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News Item6/7/09 4:57 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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"Times of crisis, however, do not justify departure from the Constitution."

Supposedly reformed "churches", as well as governments, should take note of this Judge's sound argumentation!

News Item6/7/09 4:41 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Thank you for responding and expanding your comment.

"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ".

News Item6/7/09 4:26 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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So you don't rejoice at this murder you simply "don't mind"?
God does mind - see 6th commandment.

For what virtue? Abortion seekers will simply go to another abortionist.

So, you don't have "any problem" with "in the process" murders?
There are abortions being carried out in your city today and every day even right this minute and your implied proposal is ....
VPD - please take note.

Rather, I suggest you use the *legitimate* means available to you in your calling to which God has called you. You were birthed in an age with a vote and a democratic voice. In every age Christian's have a prophetic voice.

Yes, God hates (abortionist) hands that have shed innocent blood among a list of many other sins.
But, note, he also said to David
"thou shalt not build an house unto my name, because thou hast shed much blood upon the earth in my sight."
and yet the same God
"teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight".

"God from all eternity, did, by the most wise and holy counsel of His own will, freely, and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass: yet so, as thereby neither is God the author of sin, nor is violence offered to the will of the creatures; nor is the liberty or contingency of second causes taken away, but rather established."

News Item6/6/09 3:15 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Bruce Lantto wrote:
I was saved on May 11,1987 ....
Just this past year .... and everything changed in me, ..... but I am now a blood bought, blood washed believer on Jesus Christ and now I can say that Habakkuk 2:4 the just shall live by his faith, whose faith Galatians 2:20 explains it all, his faith JESUS CHRIST, not [i] but JESUS.
I must respectfully ask, in the light of your testimony of this past year, how can you say you were saved on May 11th 1987?

News Item6/6/09 12:03 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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GG wrote:
The Deceivers are those who image that God is so narrow, and emotionally crippled that he can only love an person of an equally narrow theology. Imagine for a minute...your father or Mother only loves you so long as you belong to their approved social network. Is this what passes for love to a Fundamentalist? Then God deliver me from that particular mental illness. Is this the true God? When even the lowest, most unworthy human being is capable so much more love and compassion than your dried up, withered version of a dysfunctional dictator-god. Give yourself a break. You don't want Catholicism, fine...at least don't settler for 'Ebenezer Scrooge' in a little, gaudy, god suite. The real God offers forgiveness, acceptance, and Freedom, so long as you love him with your: whole heart, whole mind, all your strength, and your neighbor as youself. And that's it! The rest is Phariseeical Denominational poppycock.
GG - your critique actually applies much more to the one cult that officially declares
"No salvation outside the church".
"Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus".

"Your" god offers forgiveness, acceptance, and Freedom, so long as you give allegiance to the Antichrist of Rome.

No thank you!

News Item6/5/09 6:01 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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RtG wrote:
This is what happens to those who abandon the Bible.
""The credit crunch has led to a crash in the value of Church of Scotland investments by more than £89m in the space of one year.
Such is the looming financial crisis facing the Kirk that as well as cutting ministers stipends or the number of minsters, it is considering abandoning parishes altogether."" (The Herald)
Or is it that the alternative god mammon isn't quite so understanding???
Do please show us the Bible Believers with a balanced portfolio of investments that have not suffered a proportionate loss in value of their investments.

When there are so many valid and biblical reasons to criticise apostate liberals subverting the church why use invalid arguments and arty gas?

News Item6/5/09 2:34 AM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Alan Foster wrote:
So governments have no right to execute anybody?
Alan - This news item is about the condemnation of murder. Not the condemnation of judicial homicide.

The Civil Magistrates most certainly do have the right and duty to execute those who advocate, conspire and commit murder.

..... Consider the treasonous King Charles I who plotted the death and murder of his own people, justly and rightly executed by the rule of law alone.

News Item6/5/09 2:13 AM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Mike wrote:
Addressed to "brethren" (V1) Shouldn't be expected of unbelievers, such as the murderer of the Doctor.
I don't know of any claimed professed faith or otherwise of the murderer, but there certainly are professing believers on here who are rejoicing at yet another act of murderous evil.

It is just as odious as it would be to rejoice at abortion. Both are evil.

Alan Foster - You misquote and misapply scripture.

News Item6/2/09 10:57 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Please continue Alan

News Item6/2/09 10:51 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Alan Foster wrote:
Dr Death put to death, that is some sort of justice, especially to die the way he did.
Is it?

"Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work" .....

"Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good."

News Item5/23/09 3:27 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Of course, it should also be pointed out that Bangladesh is a Muslim country on the whole, and the government probably doesn't mind the Buddhists doing their dirty work for them.
Agreed Jim, Bangladesh is primarily a Moslem country.

If we are to critique the actions of the country as a whole or of the government then the 9th commandment requires we should do so based upon evidence of their words and deeds and not our own speculation of their thoughts of what they probably don't mind.
Compass Direct has many other articles concerning Bangladesh. One of them was more encouraging and began:-
"Intervention from high-ranking police officers and government officials has ensured temporary security for a group of Christian converts beaten last week in Nilphamari district, Bangladesh. Muslim villagers attacked the Christians ....."

Paul wrote
"I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.".

And thank you to sermonaudio for correcting the headline.

News Item5/23/09 1:37 AM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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jj wrote:
Wake up.
When one gets a 501c3 one gives up his first amendment rights.
You may rest assured and sleep soundly. There are categorically no 501c3 churches affected by this. Likewise no first amendment rights are in jeopardy under the Equality Bill.

News Item5/22/09 11:43 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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The sermonaudio headline is misleading.
The headline can be taken incorrectly that Bangladesh as a country is officially forcing Christians to adopt Buddhist rites.

However, the original Compass Direct article is at pains on several occasions to stress that the persecution is by "local Buddhists" not the country as a whole. Not only that, but it is clear that there is a sharp division between the government and the "local Buddhists". Compass Direct further state:-
"The local Buddhists have ties with United People’s Democratic Front (UPDF) militants who oppose a 1997 peace accord between the government and the tribal people. The hill tract areas had suffered unrest for decades, and hostilities continue as a leading proponent of the peace accord urged the government to ban UPDF for alleged terrorist activities, according to today’s The Daily Prothom Alo. "

News Item4/29/09 4:29 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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I'll get back to you after I've done my service fees.

News Item4/29/09 3:38 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Neil wrote:
Guinness, before I dig myself into a hole as a tax heretic, may I ask again about, "general taxation is not a service fee"?
To wit, that is a negative definition. What is the positive one?
A positive example of the definition of taxes:-

"To tax (from the latin taxare: to estimate, which in turn is from tangere: to touch) is to impose a financial charge or other levy upon a taxpayer (an individual or legal entity) by a state or the functional equivalent of a state."

With respect Neil, I believe that the onus is still very much on you to support your original premise for your "problem", and provide the positive definitions of taxation in universal usage that demonstrate that taxes are for the direct provision of specific services.

For example, historically many taxes have not been used for the provision of services to any of the taxpayers AT ALL, but rather to provide for the luxuries of the rulers, or the churches or even the lowly tax collector himself.

Again I submit that your implicit working definition of taxation is too narrow and quite novel.

News Item4/29/09 2:04 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Neil wrote:
I am supposed to contradict a definition I do not understand?
Neil, that is not my intention at all.

You have made an argument based upon a premise. I am asking you to demonstrate your premise. Your premise is that taxation is an individualised service fee. Yours is the novel idea.

For example, a road toll is clearly a specific usage service fee for a specific road whether imposed by government or a private road builder. In contrast general taxes that go to pay for the general provision of most roads in general are not service fees nor dependent on the usage of those roads

Are all roads in Tucson toll roads?

News Item4/29/09 1:43 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Neil wrote:
"general taxation is not a service fee."
Please elaborate. Tax-funded gov't functions seem like services to me.
Please demonstrate that general taxation is an individualised "service fee".

News Item4/29/09 1:36 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Compelling folks to pay for services not rendered is indeed theft.

However, general taxation is not a service fee.

Pas de problem.

(and yes, we do homeschool our children and also pay general taxation that goes to pay for public/state education)

News Item4/28/09 11:39 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Neil wrote:
A problem remains: homeschool parents still have to pay property taxes (which fund gov't schools), in addition to their own homeschool expenses (primarily textbooks, curricula).
Why is that a problem?

News Item4/24/09 11:46 AM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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pew view wrote:
The "lasting fruit" is of the Elect, always has been always will be!
The Elect are the Invisible Church!
Perseverance is by GOD, not human jurisdictions.
You know that, I know that.
Sadly, SWRB and RPNA have another standard.
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