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Survey6/6/07 11:43 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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1. Clearly the synergists...who belive in a less than sovereign God, who must first receive the permission of the creature, prior to any work of salvation, are not yet able to receive the truth according to Scripture.

If they can not receive truth on salvation, then they are not saved. Your statement's presupposition is false. The work begins before salvation, as stated in Hebrews 6:4.

2. The Reformation brought the true Church into focus and out of the popish dogma and error. But sadly the synergists retain this error.

So you are saying the true church was not around before Rome, or that they were swept in together with Rome. I don't believe history supports that thought. What constitutes a true church? Is it possible for the true church to be in error? If it is, then is it not the TRUE church any longer, but an apostasized church. And if it did become apostasized, then would Jesus not have lied when saying the gates (leagal system) of hell shall not prevail against it? Here you would have a time period from the early church, to a point where the church was absent on planet earth, and that never happened. The church was in existance before, DURING, and after Rome; they persecuted the Church!

Survey6/5/07 7:06 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Pia - the entire prophesy of Joel was not recited. the importatnt phrase to remember is when Peter said "this is that..." So the question comes, what is "that" referring to? And the only answer is "that" is referring to the Holy Gost himself, and not the prophecy. Remember, Peter did not quote the entire prophesy. He was not saying that Joel's prophecy was fulfilled, just that in that prophecy, the Holy Ghost would be doing all of those things, and He is here now, the one who will do those things Joel prophesied.

Survey6/5/07 6:42 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Murry A

Jesus will reign "from the thone of David"

Sounds pretty physical to me. Bu I am no theologian.

Survey6/5/07 6:39 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Why are you so sad, Seaton? Don't you believe in God's sovereign right to not allow the receiving? Should you not rejoice in God's will for them? Surely this emotion reveals disagreement with God. Or maybe it's only fatalistic resignation. How would you explain your sadness?

Nice work Mike

ABIGAIL: wht is it that everything that has suposedly come to those of the Pentecostal movement has also come to those who reject it. For example: healing, answered prayer ( I have never needed to pray in tongues, and my prayers are answered), joy, peace, love, etc. The sign of tounges was for UNBELIEVING JEWS!!!! Just as the tribulation is for unbelieving Israel (this should get things going).

I appreciate the personal sepration standards of many Pertecostals, but your theology is skewed.

One more thing - when one believes they can loose their salvation, there needs to be something to prove they have it, hence, the "gifts". But the egyptian magicians copied all but one of the signs that Moses did. So were they of God? NO! And satan can do signs and wonders today. AND, the antichrist will come with signs and wonders. So, if you can be duped by Benny Hinn snd the like, who's to say you won't fall prey to the Antichrist? If you're still here, that is.

Survey6/5/07 6:04 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Those who worship me must worship in Spirit and in truth... (paraphrased)

It's that simple. BUT, they need to define worship. Worship is not just music, which is how most people define it. But Abraham took Issac up to the mountain "to worship".
I have head the deffinition of worship meaning anything that consists of time, energy, and money. this would include tithing and giving, soul-wining, and even singing and music. But anything that is in the flesh can not be worship. So, it is deeper than just a theological deffinition.

News Item6/5/07 5:58 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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There is a pastor I know, who's mother went to a billy Graham Crusade in Philly. She was a Roman Catholic, and went forward during the invitation. She was asked what she was, and upon telling them she was Catholic, they turned her to the Catholic priest. he priest told her she was fine, and sent her to do some hail Mary's. It wasn't until some time later that she repented and was saved. And accounts like this are numerous. Please tell me how the Holy Spirit would lead a man to operate his crusade this way? Not to mention that his crusades are not under the authority of a local church, and he himself, from what I know, which may be wrong, is not under the authority of a pastor. How is this any worse than Benny Hin and the like?
Also, you will find in some information that Graham is a 32nd degree Mason...figures!

Survey6/5/07 5:47 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Yamil - i am IFB also, and I have been throughly (you should understand my spelling of thoroughly) pleased with your response to DB. I also agree with you on Music, from what I have briefly read. It looks to me like this thread has been strangly void of Reformed comment, at least at the end.

I wish someone would post messages by Sam Davison on this site. Does anyone know him? He pastors in OKC at Southwest Baptist Church.

God Bless and keep it up!

Sermon6/5/07 1:44 PM
Derek  Find all comments by Derek
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FP's view - terrorists in power
Rev. Ralph Hall
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent Sermon preached without fear or favour in due season.

Survey5/20/07 7:09 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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It was Oswald Chambers who states, and I paraphrase,
One we have settled in our mind a doctrine, we shut off the Holy Spirit, and leave no room for growth.

There are some doctrines that can be forever settled, like redemtion through the blood of Jesus. But how God performs that, there are many thoughts taken from Scripture. Face it, no one is going to change anyone elses mind on their position, because it is all PRIDE. We all want to be right in our position, which puffs us up. I am not a Calvinist, nor am I an Arminian. I just try to be teachable. I have changed my position on things many times, and sometimes vascilate back and forth on issues, and this too can be Pride. These posts I believe achieve little for the cause of Christ. There is a world going to Hell, and Calvinist or not, we were told by Jesus to go into all the World and Preach the gospel to every creature. weather they believe is not my responsibility, I just need to go.
I think the bigger issue is personal seperation and the view the world has taken in of Christians due to their behavior.

Survey5/8/07 3:55 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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If God has done everything, and I nothing, and this program of God effects every aspect of my life, then how can God hold me accountable for anything. If I am predestined to Hell, meaning God refused to draw me, then how can I be accountable for something that wasn't presented to me? You must follow Pink's idea throughout everything, and he said that God didn't choose those to salvation because He could look ahead and see that they would choose him, but he choose them before the foudation of the world by his grace. So OK, let's go with that. This inturn means that those that God choose NOT no draw, he did, not because he forknew they would reject him, but just because God refused to draw. So again, how can I be accoutable for something I never knew? The fact of the matter is Calvinism puts a finite deffinition on God, and that simply is not Faith. If you had faith, there wouldn't be such a feindish rush to explain God and the doctrine of Salvation. Oh ye of little Faith!

Survey4/30/07 9:20 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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I am not saying that Agrippa came without Holy Spirit intervention. I am saying that there definately was conviction, but he rejected it, which poses a problem to the premise of "only the elect" being drawn, and thus ALL of the elect coming to Christ. It is possible for God to draw, and man to reject the drawing.

Survey4/29/07 11:16 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Question: Does predestination only apply to salvation, or does it flow through everyday life?

Survey4/29/07 4:38 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Then explain to me King Agrippa, who said "almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian". Can one come that close without Holy Spirit intervention? If you say one is totally unable to receive Christ o hi own, does there not need to be some work of God to even bring them as far as Agrippa came?

What is misunderstood, which may be just a simple communication problem, is that I believe the Bible when it says no man can come to Jesus unless the Father draws them, which is by the Holy Spirit, who came into the word to convict men of SIN! But the debate lies in WHO does God draw? Some say the ELECT, and others say all who respond to the revelation of God in them and around them. My friend in a Missionary in Kenya, and he tells me ho these natives, who have never heard the name Jesus (he is way out in the bush near Sudan), pray to "god" to help them before they go and raid a near-by village. They know there is a God, but they just don't know who He is. But their response to that light is why God called my friend, and many other, to that place. Now, when some hear who that light is, by the preaching of the Word, many reject it, because they love their sin. And as for the picture of God's elect, Israel, God always made room for the Stranger to be saved. And many, like Rahab, were.

Survey4/29/07 12:08 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Michael, well stated. There is always a replacement, and some are so close it's hard to detect.

I have one other thing to say to all disagreeing posters: why is it when someone relates different points of view, Rome is mentioned, and worse, the word heresy is thrown out. I believe sometimes we throw out attacks when our argument is weak. Which I must say happens on both sides of the discussion.

Oh yeh, a while back someone wrote the Baptists were not around during the Reformation. They were, but under a different name. And they carried the same beliefs, and were likewise persecuted and martyred for their faith, including the Bible position of baptism AFTER salvation, thus rejecting pedo-baptism. If the Church existed BEFORE Rome, then what was the Reformation. If Rome was the Church, then Jesus failed in preventing the gates of Hell prevailing against it; because I do not believe Rome is changing, or can change. Can anyone give examples of Calvin's position (seriously) before the Reformation? Not including "The Bible". Something historical, or extrabiblical. Because someone has posted how important history is.

Survey4/28/07 9:45 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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PLEASE read th portion of scripture below:

1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2The same was in the beginning with God.
3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
6There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
7The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.
8He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.
9That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
10He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.
11He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
12But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

How can this mean the Gospel when not all of the world has heard it? That would make this passage incorrect, and a lie. AND, please note verse 12, in context...But as many as RECEIVED him...
To receive something, there must be a choice, for the opposite of receive is to reject. Again - you destroy the simplicity of Christ and worship Calvin.

Survey4/28/07 4:45 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Hey guys, it's not just a phrase, it is the Word of God. I didn't say it, God did!And what does it matter if Rome teaches it? Rome also believes in the Trinity, so does that make it wrong? Your debating skills have holes in them. It is called propaganda. It's like saying, "Hitler liked apple pie, so it wrong to like apple pie." This is not good methods of debate.

Survey4/28/07 9:55 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Jesus is the light of the World...that lighteth EVEY man that cometh into the World.

Every man born has the light of Christ in him, and has the ability to accept or reject that light. And as for the faith to do so, the disciples asked Jesus o increase their faith, and he responded: If ye had faith...
He never gave any inference that faith could be increased or decreased by his doing. We all have the free will to choose, else there would be no ability to love. I defy you to try to have a loving relationship with a vacuum cleaner, or a lawn mower - you can't! That is why God gave Adam the choice, because programmed drones can not love, and neither can you if you were "chosen" (by your definition, because we were chosen, but not how you understand it). Love is a choice, which is why Jesus said "If ye loved me, you would kep my commandments". The responsibility was placed upon us to CHOOSE to obey, because if it wasn't our choice, then it wouldn't be called obedience.

I could rant for some time, but I must go.

Survey4/28/07 12:57 AM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Seaton, I don't believe you understand exactly what you are saying...I hope. But what you came across to say is that unless you are a Calvinist, you are not saved.
There are times when people's doctrine make me really consider my own beliefs, to make sure they are Biblical. And there are times, when the Holy Spirit is unsettled when I might give credence to other beliefs, and I can't put a finger on why. And this is what comes about with Calvin's doctrine. But your word's revealed and settled everything. If one is not a Calvinist, one is not saved. This, poor soul, is the doctrine of devils, because salvation is not in the belief of a doctrine, per say, but in a person - Jesus Christ. Your words doth betray you. You've met Calvin, I pray someday you meet Jesus.

Survey4/26/07 11:17 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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There is one thing that pleases me about Calvinism. They call themselves Reformed, and they call themselves correctly. But reformed from what? CATHOLICISM!! They are reformed Catholics with reformed Catholic doctrine. The fact of the matter is the Church was is existence BEFORE ROME! They were called Paulitians, Waldensians, Donatist, and a few others, and finally, by their enemies, Baptists. Because like Priscilla and Aquilla with those that were Baptized by John the Baptist, were RE-BAPTIZED in the name of Jesus. And many have been Martyred for this NT Doctrine. Calvinism is fatalism and it destroys the simplicity of Christ.

Survey1/5/07 7:40 AM
derek  Find all comments by derek
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Hey Pedagogue - I think you need to study your own Reformed history. It was you who came from Rome, who has held on to pedo baptism, and and extra-biblical emphasis on he Lord's Supper. Please remember, When Jesus began his church, it has continued on until today, and was alive and well before the Reformation, during, and after. Jesus was the real reformer, not Luther. It was the reformers who murdered and persecuted the tue Church because they said we were "re-baptizers", insisting on Baptism AFTER salvation. Study the history of our Pilgrim forefathers. Massachusettes became a reformed mecca and nothing else was tolerated. The first FREE state was Rode Island, began by a Baptist because they were being persecuted in Massachusettes. The church Jesus built persecuted no one.
I find it rather humorous to read someone's comments on Arminianism/Free Will philosophy when their very comments prove they know nothing of Church History. Oh ya...I thought the topic was about the rapture?
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