black neighbors as they sought their own self interests. But, then again, I do not hear of any white churches saying from their pulpits that all of our problems in life as individuals can be directly traced to the black race. How does reverse discrimination preached from Black pulpits improve the black condition, or how can it be considered something "Christian"?

News Item3/27/08 4:49 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Dr. Phil, there is another Phil you may be familiar with, Phillip Johnson, really no friend to the Anabaptist, since he is very gung-ho Reformed/Presbyterian type, but you will see from this article on Anabaptism
Separation of Church and State was a blessing from the Baptists and Anabaptists. You'll never find Calvin supporting the idea of separation of Church and State.
Sorry to disagree with you Jim, but if you study the structure of the government of Geneva you will see that our own pattern for government in the US came from the reformers as a development from Luther and Calvin.

On the other hand, if you study the Baptist form of church government, you will see a very close resemblance to Rome. The pastor of every Baptist assemby is like a mini-pope. The idea of multiple eldership which opposes a one man rule is foreign to the Baptist mind. Baptists get around it by saying that Deacons rule, but that is not Biblical either. Elders (plural) rule by teaching, not by lording it over the flock.

[URL=http://www.trinityfoundation.org/PDF/200a-ChristandCivilization.pdf]]]Christ and Civilization[/URL]

News Item3/27/08 2:01 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Dr. Phil, do I like or think the idea of Mohammedan homeschooling is a good one! Not only would many have already implemented the curriculum you have mentioned, but it is teaching a false ideology, q.v., there is an [URL=http://www.answering-islam.org/Books/Barton/11.htm]]]Inadequacy of Islam[/URL], just like there is in Communism. It is much like Marxist/Leninist homeschooling in my opinion. Now, you see why Germany treats homeschooling by --anyone-- the way it does.
I am with you Jim. Homeschooling is not a bad idea for "the Christian family", but not for a nation like the USA which is no longer "a Christian nation". With regards to the Muslims, the US is only providing them the mechanism for subversive activity training with homeschooling. That is the irony of the situation. It is an incubator for our own destruction.

Islam by definition and no matter how you slice it, is a theocracy. A theocracy, whether RCC or Islamic spells the end of liberty and the establishment of tyranny.

News Item3/27/08 11:52 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Wayne wrote:
Dr. Phil, your comment about affirmative action causes me to doubt that you are worthy of the title "Dr." Why do we have affirmative action? Because the White establishment has a loooooong record of discrimination and bigoty! When she begins to see all people as equals, then there won't be a need for affirmative action!
So, according to your response this so-called "l-o-o-o-o-ng record" is justification for the endemic application of affirmative action. When will "she begin to see all people as equals" according to subjective reasoning? NEVER! Not as long as Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Louis Ferracon, and Rev. Wright can profit off their exaggerations of white racism while at the same time excusing black racism. Therefore, according to your implication (as well as the inmates who are running the asylum), we should expect to live indefinitely with the irrational, indiscriminate discriminations of affirmative action that will never specifically target the real culprits of racism, nor correct it. On the contrary, affirmative action has only worked to increase the division between the races.

It is for the very illogical reasons that you express that "Vengence is MINE saith the Lord, I shall repay." Rom. 12:19

News Item3/27/08 11:13 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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How can there be more men than women committing adultery unless the women are lying about it? Then again the other 5% of the men could be sodomites. This could explain why the inmates are running the asylum in the UK (just as they are here in the US).

Survey3/27/08 10:29 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Thinking Christian wrote:
Election is neither conditional or unconditional. In fact, it has nothing whatsoever to do with a persons choice, or lack of it, in salvation. . . .When a person gets saved they become part of God's elect or 'chosen generation'. . .
By the way I have read Ep 1 and can't find that verse saying 'the almighty has predestined the elect to salvation,
Think Again my friend,

Your answers are equivocal. First you say that election is unconditional and then you say that a person "becomes elect" . . . WHEN A PERSON GETS SAVED. This makes the election that you define conditional. The condition is "when a person GETS SAVED".

Regarding Eph. 1 and the elect being predestined, consider v.4 says "as he hath CHOSEN us in him BEFORE the foundation of the world". . .

That is election (but perhaps you think the word chosen is not the same as election)

Then, in v. 11, this same election is the "we" of "in whom we have obtained an inheritance being PREDESTINATED according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will."

If this is not obvious to you, then perhaps you are not predestined to receive it.

Rom. 9 not soteriological? You better read v.8 again. Do you see "the promise".

Survey3/26/08 3:43 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Thinking Christian wrote:
A few thoughts to throw in the mix.
we are thinking about election in the wrong way.
. . . Obviously not to obtain salvation as being born into Israel did not make you a believer any more than it does today, thus the need for the law and faith.
Christians/The church are the elect. Not elect to obtain salvation, but once a person has believed and repented they then become a part of God's elect or chosen ones. They are elect or predestined to fulfill Gods purposes and to obtain an inheritance. An unbeliever is never called elect, it is a name given to those ' in Christ'
Give it some thought. Turn to the election passages with an open mind and take the verses in their context and you will see what I mean.
You had better think on this a little longer my friend, because you obviously have not thought on this enough. What you have outlined here is a "conditional election" which is false, i.e., God electing on the condition that the sinner does something. The almighty has predestined the elect to salvation not by works of righteousness that they have done, but according to the good pleasure of his will. Eph. 1.

"It is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy." Rom. 9:16

News Item3/26/08 3:30 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
This idea that Muslims would start home-schooling should be expected. It is something we will have to tolerate,
Matthew 7:12
12. Therefore all things whatever ye desire that men should do to you, thus do *ye* also do to them; for this is the law and the prophets.
This makes it even more imperative that Christian home schoolers make sure their children get not only a quality Christian education, but a quality secular education as well.
[URL=http://www.nchea.org/]]]Encouraging and supporting Christian families who educate their children at home.[/URL]
Hey Jim,

I wonder what the Muslim Home School curriculum will be like:

Decapitation - 101
Bomb Making - 201
Suicide Vest Sewing - 301
Hi-jacking - 401
Advanced Sniper Training for extra-curricular activity

News Item3/26/08 2:37 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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What common ground can light have with darkness, or a lie with the truth?

"Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils; ye cannot be partaker of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils." 1 Cor. 10:21

News Item3/26/08 2:27 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Neil, it does seem that those of the Theonomy strain, do come from the Reformed background. [URL=http://www.ihcc.org/article_print.php?art_id=aNP9Pwe9ahuIDw4p6s8QKMudn]]]Becoming A Student Of The Word Of God[/URL] doesn't mean ignoring metaphors, etc. It does mean avoiding using [URL=http://cf.blueletterbible.org/isbe/isbe.cfm?id=394]]]Allegory[/URL] in interpretation.
I regret to confess that there have been those who have claimed to be reformed and theonomic. However, having done battle against these, I have learned that they are not truly reformed. Nevertheless, the reformed position has this stigma now associated with it as Jim reveals. Historically, it was the reformers who fought for the separation of church and state which is not an idea that comes from prelacy.

But hey, if the truth be known, there are very few Baptists that are able to discern the Jesuits in their midsts.

News Item3/26/08 2:16 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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"That choice is intended partly as a way to build a solid Muslim identity away from the prejudices that their children, boys and girls alike, can face in schoolyards. But in some cases, as in Ms. Bibi’s, the intent is also to isolate their adolescent and teenage daughters from the corrupting influences that they see in much of American life."

Wow! Radical MUSLIMS have come into our country and killed 3000+ Americans on our own soil, and then accuse us of "prejudices" and "corrupting influences". The followers of Muhamot have really learned the ways of twisting the truth like the Great Satan!

News Item3/26/08 12:42 PM
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Mike wrote:
What has the WCC to do with Christianity, that it should make comment in the first place?
In this instance, it seems that the WCC is preparing the stage for Christians to have their heads removed.

News Item3/25/08 4:04 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Dr. Phil, you are right the only faith that is of true importance to anyone is the Christian faith, but there are other faiths.

[URL=http://www.icr.org/home/resources/resources_tracts_scientificcaseagainstevolution/]]]The Scientific Case Against Evolution[/URL]


You are right that the Christian faith is the only faith which is of importance. However, in light of the biblical understanding of saving faith, can these be said to be faith at all when the truth is the vital element of that faith which saves?
[URL=http://www.trinityfoundation.org/PDF/029a-WhatIsFaith.pdf]]]What Is Faith?[/URL]

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