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News Item7/5/09 5:18 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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The greek word is indeed matheteuo and not didasko as in v.20 but where do you find this construction of a greek translation in Matt. 28 that one would be MADE a disciple BY WATER BAPTISM and not to go and make disciples by the preaching of the gospel and then to baptize in(eis not into)the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit?

If you seek a time sequence notice then that the going and making the disciples is before the baptizing!

News Item7/5/09 1:46 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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P. Resby,

Context is the key with forum posts as well as with Scripture. Extraction is a detraction!

Please, reread my post!

News Item7/5/09 1:03 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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P. Resby,

You confirmed my post.
Please reread it!

News Item7/5/09 12:20 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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When all is gathered in preparation(word studies, contextual exegesis, etc.) and placed in the pot, it all boils down to this.

Infant baptism is not explicitly referred to in the N.T.

Baby baptists have at times pointed out the ineptitude of using an "argument based on silence" and that is exactly what they do.(Although there are not infants explicitly mentioned in their N.T. texts they say that it is possible. Bad hermeneutics to build a doctrine on especially when all "Biblical examples" of N.T. baptism are by those old enough to believe.)

News Item7/4/09 1:04 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Greetings! I agree with Fred Malone and the following quotation:

"Another appendix has Booth's chart of the similarities between circumcision and baptism. While Baptists recognize many of Booth's comparisons (ie., cleansing and regeneration), he misses the most important point of his own comparison: that circumcision was an Old Testament type of which regeneration, not baptism, is the antitype (Rom. 2:27; Phil. 3:3; Col. 2:11-12)."


News Item7/3/09 5:19 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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What seal does Scripture speak of?

News Item7/2/09 5:06 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Indeed. The word "progressive" today might be used as a euphemism for the deservedly maligned word - socialist.


News Item7/1/09 4:48 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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"Do As I Say (Not As I Do), Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy", by Peter Schweizer, 2005, in the Table of Contents he has written for Al Franken: Habitual Liar, Mean-Spirited Partisan and Racial Discriminator.
Page 69, quote:
"Even lefties like Jeff Blodgett of Minnesota's Wellstone Action admits: Sometimes he's over the top."

There has to be political corruption involved in the voting system somewhere. A professional wrestler is elected governor and now this guy? Is Minnesota really that progressive?
Sorry folks but the good ol U.S.A. will never come out of this.
For example we never rebounded from F.D.R.'s policies although party affiliations have changed. Once you give the people something(welfare for instance) you cannot take it away.
This just does not make any Frankensense.

Keep the faith brethren.
Job 42:2

News Item6/22/09 12:55 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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News Item6/11/09 1:16 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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News Item6/11/09 4:36 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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I have looked at the site. I assume you were being facetious?

News Item6/10/09 4:16 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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You might want to investigate the Holy Bible and maybe begin by reading the book of John.

JOHN 3:36

News Item6/8/09 12:57 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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The Honorable Judge Zatkoff, stated:

"Pursuant to the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act the government has injected AIG with tens of billions of dollars, without restricting or tracking how this considerable sum of money is spent."

Will this finding about Sharia elicit?
That our President was Muslim complicit?

White House and Congress establish funds
Covertly arm our enemy with guns?

Treason - a trial may decide.
Congressional hearings put aside?

AIG given so much money.
Had to be a government chummy.

News Item6/4/09 3:53 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Gross immorality will always be outlawed in any society that wishes to be guided by Biblical principles. Your all-permissive equality would of course include lawlessness.
As Mark Levin, in his book, "Men In Black", states, until Justice Hugo Black revived it in 1947, separation of church and state was an obscure metaphor.
This had nothing to do with the first amendment and incidentally Jefferson was not even around at the time as he was over in Europe.
Quoting Mark Levin, "Men In Black":
"Interestingly, two days after writing to the Danbury Baptists, Jefferson attended church services held in the House of Representatives and continued as a regular attendant throughout his presidency."

JOHN 3:36

News Item6/1/09 9:27 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Not knowing if Mr. McLeroy is one of many but may we be encouraged by this report and be prepared to make a stand for our faith in every sphere where our God has planted us.
Ironic that in the good old USA one could be terminated from employment for neglecting to even read from the Bible in the public school system.

News Item5/30/09 12:29 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Not surprising that the statement from the U.S. Roman Catholic Bishops Conference refer to these men as the

These men walk in darkness and continue to stumble because there is no light in them. JOHN 11:10

News Item5/29/09 2:54 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Congress may soon act but this would not be necessary as the Supreme Court - modern America's de facto legislature - will soon be making another law.

News Item5/28/09 9:55 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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False church cover-up.
True Christian wouldn't sup.

'Trust your priest', drugging.
Perversion swept under rugging.

Difference: N.Y.C. mugging.
And r.c.c. hugging.

Every man and boy.
They will both destroy.

Too wicked to mention.
Acts of Rome's henchmen.

JOHN 3:36

News Item5/17/09 3:48 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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The truth,

Legal precedence might be their thinking but the bottom line is: what is the standard for our law? Roe vs. Wade had not one iota of precendent.

News Item5/10/09 10:30 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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If relating both wheat and spelt as being two grains and also emphasizing the word "is", then Mike/N.Y., might have a legitimate point.
So, if wheat is spelt wrong, then wheat is not spelt(considering the negation of spelt and of course ignoring all proper punctuation) and only spelt is spelt after all. That is of course unless spelt is spelled according to the proper class in a particular age and assuming that the speller was not then under a spell and even then all would not be well.
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