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News Item2/7/07 5:55 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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M2, the early church gathered for the Lords supper very early in the morning on the Lordsday (Sunday). It was around dawn or just before. This is mentioned in the writings of the early church 'fathers' and is related to Mary being at the tomb early searching for the body of Christ.

I know nothing about your American sports but I know the commercial sports here would not be for Christians, certainly not on the Lordsday.

It goes without saying that the Christians in the early church period had no part in such sports, theatre or the like entertainments, which was strongly condemned by them beacuse it is of the world. Of course one of the sports in that era was to see the Christians being killed, often in similar stadiums to those used by commercial sports today.

News Item2/7/07 5:45 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Enough of Clintons and Bushs'..... can't you American folk come up with someone different / better? I understand that some of the best past presidents were those from a somewhat humble background, sad you the system prohibits that today. Guess you are stuck with wealthy wannbe's.

News Item2/7/07 4:25 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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TB, he could be the former boyfriend?

Sorry Matthew, couldn't resist....

Don't know about 3 weeks of counselling; let us hope he has sincerely repented to God. I wonder if he does another 3 week course for the drug issue now?

Survey2/7/07 4:16 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Until now I had regarded the Westborough Phelps as quite straight-down-the-line Christians who just have a particular thing about homos. That is quite genuine Christians but strumming a single string ukulele.

But my eyes were opened by watching one of their TV interviews on youtube. The Phelps girls wore pants (even the female TV presenter wore womens clothes) and complained about a immoral TV show that they had watched. The TV presenter said the obvious thing "don't watch such a show if you feel you will be offended".

So the Phelps girls quoted back a grossly out of context scripture claiming that they were not defiled by what entered into them - in other words they believe they can watch any ungodly and immoral rubbish on TV without being defiled!!

They went on to defend the use of little children in their protests - children so young they should not have even heard the words homo or f-g yet.

I came to realise that they are just another bunch of worldly nominal Christians; just a bit wackier than most with a weird homo fixation.

News Item2/4/07 3:16 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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The Calvs sneak it into everything...... either they like the flavour or they have nothing without it.

Survey2/4/07 3:11 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Thank you for those kind words and have a nice day..... improved piece of pond slime you!

News Item2/3/07 6:05 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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The death cult strikes yet again.....

News Item2/3/07 9:17 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Beer-sheba perhaps?

So you think there aren't any apostate 'reformed' church gatherings about Kestrel? (nice birds BTW)

News Item2/2/07 7:08 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Jim says "Prophecy was for starting up the church, the church has been started, this gift died with the Apostles."

On what basis do you claim this Jim?

1Cor 14:3 "But he that prophesies speaks to men in edification, and encouragement, and consolation."

You believe only the apostles could do this and that there is no longer a need for edification, encouragement and consolation of the church??

Or could it instead be that you don't grasp the biblical meaning of 'prophecy'? (Not referring to the lunatics in the article above BTW).

News Item2/2/07 7:00 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Except that a five-point would tell you he was destined to become a Moslem.

News Item2/2/07 5:43 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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What a half-wit.

"he has been studying the Koran for years...." yes, well it would take that long just to figure out what approximate order the chapters are meant to be in.

News Item2/2/07 5:39 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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"some pages of which depict or suggest drinking beer and wine"

Oh, you don't say!

Survey2/1/07 7:18 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Quoting cbc: "He told the Israelites to obey the ten commandments perfectly, knowing they could not."

How so? We are given biblical examples of people that did after all.

You, sir, I feel besmirch the character of God. "I know thee that thou art are hard man...."

Survey2/1/07 3:56 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Mal, do you believe that God deliberately witholds the ability to be able to repent from some people?

You say "The sinner still has the responsibility to repent and believe the Gospel."

I take this to mean you feel that every person has been given the ability to be able to repent and believe? Otherwise it would clearly not be their responsibily.

And God has commanded all men everywhere to repent has he not?

News Item2/1/07 3:53 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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There is a mosque near here with a large sign "Allah loves George Bush!"

(Only kidding)

News Item1/31/07 5:59 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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News Item1/31/07 3:05 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Why not? It's the religion of pedophiles after all; he can even get kiddies in paradise if he gets there.

News Item1/30/07 7:10 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Kind of appropriate. You won't find a bigger hypocrit & bovine doo-doo preacher than Bono so it fits with the whole modern C of E theme.... reminds me of a song about a fertilizer spreader.

News Item1/30/07 7:05 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Well, to finish on a lighter note here is something really funny:


Anyone reading this thread who has a sense of humour will enjoy it! Cracked me up.... Funny for us because it is true.

News Item1/30/07 6:09 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Hello Humble, it has been interesting chatting to you; we don't get many unbelivers posting on these forums and certainly very few Moslem ones. If you have studied the holy Bible you would immediately realize that most attributes of God are quite the opposite to those of Allah, which poses a great problem for you. In fact you would know - as I found - that the basic tenets of both faiths are simply polar opposites.

If you have read the Bible you will also know that Jesus speaks prophetically of Mohammad in Matt 24v11.

As you and I both know the principal of al-taqqiya as established by Mohammad is alive and well. In fact you have readily demonstrated this in each of your posts; for example claiming that Mohammad honoured his treaty with the Qurash when the Islamic texts tell us clearly that he broke it and never had any intention of honouring it. It was used simply to gain advantage - he decieved and lied then killed them.

And you have tried to convince us that Islam does not support the deception of non-Moslems. Fact - deception is indeed a fundamental of your faith and is endorsed by Allah who himself decieves, and your own comments here serve to prove it. Accept your own texts and acknowledge these facts please.

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