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Survey12/6/07 10:12 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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R. K. Borill wrote:
You are right. Total Depravity is a condition of the mind. It is not a measure of the degree of criminality.
Jesus says they are evil even though they may give good gifts to their chilldren, which says that doing good does not make one good. Even Christ's righteousness imputed to us does not make us "good"; it does not make us righteous. It declares us justified which is a judicial act of God outside of ourselves. God looks upon Christ as our substitute. It is His righteousness not ours that is looked upon by the law of God. After we are justified by faith, the Holy Spirit begins santification in us to make us holy, but even that work is not perfected until we die.

Thank you
most edifing indeed


Survey12/6/07 10:09 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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Weapon of Mass Instruction wrote:
We kicked out a family from our church last Sunday
Praise God

sounds like the more you "KICK OUT"

the more that might be saved.

are you catholic doc?


Survey12/6/07 10:03 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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coora wrote:
Kevin I agree with you. There is no rapture in scripture. When Christ returns all things will be wound up - including the earth and heavens.
Yes Yes there is
right before His return
even so come

Survey12/6/07 10:00 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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Norman Smith wrote:
Dear Lurker,
after reading of brother Wayne's experience and enthusiasm,i realise that he is a true brother being used for the Lord;s work marvelously indeed. I am not fit to tie his shoelaces.
There is no point in *getting to know* me, for i am such a poor example of how a Christian should act and live and witness.
At this moment in time,sadly,my zeal is dampened, and my time to evangelise is so limited, as to be virtually non existant.
My heart is breaking.
God bless you all.

I don't know you, but I read your words

There is no point in *getting to know* me, for i am such a poor example of how a Christian should act and live and witness.

Only a christian would say such a thing

I don't say this to many people, but
I would concider it a honor if you would allow me to call you brother.

For what its worth, I just said a prayer for you, if I can do anything
let me know


News Item12/6/07 9:19 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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Hey Anti-Guy

Who is this man that can forgive sins
(men, many popes, can all of them)

Pope Benedict XVI (PHYSICIAN HEAL THYSELF) is offering relief
(HE COULDN"T OFFER RELIEF FROM HEARTBURN) from purgatory to Roman Catholics who travel to Lourdes over the next year, the Vatican said yesterday. (TRAVEL MUST START ON A WEEKDAY AND NOT END ON SAT,)
Pilgrims to the shrine in south-west France (FRANCE TOURIST INDUSTRY IS SUFFERING) will receive "plenary indulgences" (ALONG WITH SPECIAL PARTING GIFTS)from the Pontiff, which the Church says reduce the time spent being "washed" of sin after death.(NOT THE SECOND DEATH) The indulgences will be available from this weekend until Dec 8, 2008.(SORRY NO REFUNDS ON AIR

This is something you see in a travel agency

If you travel between.....dates

If you can't see, your blind

This is Heresy

Rev 18 says Come out of her my people

Does this offend you

Hope so,

its still in love, what you think?


News Item12/6/07 8:59 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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Who is this man that can forgive sins

(men, many popes, can all of them)

Pope Benedict XVI (PHYSICIAN HEAL THYSELF) is offering relief
(HE COULDN"T OFFER RELIEF FROM HEARTBURN) from purgatory to Roman Catholics who travel to Lourdes over the next year, the Vatican said yesterday. (TRAVEL MUST START ON A WEEKDAY AND NOT END ON SAT,)
Pilgrims to the shrine in south-west France (FRANCE TOURIST INDUSTRY IS SUFFERING) will receive "plenary indulgences" (ALONG WITH SPECIAL PARTING GIFTS)from the Pontiff, which the Church says reduce the time spent being "washed" of sin after death.(NOT THE SECOND DEATH) The indulgences will be available from this weekend until Dec 8, 2008.(SORRY NO REFUNDS ON AIR

This is something you see in a travel agency

If you travel between.....dates

If you can't see, your blind

This is Heresy

Rev 18 says Come out of her my people

Does this offend you

Hope so,


News Item12/6/07 8:22 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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Mark M. wrote:
There is no such place as Purgatory. The entire reason for its creation was to fill the treasuries of the Catholic church. Continued belief in Purgatory is one of the reasons I will never become Catholic, I'm not as harsh as some of you guys are, I do in fact believe that most Catholics are Christians bought with the blood of Jesus just like the rest of us, but when there is error in the church: Papacy, mandatory confession, Mary worship (for some), intercession by persons other than Christ, and some writings equated with or superceding the Bible, then its a church that I can not join.
Heb 4:2
For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
Rev 18:3
For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies
(R C C)
Rev 18:4
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, COME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues
Rev 18:5
For her sins have reached unto heaven,
(even so come)

News Item12/6/07 5:50 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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JP wrote:
I agree that Ron Paul does have problems.
Does anybody know if he has went on record distancing himself from his Nazi supporters?
Did Jesus distance Himself from sinners

Christian, Christ like

If a sinful group supports you does that make you sinful

there is NO perfect person, no not one
still walking this earth.

why must christians bad mouth any group
Ron states what he thinks,
ask Ron, write him, email his office
but don't expect him to speak evil
in his responce

News Item12/6/07 5:41 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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Thought you might enjoy this comment
its about huc a bee

savedbygrace wrote:
I was hoping that we had a principled man with Biblical convictions running for the U.S. presidency but I'm not so sure. I was encouraged with reports of his S.B faith at the outset but later I became a little suspect of his position on salvation. He stated that Roman Catholics are fellow brothers in Christ!
As for R.Paul, he is pro-life but....
He stated that Roman Catholics are fellow brothers in Christ!

love (no need to thank me, thank


News Item12/6/07 5:34 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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Jhawk44 wrote:
Missionary beaten for sharing faith --- must be a slow news day, as this is not news.

News Item12/6/07 5:27 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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What am I missing
Preachers are to preach the Word

the whole there stuff is the problem
with what they call christianity.

Don't want a preacher with his own WORD


News Item12/6/07 5:21 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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sarah wrote:
So, no such thing as divorce?
Umm, what about the woman who when she doesnt cook the food right, gets her skull fractured in 10 different places, and ends up in the intensive care close to death's door. Or, the mother who is so beaten down and intimadated while he the husband turns on her children, horse whips them, locks them in the barn with no food for days..the list goes on. and on, the alcoholic that goes to the bar
Amen, the way I read it, the Bible talks about
1. if you become a christian and your spouse does not, no reason to divorce,
as long as the spouse does not prevent you from being a christian, turn the other cheek, does not mean let him smack the other side of your face, get out. Alot of prayer with this one I think.
2. If a christian is not married
don't marry a non believer.
3. non believers that marry, I don't think the Bible even speaks on the subject, who God has joined together
I think is the key.
4. If 2 christians, born again, christians marry, then God has joined.
the problems would not happen.
5. Just as God, through the Holy Spirit shows a person its time to repent, and believe, a person in a abusive marriage will stay there unless God shows them its time to get out .
Grace of God

Survey12/5/07 9:31 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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R. K. Borill wrote:
Oh, I don't know what Bible you are reading but Romans 3: 10-19 tells us:
10As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:

I agree with you 100%
and all your verses are without a doubt
show clearly man is scum.

God Loves All Sinners wrote:
Total depravity does not mean that a person can never do good.

maybe this verse is an example of good
not rightioues, or seeking God,
still in total depravity,
good as in

Matthew 7:11
If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?

The act of a person doing something good, does not mean there not evil

A good tree will produce good fruit
I think is not what the above verse is talking about.
An act of kindness or goodness does not make a person kind or good.

Don't know if this is what GLAS is

But for my own edification and
Is what Im saying making any sense?.


Survey12/5/07 9:14 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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someone made a comment,
"The description in Isa 64:6 describes the Calvinists"

Isaiah 64:6
But we are all as an unclean thing,

and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags;

and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

Wow does that mean Im a Calvinist, the verse says all, and I believe the verse.

The writer goes on to say

"because they do not believe they need to repent"

I don't believe that because
the Bible dosn't say that.

Something is not right, every Calvinist I spoke with says repentance
is required, (please only calvinist answer) am I wrong?

The writer goes on to say

"and they can do nothing to lose their salvation."

I think the writer must be reading the Bible without wisdom,
Is that like saying
and they can do nothing to recieve
the gift of salvation, Im pretty sure thats Biblical.

Is God all knowing? (Bible says yes)
Is man all knowing? (Bible says, (well read the verse Isa 64:6) NO, ALL

To God the Glory for Salvation
from beginning to end.

thanks for reading
terry, still only a poor slob of a christian thanks be to God

News Item12/5/07 8:28 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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AntiVaticanistAmerican wrote:
The Only Difference between you and "lance(fork-tongue)eccles"
is this like the 4th time you used it)
1.Why pick on Lance
besides, he lives down under
at least name a catholic in the USA
(Ron Paul needs the vote)
2. This is getting boring, thanks and
Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.


News Item12/5/07 8:20 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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I'm having more fun! wrote:
What about your nay being nay?
Seems like Satanic-Vaticanist terry evans is a REAL admirer of SATANIC-VATICANIST RON PAUL !
Oh the persecuition

But then was it Ron Paul that said
they will hate you as they have hated me, no, who was that?

News Item12/5/07 8:07 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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AntiVaticanistAmerican wrote:
Let your Yeas be Yeas and your Nays be Nays:
My Yea(s) of Yesterday was/were: "THAT LEAVES THE TRUE ANTI-SATANIC-
Its ok, vote for who you want, fine,
Im happy for you, you hold fast to what
you believe.

My point, one of many, all you see is
the pope, funny how hatred will blind.
One might think the Bible would speak on HATE, a lesson maybe, something about forgivness. Does the Bible say something along the line of, you are what you fear the most?
When the light shines on something huc a bee, did, does, or don't. And it will,
may take 2 years to happen
It will be to late

to let your yeas be nays
thats not how it goes now is it

is it let your yeas be yeas untill you change your mind, must be.

then it may be to late, to let your
nay be yea.

Me, who am I,
have always supported Ron Paul
and always will, see
I was country, when country wasn't cool

Im not trying to convert you, but I think when my comments are compared to yours maybe a few catholics will

Vote for Ron Paul

thanks Anti- Guy for your support

(how about a truce, you can even have
the last Word)


Survey12/5/07 6:20 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Please don't get angry with me here. I believe the difference with these men along with others such as Wesley and Moody was the empowering of the Holy Spirit in their preaching...and if I may the differences between Calvinism and Arminianism (or at least fundamentalism) kind of fade away when the Holy Spirit sovereignly does His work in the lives of men and women.
And from what I understand people like Whitefield and Wesley despite their differences could labor together to see the lost come to salvation and apparently it is Jesus Christ and that people come to faith in Him as their Savior and Lord is more important to someone who is filled with the Holy Spirit in whether or not they agree on each others system of theology.
Discerning Believer wrote
Amen Michael.
What passes off as Calvinistic preaching today, even John Calvin would laugh at.
What many are unaware of is that even John Bunyan "Pilgrim's Progress" and Jonathan Edwards "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" were staunch Calvinist, yet their sermons are revered among even fundamental baptist.

edit: sorry saw this futher down

The description in Isa 64:6 describes the Calvinists

A ?,
How old is John Calvin?


News Item12/5/07 6:05 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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By Your Standards, Not Elect wrote:
While I could argue whether the "rebuke" you leveled was justified or not, to your credit you do try to be fair on these threads. I also appreciate your non-denominationalistic approach. At least a dialogue has a chance of occurring with you.
I merely like to know what my targets are, that is all. Perhaps this is a difference of methodology.
While I could argue whether the "rebuke" you leveled was justified
I know, thanks for not doing so, what you said was not heresy,
and I may have been a little strong.
sorry about that although my point I still stand behind.
You say it never hurts to know at least a little about what one is bashing. I think what Dan said was more than enough to let us know what the book was about,Dan wrote:
No need to read them. All you need is an excerpt like this one from the 3rd book…
“The Authority, God, the Creator, The Lord... those were all names he gave himself. He was never the creator. you did reply to his comment, I did also, methodology, yes?
Care must be taken, (not saying you) chistianity today uses Grace to justify
anything,even anti God entertainment.
Bad Food meaning was Bad Doctrine, why encourage others to eat.

News Item12/5/07 5:43 PM
terry evans | miramar beach fl  Contact via emailFind all comments by terry evans
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R. K. Borill wrote:
You are absolutely right. Flying the flag of Calvinism does not mean that the ship is not full of pirates. I know of several Presbyterian denominations that are no more Calvinistic than the "Mad-Hatter". The deceptive spirit and wolf always wears the sheeps clothing to enter the flock.
Thanks RK


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