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News Item5/17/15 5:22 PM
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Propaganda for the 2016 elections. A large Jewish community has lived peacefully in Iran for generations with religious freedom. This refutes the Iran=Nazi propaganda.

News Item5/10/15 3:01 PM
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What a hypocrite going for evangelical votes like W did pretending he is the Christians' champion. Don't fall for it. He's trying to catch up with Rand and Cruz on the issue.

News Item4/19/15 3:41 PM
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Won't vote for a man too cowardly to shun what is evil and what is contrary to the good of society. Where is moral leadership? So he condemns those who would turn away and pretends to be more righteous. Not a trustworthy man.

News Item3/29/15 9:52 PM
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Freedom of speech and religion is not defended when it comes to offending those who practice homosexual behavior.

News Item3/29/15 4:28 PM
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This is not true. A condition for the strikes was for Iran to back off.

News Item3/29/15 4:26 PM
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Churches don't need symbols or crosses to make them Christian. It's not the mark of a church. It's rather catholics that require such.

News Item3/29/15 3:52 PM
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Yep! They don't legitimize it as a civil rights issue. It's a moral and Behavioral (not "identity") issue.

News Item3/29/15 3:47 PM
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See if they are treated the same way as Iran and while Israel gets a pass on their own nukes. Israel has not signed the nuclear nonproliferation agreement either. Israel should be scrutinized by the same standards or they are a rogue state.

News Item3/29/15 3:43 PM
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Good for Paul here but he regards same sex civil unions as a legitimate option for them to receive marriage tax and other benefits, as if government (and therefore all of us) should endorse.

News Item3/29/15 2:43 PM
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The government cannot force an individual to do anything or penalize them contrary to the First Amendment and liberty of conscience!

News Item3/22/15 3:51 PM
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Yes I did make that choice. But I'm not certain I will pay an unjust communistic "shared responsibility" (as the 1040 line calls it) penalty, which was only justified by one vote of the Supreme Court (by the chief injustice himself).

News Item3/15/15 2:21 PM
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Legitimizing a homosexual social "contract" under new laws is also offensive to true justice and righteousness, especially to gain the financial benefits of true marriage.

News Item3/15/15 2:14 PM
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Children can still be charged in many states with being "incorrigible" by parents.

News Item3/8/15 2:41 PM
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Yet how many Christians and even churches team up with Facebook for their social media? Wouldn't an alternative (an there are many) be better and demonstrate a separation from Facebook's anti-christian public positions?

News Item1/22/15 12:53 AM
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The POTUS lies. They do not defend free speech but only politically correct free speech. It is a flagrant lie and is also true of the European leaders. Try saying something less provocative, e.g. against homosexual behavior or their marriage and see if they defend you and march in unity for your right to say so!

News Item1/12/15 2:46 AM
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Free speech has been lost in America and also liberty of conscience. Political correctness is the new national orthodoxy and a New Inquisition is erecting its persecutory machinery!

News Item1/12/15 2:40 AM
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The New American calls them out on their free speech hypocrisy here: http://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/europe/item/19887-on-free-speech-un-and-french-rulers-side-with-jihadists

News Item1/12/15 2:23 AM
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The ridiculous and juvenile March by European leaders in "defiance" against a small number of gunmen and other radical terrorists is actually a sign of fear and insecurity! Why the huge selfie-parade (photo op by design) by heads of state against marginal criminals? Also these same do NOT stand up for all free speech as they claim but are quick to denounce in persecutory laws and policies against Christians or anyone who says anything politically incorrect or "offensive" (e.g. against homosexual behavior or marriage, etc.) What hypocrisy! It is better the U.S. did not take part in a ridiculous show of nothing.

Sermon1/11/15 2:54 PM
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Musical Instruments in Worship
Robert McCurley
“ Great Sermon! ”
The sermon thoughtfully answers the objections most common, especially that the Psalms extol instruments but which only belonged to Jewish worship before Christ's coming as part of the types and shadow elements clearly abolished per the book of Hebrews and contrary to New Testament church worship. Also it is the 'beauty of holiness' and not a sensual beauty that is instructed for worship, as the sermon explains as well.

Sermon1/4/15 6:07 PM
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Musical Instruments in Worship
Robert McCurley
“ Powerful message, instruments in church worship? ”
This is a powerful and practical message challenging the tradition, and increasing variety, of the use of musical instruments in church worship. Truly what is esteemed (and excused) among men is error and arrogance before God when the holy light of Scripture shines on it. If the truth be told instruments are used to get the youth involved or to please popular sentiment, not merely to accompany or aid worship, but to enhance and attract others to come to church. Especially now among churches claiming to be reformed instruments are on the increase from massive pipe organs to bands or string ensembles in the face of the 2nd command and regulative principle they claim to follow! Gill and Spurgeon as well as Puritans and Presbyterians of history all condemned it as a mark of popery or apostasy, not conservative but liberal error!
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