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News Item6/19/15 5:26 PM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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s c from Oh - can you tell me when you got your medical degree - what university ?
Just like - unless you have worked with ADHD people - I would suggest that you may not be qualified to make such a statement. I used to be of the same mind ( with a medical degree and specialist qualifications in psychiatry and the reason I did a 100 deg about turn was because I worked with people with that condition- it's a tragic tragic condition that wrecks not only the life of the sufferer but also the life of the family. And it's views like yours that foster stigmatisation and prejudice. My families with ADHD are some of the bravest and most isolated families you will meet.
Please do some unbiased research before you make such comments.

News Item6/19/15 9:11 AM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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In theory there is still state benefit. But consider this - before making a diagnosis ( not an easy job - we look at lots of things on detail) we would need a report into school performance - now a good proportion of these kids are young and would not be able to act ADHD. And as far as I am aware - it's still possible in theory to get benefit but virtually impossible to get in practice.
An experienced children's dr would be able up know the difference between ADHD and another cause.
It's complex and there are two schools of thought - this article would be promoting the anti psychiatry view and you may see similar stuff written about other mental health issues.

News Item6/19/15 6:42 AM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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I think it's far more complex - I work in this area and we would consider ( we have a number of European colleagues ) that eg Spanish children are wild and that's what Spanish families expect. There is a cultural element of every mental health problem. Other factors may include...
1. The number of children's psychiatrists in France
2,. The French drugs budget for child psychiatry
3. The relationship between pharma and the French medical authorities.
4. The experience and training of French child psychiatrists?

I would suggest that robust studies comparing like for like with diagnostic tools such as DSM 5/ ICD 10- the diagnosis rates would be pretty similar ( there have been pretty good studies showing the rates are fairly similar across all races/ cultured and countries).

News Item6/19/15 6:39 AM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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I think it's far more complex - I work in this area and we would consider ( we have a number of European colleagues ) that eg Spanish children are wild and that's what Spanish families expect. There is a cultural element of every mental health problem. Other factors may include...
1. The number of children's psychiatrists in France
2,. The French drugs budget for child psychiatry
3. The relationship between pharma and the French medical authorities.

I would suggest that r

Sermon6/17/15 6:11 PM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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07 - The Rapture Of The Church
Dr. Arnold G Fruchtenbaum
“ Great Sermon! ”
Good teaching in the timing of the rapture from a messianic Jewish perspective. Worth having an open bible.

News Item6/17/15 12:53 PM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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I recall being exposed to prayer walking and binding territorial spirits a few years bank in post Torinto era- bonkers then too ?

News Item6/17/15 5:29 AM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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They make it up as they go along - never seen that in the bible about a bishop being able to authorise it once a year ?

News Item6/16/15 7:10 PM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Bible is always right ?

Sermon6/15/15 6:37 PM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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Victory Part 2 of 2
Paris Reidhead
“ Lovely ”
On the doctrine of abiding in Christ. Lovely sermon

Sermon6/14/15 5:55 PM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Powerful sermon and very convicting.

News Item6/14/15 12:20 PM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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Recommend the song
' Alice's Restaurant massacre ' by Arlo Guthrie - some similarities ?

News Item6/14/15 8:39 AM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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John it's a spiritual thing !!!

Ephesians 6

12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

News Item6/13/15 8:16 AM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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I agree that there appears to be an over emphasis on Catholic Church - interested to know why that may be?
I know in Revelation that the city on seven hills is very much sounding like Catholic Church will deliver the ac, but could also be Islamic - be interested to know whether Islam has an equal billing / discussion and I actually think it does ???

News Item6/12/15 8:32 PM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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The Anglican Church is I believe sonewhat synonymous with the church if England. It was a church split from the Catholic Church back in 1533 when he wanted to divorce his first wife ( hardly a righteous basis for a denomination ). Henry then smashed up the wealth of the Catholic Church ( reformation ) and shared it out amongst the wealthy. So will leave it up to you to decide on wether this has ever been a Christian set up- the rot set in long before this mess.

Interestingly I attempted to go on a sight seeing tour around Westminster abbey on a Friday a few years ago and the ushers were only letting in women wearing hijabs and Islamic looking men so not sure if it was going on back then ?

News Item6/12/15 3:56 AM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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I cannot imagine what the Holy God of Israel makes of this - i shudder.
What is a consecrated church ?

Ezekiel 8
17Then he said unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? Is it a light thing to the house of Judah that they commit the abominations which they commit here? for they have filled the land with violence, and have returned to provoke me to anger: and, lo, they put the branch to their nose.
18Therefore will I also deal in fury: mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity: and though they cry in mine ears with a loud voice, yet will I not hear them.

Sermon6/11/15 6:27 AM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Lovely listening to this wonderful lady.

News Item6/10/15 7:05 PM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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John yurich
I don't go to any church - local Protestant churches were charismatic ecumenical etc and I felt it would be a better thing to wait Gods instruction - I'm still waiting 6 years on and I won't go anywhere until I have his leading. Compromise is not an option ?

Sermon6/10/15 5:55 PM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Lovely message.

News Item6/10/15 4:51 PM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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Nkjv is a mixture of textus recepticus and Septuagint ie a hybrid of bible translations.

News Item6/10/15 1:03 PM
Lisa | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by Lisa
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Nero fiddling ?
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