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Survey3/16/07 3:31 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Actually what you are affirming is what some of us are debating for.

What initiated this debate is that I (a synergist) and CBCpreacher (a monergist) after a decent debate still were gracious enough to call each other brother's in Christ and although we can never unite in any ecclesiastical relationship, we can rejoice for each other that Christ is being preached.

Apparently, CBCpreacher, is receiving some persecution from the hypercalvinist for being too kind to me.

To them Calvinism equals the gospel. So any deviation from it equals the gospel. Which this is ironic, because when I confront them on their gospel presentation, they do not present the truths of Calvinism in their gospel presentation. They much rather sound like what they would call "arminian" until the converts come in and they can slip the indoctrination through the back door and if they should reject it, then they assume that they were never saved anyway. So though they insists that Calvinism equals the Gospel, they are not so willing to make that distinction in their gospel presentation.

Survey3/16/07 2:57 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Regeneration is the instantaneous act of salvation not to be confused with the other spiritual gifts we receive in Christ.

Survey3/16/07 2:53 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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And we are also not willing to mislabel you incorrectly. You, although you do not profess to be one, are a Calvinist. You are in accordance with all five points, and you have no issues with him. You may not had set under the footstool of John Calvin himself, but you were indeed taught by a Calvinist, and the truth be known you are a member of a Calvinistic church. So your refusal to be called a Calvinism seems to be a bit misplaced.

On the other hand, none of us here agree in totality to the tenets of Arminianism, but your colleagues are quick to label anyone that does not agree with Calvinism as Arminian.

These two points is what makes your colleagues more apt to follow the doctrines of men than us.

P.S. Also speaking of following the doctrines of man. Look below.

Survey3/16/07 2:52 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Lurker wrote

"You fellows keep referring to the “essentials of salvation” which is fine for babes but what about personal bible study so as to know which doctrinal system, which confession of faith, which church denomination faithfully teaches the Truth? If you fellows don’t want to get involved in the war between the two camps then don’t. But to imply it doesn’t matter to God is folly."

Actually that's the implication you would like to have. If my presense and those that have been here a significant amount of time prove anything, it is that we consider this matter of supreme importance.

But we are not willing to state that if you do not believe such a doctrine that you are not saved. That's you colleagues point.

Survey1/19/07 12:38 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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I tell you what. Eschatology is not, the topic on top of my list but I will humor you for a little bit. Instead of all this verse launching, why won't provide me with the strongest passage of Scripture that demonstrates your position and demonstrate from the immediate context how it must be so and I will try to provide the antithesis using the same passage of Scripture which you provide.

I think that would be the most profitable and most productive way to confront the debate.

Survey1/19/07 12:33 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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"But put up alongside you obnoxious New Age Antinomian Baptists with your cowardly heresies and slavish bootlicking of the Synagogue of Satan, even the hyper-Calvinists look rational and saintly."

If you were as good as portraying your position from Scripture as you are in making up good, creative, ad hominems, I am sure your position would have progressed by now.

Survey1/19/07 12:32 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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"Mr Luciano is pretty dense if he thinks that the issue of biblical texts is a straight forward Calvinist/Arminian divide!"

No I don't. But I see that strawmen are not restricted to Calvinist.

Survey1/19/07 12:04 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Ha! (I'm sorry I forgot, Chris owns this word

Anything else?

The comment below expresses the Calvinist desire to monopolize the truth.

Some things never change.

Survey1/19/07 12:00 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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"Does your congregation laugh? Or are you the only one?"

We all laugh. We happen to believe that joy is a gift from God.

Survey1/19/07 11:57 AM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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"P/T - Don't you think that only the true Christians will know that they are in the Tribulation.
Therefore their experience of life and understanding of "the better way" will be different to the unbelievers.
(Like Yamil below who can't perceive the truth)"

If this is the tribulation, then hell must be a vacation spot.

News Item1/10/07 8:10 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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What ever happen to the rights of the pedafile.

Survey1/10/07 8:07 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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This is awkward to write(Please change your monicker):

Unfortunately Wisdom does not know what personification is.

Survey1/10/07 7:58 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Its quite sacriligious especially for someone who does not know the difference between present and past tense.

Survey1/9/07 3:31 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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DuMaurrier wrote:

"The entire Bible is addressed to the Elect Yamil."

Oh really.

Even when it says, "Depart from me ye workers of iniquity"?

Survey1/2/07 6:09 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

Survey12/29/06 2:17 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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What the bible denyers fail to do is give the correct interpretation of 1 Thess. 4:15-17. All they claim is that we are faulty, but without proof.

What the bible denyers fail to see is that words do have meaning. It is not a matter of interpretation.

The Greek word for "caught up" 
means to

"take it by force" Matt. 11:12
"catcheth away" Matt. 13:19
"take him by force" John 6:15
"pluck them out" John 10:28
"caught away" Acts 8:39
"caught up" 2 Cor. 12:2, 12:4. Rev. 12:5
"pulling them out" Jude 1:23

Whether the rapture is pretrib, post trib, mid trib or prewrath it doesn't change the fact that the believers will be caught up instantly to meet the Lord in the air.

The devastating truth I presume.

Survey12/26/06 2:30 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Sounds like the same old elitist talk.

Survey12/26/06 11:06 AM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Ha! This survey is cunningly worded to obtain a certain result.

Reads more like a political poll.

Survey12/26/06 11:02 AM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Well, I found another Calvinism vs Biblicism thread.

Survey12/22/06 4:16 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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I feel sorry for the seekers who will go through all the surveys and find out that no matter the title its all about Calvinism vs Biblicism.


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