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News Item1/30/07 5:16 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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This guff about the need for 'a long war' again, sounds like Bushy. The war need not be long at all, it could be over very quickly and sucessfully if the western leaders weren't so PC and had some brains and guts. They have all their priorities totally a--about. Dr John Lewis has the right idea:


News Item1/28/07 7:35 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Entirely likely. Moslem terrorists in Israel have bragged that they receieve US funds via aid given to Egypt - some of it goes directly to them. See the book "Tea with Terrorists" by Craig Winn for more info on this.

In general ongoing monetary aid is a really bad idea.

News Item1/28/07 7:24 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Humble, thank you for your response. I can't comprehend the idea that you can 'cherry pick' your way through the Hadith and decide on a verse-by-verse basis what is genuine and what is corrupted. Surely you would believe that your Allah would be powerful enough to preserve his word complete and intact?

I notice you didn't refer to Mohammads treaty with the Qurash at all. As we both know Mohammad signed an agreement with them for the express purpose of decieving them and attacked them the moment they were off guard, breaking his agreement. This established a principal in Islam which is that any agreement between a Moslem and non-Moslem is not binding upon the Moslem. Thus you have been given authority to decieve and lie to non-Moslems to further your cause. Thus swearing upon a Quran in a western courtroom is meaningless and may even imply the likelyhood that the swearer will be more inclined lie if it suits them.

I have read the Quran and much of the Hadith. Why don't you take the time to read through the Holy Bible as Albert says?

News Item1/26/07 7:04 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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A very cool warning sign here:


Seems now we need to put the Catholic one alongside it

News Item1/26/07 6:29 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Humble, you are not a true Moslem if you reject the Hadith. Would you say that Mohammad was entirely honest with the Quraysh and true to the treaty he established with them?

Let us contrast Gods word in the Bible with Allahs word in the Quran:

Quran 66:1 "Allah has already sanctioned for you the dissolution of your vows."

Num 30:2 "If a man vow a vow unto the LORD, or swear an oath to bind his soul with a bond; he shall not break his word, he shall do according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth."

Quran 4:142 "Surely the hypocrites strive to deceive Allah. He shall retaliate by deceiving them."

Rev 12:9 "...he who is called Devil and Satan, he who deceives the whole habitable world, he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."

John 14:6 "Jesus says to him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life."

News Item1/26/07 6:24 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Wonder who designed and built it for them?

News Item1/26/07 6:22 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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"it could save the lives of innocent civilians and service members in places like Iraq and Afghanistan"

If they had a reliable electrical source (and some very long extension leads). Probably bring down the fragile power grid in those countries, rather like Tesla's experiments.

News Item1/26/07 12:45 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Then you have the US royal families - the Bush's and Klintons.

News Item1/25/07 6:59 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Humble, Moslems are encouraged to be honest and true TO OTHER MOSLEMS ONLY. When it comes to dealing with non-Moslems they are authorised under Islam to use any form of deception or lying that suits their case. Thus it was with eg the Quraysh treaty.

Bukhari:V7B67N427 "The Prophet said, 'If I take an oath and later find something else better than that, then I do what is better and expiate my oath.'"

Ishaq:365 "Muhammad bin Maslamah said, 'O Messenger, we shall have to tell lies.' ‘Say what you like,' Muhammad replied. ‘You are absolved, free to say whatever you must.'"

BTW, in your post you refer to 'God' where it seems you mean 'Allah' or 'Ar-Rahman' instead.


News Item1/25/07 3:04 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Oh, I don't know. If they waited long enough the Wright Flyer may have just materialised.

The problem today is a lack of patience; people just don't like waiting about for things like this to happen anymore.

News Item1/24/07 5:17 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Do you mean the 'paypal' terrorist network?

BTW if Al Qaeda doesn't even exist then what is to say the twin towers ever existed either? I have been to lower Manhatten and looked around & didn't see them. Possibly they were a fabrication - a figment of Hollywood /BBC / MSM fiction? Nothing more that a plastic model in a film studio?

News Item1/23/07 9:30 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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So if I see a fly with three wings is it a mutant or simply de-evolving?

But for believers having a single eye is the way to go!

Mat 6:22 "The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light."

News Item1/23/07 5:22 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Moonbat alert!

News Item1/23/07 5:19 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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No wonder prince Charles wants to legalize the 'wacky weed'! Cheer up his meaningless life.

News Item1/23/07 5:35 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Hey Davey, what does 'Terv' mean?

Just a curious ignoramus!

Survey1/23/07 12:46 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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msc the potter / clay is referring to nations in this case, not individuals homo or otherwise.

In Romans 9 the point being Israel should not complain that God has chosen the gentiles. See Jeremiah 18 where Pauls quote in Romans is drawn from.

Jer 18:6-7 "House of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith Jehovah. Behold, as the clay in the potter's hand, so are ye in my hand, house of Israel. At the moment that I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to break down, and to destroy"

Survey1/22/07 10:21 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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"God elects some and passes over the rest to their damnation."

The exact same thing - he predetermined they should be damned. Meaning he created them reprobate and witheld any ability to repent.

So if you believe that, who are you to preach against what God has chosen to do in allowing some to be homos? They are only obeying Gods will according to you.

News Item1/22/07 10:18 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Cheer up Poms!

News Item1/22/07 10:14 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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"it was hard to get people to talk to me just because I was from New York"

Yeah, and like people from NYC are really polite, friendly and talkative.

What's with this stuff.... people that don't have a life of their own get a buzz watching how other folk live?

News Item1/22/07 10:04 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Same over here. Not paying taxes is seen as the very worst of all crimes & they lock you up for a looooong time. Crimes of violence against individuals etc are seen as chickenfeed by the government in comparison.

Gotta say the way the Hovinds were arrested is definitely an 'only in America' event though; what a stunt.... such brave warriors you have!

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