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News Item7/17/07 6:13 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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GG, you come on here and spew your Roman Catholic puke, and then tell me I don't like the truth!! Your "church" hid it's pedophilia for decades to protect the "godly" priests at the expense of the children and now thinks it can make everything ok by paying out a few million dollars that clowns like you have given them (how's that for investing in the kingdom ). You come on here and parrot your priests teaching that you aren't smart enough to see through on your own (all lies by the way) and then accuse others of not liking the truth. You are a brain-washed, hell-bound, slave of the RCC, and only the grace of God will ever change that! Wake up GG (and you to Lance) before it's to late!!!

News Item7/16/07 9:35 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Lance, go to bed. You're wasting our time and yours with your insulting remarks.

News Item7/16/07 9:25 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Abigail, out of all of the things I have ever read on this site, your attack of modern medicine has to be one of the most dangerous and ridiculous. If you want to bury your head in the sand and tempt God, by all means, do so. But please stop posting your nonsense for all to read. Some new believer with a disease that could kill them if not treated (like diabetes or dialysis) might read your posts and decide to stop their treatments. Can God heal? Yes, supernaturally AND through medicine! Please, STOP!!!

News Item7/15/07 9:29 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Lance, "Those who reject the Mass reject salvation."HERESY!!!
Those who reject Christ reject salvation! And no, they are not one and the same! You RCC-ers ridicule those of us who are not RC, but you worship your church and it's egotistical, anti-christ leader. You will stand before the true Savior one day (the RCC won't be able to help you then) and He will want to know why you chose a "church" over Him. Repent before it is to late!!!

News Item7/14/07 9:31 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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GG, why do you argue a book that you do not read or believe? Papa Bene has done all of the work for you. Just leave us lost, hellbound, heretical christians (I agree with Cindy, I don't even like the word Protestant because to many still hold to too much RCC doctrine) alone. Go light some candles, bow down to your idol of Mary, and kiss King Bene's shoes on the poster you have hanging on the back of your door! Don't waste your time praying to the saints or Mary for us, if Jesus couldn't finish the work ALONE than they won't help you or us!!!

Survey7/14/07 5:24 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Alan H. Thank you for your response to my question. I'm sorry to have brought up such a personal issue for you. Please accept my apology. It is difficult when you try to teach what you know the Bible to say and are rejected. I have had some folks leave the church I pastor because I have taught the doctrines of grace (I have stopped calling myself a Calvinist because I don't agree withh all of the tenets of Calvinism). I'll be praying for you and your family, Alan H.

News Item7/14/07 12:10 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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I want to thank you folks who have been suggesting Ron Paul for President. I didn't realize there was a man like him out there. Let's pray that God will still have mercy on our country and that this man can win! I still believe that the greatest change will only come to America through the people of God, but our country needs a change from the status quo.

News Item7/13/07 9:37 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Angela, in all fairness, I think we would be better off giving our "donations" to our local churches. There is so much work to be done in our towns and villages (I pastor a small church in a rural community). It is difficult sometimes to even pay the bills, much less do the work of the ministry, because christians are sending their money everywhere else. I'm not saying we shouldn't support good causes, I'm saying the best cause we need to support first is our local churches. I say that with a sincere heart, no anger intended, just a heartfelt plea. Thanks

Survey7/13/07 9:33 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Alan H. I think you hit the nail right on the head. It really is quite amazing how quickly our biases can come out, and how they are so clear to everyone but ourselves. I have tried to stay away from the Calv/Armin debate lately because it only breeds anger. I do want to ask though, why did you leave the fundamental independent Baptists? Just curious. Thanks

News Item7/13/07 9:28 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Amen, Michael! With where the RCC has been over the past few years, it's a wonder that any thinking person could defend her. And NO saved person would even try!!

News Item7/13/07 9:06 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Abigail, I have seen you post time and again that you don't agre with, or use, modern medicine. You say that God will heal you and that you don't need a doctor. I'm not asking maliciously, but I am asking, what do you do with 2 Timothy 4:20 where Paul (probably the greatest man of faith apart from Christ) says that he has left Trophimus in Miletum sick? Was it a lack of faith on Paul's part or Trophimus'? Or could it be that God was going to use this sickness for His glory (we see that in the gospel's) or is it possible that it is just part of being human and that sickness comes, at which time we may need a doctor? I have to add that one of the things that cracks me up abouot these "faith healers" is how many of them have to wear glasses when they read! "Oh, ye of little faith"!

News Item7/13/07 8:25 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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GG-"While y'all are spiraling down to illrelevancy, Catholicism is sticking to her ancient beliefs." And what would those beliefs be:the Inquisition and pedophilia?

Survey7/13/07 5:58 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Thurant, first, if you notice, "a phenomena of the specific denominational type which he belongs to" was explained to you as a ministry of reconciliation in the midst of biblical separation. What I displayed was not venom, it was a point blank rebuke. You are upset with me because I take a stand against your narrow-minded and unscriptural (which is usually what we Baptists are accused of!) view toward the singing in the church, and you condemn me for judging others as you have done. I don't disagree with singing the Psalms, I disagree with singing them EXCLUSIVELY! By the way, you never responded in regard to not being able to sing the name of Jesus or to sing about the blood of Christ. These are two clearly NT elements that you cannot sing from the Psalms. Do they have a place in our worship or not?

News Item7/12/07 7:54 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Shawn, do you really believe that EVERY man in that crowd was an adulterer? You read more into the text than is there. Jesus was, in fact, teaching what He taught in many other places. In the spiritual kingdom that He is the King of, grace rules. In the physical OT kingdom of Israel, the Law ruled. I know you will accuse me of excusing sin. I will stand with Jesus and say, "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone". I am a separatist Baptist. However, I understand that in biblical separation, the goal is always reconciliation; either between the sinner and God, or the wayward child of God and his Father. I, to often, have carried out the letter of the Law while forgetting that, if God were to hold my sin against me, I would be condemned to Hell. Thank God for His marvelous grace given to us through the shed blood of the SINLESS Lamb of God!!!

Survey7/11/07 8:58 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Sorry, Yamil, did I slip? Kinda sounded a bit like you didn't I (Minus the stereotyping and the biology ). I do believe in a firm word from time to time though, especially when it comes to the worship of my Savior! By the way, even though I don't always agree with what you say or how you say it, I do get a chuckle out of it! Loved the line about us New Yorkers needing the return of Christ

Survey7/11/07 5:53 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Thurant, you post to the point of being ludicrous. I never said that the Psalms contained all of the OT. What I said was why should NT saints only be limited to the view of the cross that comes from the OT. You never did say anything about not being able to sing the name of Jesus or to sing about the blood. Are these things not imoportant to you? Shouldn't we worship JESUS for shedding His BLOOD so that we might have salvation? If we use the scripture as our guide, we can't go wrong! I will agree that much of what is out there today, hymns included, should NEVER be sung in our churches because they do appeal to the flesh or a man centered gospel. However, there are many GREAT hymns of the faith written by godly people. And your diatribe about preaching was just plain foolishness. I guess you must think a dumb argument is better than no argument. But you know what they say, "Better to keep quiet and let them think you a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt". It might be time to close your mouth!

Survey7/9/07 6:27 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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What's the matter, Yamil, you don't think we need revival in New Yor? Don't forget, we have the like of Hillary Clinton and Rudy Guliani here. Not to mention George Steinbrenner and the NY Yankees!! We may be in worse shape than Vegas

Survey7/9/07 6:19 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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During our evening service last night, we sang several hymns about the blood of Jesus. I realized during that time two things that happen when you only sing the Psalms:10you never get to sing the name of Jesus; and 2) you never get to sing about the cross and the blood. Aren't these two extremely important truths of our christianity that we should be singing about? Even a great Psalm like Psalm 51 cannot be sung completely by a NT believer because we do not have to ask God to not take His Holy Spirit from us since we cannot loseour salvation and cannot lose the Holy Spirit. When the Psalmist wrote of the Word of God he was only refering to what little bit of the OT they had. Shouldn't we now be singing about the whole Word of God? If we sing only the Psalms, then we leave out a great deal of what has been accomplished SINCE the cross because the Psalmist had never experienced any of it. To sing only the Psalms for the NT saint would be like reading only the OT. We could learn a lot, but we would miss the greatest part of it, what Christ has done for us, and made us, in Him.

Survey7/8/07 4:16 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Good afternoon David! Hope things are going well in your part of the world I decided to take a little break from the action, but the work of contending for the faith never ends. The constant need to be reminded of the necessity for revival is always there also!

Survey7/8/07 4:06 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JD, the method that Yamil used was crude and uncalled for. I have agreed with him in the past on some things, but he missed it on this one. There are ways to answer those kind of posts without stereotypical and biological innuendoes.
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