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News Item12/26/07 11:02 PM
preacherjond  Find all comments by preacherjond
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Abigail, your intepretations of Scripture are amazing.

So tell me, what do you do with Romans 7 where the apostle Pauls talks about being a sinner and in verse 22 of how wretched of a man he was? How about the fact that he was told several times by God not to go to Jerusalem, but he went anyway and preached the gospel and people were saved? How about the apostle John in the book of Revelation? He was receiving the very word of God yet he fell down and worshipped and angel. How about Peter in the book of Galatians who was preaching false doctrine mixed with true doctrine and had to be openly rebuked by the apostle Paul, yet God used Peter's preaching to save many souls?

So what happened? did their sin cause them to be lost for that moment in time and they just did all this according to the flesh? I don't think so.

Abigail, the Penecostals have lied to you, and led you down a false road, misinterpreting the scriptures and filling your mind with heresies. I pray that your eyes will be opened to the truth, in Jesus Christ's name I ask it, Amen.

News Item12/26/07 8:30 PM
preacherjond  Find all comments by preacherjond
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Joseph wrote:
It seems however much we try to instruct others about our misunderstood faith, nothing will work.
Joseph, I might remind you that you are speaking to several former well taught and instructed catholics who have learned the TRUTH. How you get that we misunderstand the roman religion, when we all grew up in it, it was ingrained in us, taught to us from birth all the way to adulthood, HOW CAN YOU SAY WE DON"T UNDERSTAND IT?

News Item12/26/07 2:20 PM
PreacherJonD.  Find all comments by PreacherJonD.
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Three wise men wrote:
Did Spurgeon FOLLOW THE BIBLE?...
Heres a quote from Spurgeon I don't think you'll like it:

“Men who are morbidly anxious to possess a self-consistent creed,--A CREED WHICH WILL PUT TOGETHER AND FORM A SQUARE LIKE A CHINESE PUZZLE,--are very apt to narrow their souls. Those who will only believe what they can reconcile will necessarily disbelieve much of divine revelation. Those who receive by faith anything which they find in the Bible will receive two things, twenty things, ay, or twenty thousand things, though they cannot construct a theory which harmonises them all” (Spurgeon, “Faith,” Sword and Trowel, 1872).

I might add that your logic sounds a lot like GG.

News Item12/26/07 1:56 PM
PreacherJonD.  Find all comments by PreacherJonD.
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Amen Cindy!!

They don't realize how spiritually bankrupt and blinded they are.

The romanists on here continuously post comments in order to stir up trouble because they're rome's information gatherers. They simply post a vague, or argumentive comment in regards to what they want to know, so rome can find out exactly what we believe, and then use what they learn in its ecumenical agenda. Rome then re-words their teachings to sound like what they've learned, so they can work to gather all the protestants back under their wing(and not only protestants but all world religions)They will never persuade genuine born again Christians no matter how hard they try, FOR JESUS SAYS THAT THE GATES OF HELL WILL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST US!! PRAISE HIS NAME, AMEN!!!

I fear for those who comment for rome, their hearts are so hardened to the truth. I'm afraid that when they find out that they've been lied to, it will be to late. I just pray that God will plough the hard soil of their hearts so that the good seed of the gospel will grow and bear fruit.

News Item12/26/07 1:11 PM
PreacherJonD.  Find all comments by PreacherJonD.
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ErnieG wrote:
Here is another propoganda article by Christianity Today calling papists Christians. I emailed them and told them that is the lie of Satan because that is what he wants people to believe!!!

Why don't you Christians here do the do the same? After all, we are in this together, aren't we?

Amen brother Ernie!!

News Item12/26/07 12:54 PM
PreacherJonD.  Find all comments by PreacherJonD.
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Lurker wrote:
Well stated, RK,
I note in one of Abigail's previous posts...

An assertion with no scriptural warrant.
Strive all we may ***to reckon the old man dead*** (and we must strive lest we be chastened Heb 12:6-8)) it is impossible in the mortal corruptible state to be immortal and incorruptible. This is a fact and to deny it is folly. The only claim to sinless perfection we can make in this life is the imputed perfection of our Lord and Savior by way of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
In reading Abigail's posts she implies Christians must strive to attain to sinless perfection and in so doing she denies the imputed righteousness of Christ and betrays herself as working to achieve perfection in the flesh. Instead of striving to continually reckon the old carnal nature dead (which is what we must do by grace) and looking to and resting on the righteousness and sinless perfection of Christ by faith; she works iniquity for whatever is not of faith is sin.
God bless, RK and Walt. I'll not be able to post further today.


News Item12/26/07 10:31 AM
PreacherJonD.  Find all comments by PreacherJonD.
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Michael Hranek wrote:
No! You've gotten it wrong I don't see myself as an Arminian after God graciously dealt with me I didn't have to be an Arminian if I wasn't a Calvinist and since I cannot in good conscience follow after Calvinism I will simply accept that I am a Christian one whom God Himself has saved and caused to be born again of His Spirit to belong to Him forever.
Amen!! WE have the biblical right not to follow any mans system of theology, rejecting any part of it, or all of it if its not Scriptural. I reject strict Calvinism, and I also reject strict Arminianism. Some will say that I follow a "mythical middle road" NO I FOLLOW THE BIBLE. No man can fit the things of God into any system, and when we start putting the emphasis on what Calvin taught, or Arminius taught, or what Luther taught, or Wesley taught, then we become as wicked as the papists.


On the topic of John Calvin, here we have someone who: practiced infant baptism, never gave a testimony of being born again, followed heretics like Augustine and based his work upon their teachings, killed Christians for not submitting to his beliefs-- I don't think its very wise choice to follow any of his teachings!!

Put away the doctrines of men!!!

News Item12/26/07 9:46 AM
PreacherJonD.  Find all comments by PreacherJonD.
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GG wrote:
The 'Great Whore of Babyalon', according to Revelations, sits on the 'seven hills of Rome'. Unfortunately for the fanatic Fundi's, the Vatican is on the West bank of the Tiber, not the East bank, where the city of Rome and the seven hills are. Try again fella's!
And your point is?...

Dessie, thank you and may God bless you richly in all things also.

News Item12/26/07 9:34 AM
PreacherJonD.  Find all comments by PreacherJonD.
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GG wrote:
While we may or may not have a certain amount of trust in the Church that Jesus built upon the Rock called Peter, our faith is only in the Lord.
No, (and I speak from genuine experience as a former rc), your faith is in how well you perform your catholic duties that you think God ordained in order to hope to "make it". This is where the devil has pulled the wool over your eyes.

"For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.(Romans 10:3)"

"While it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation.(Hebrews 3:15)"

I always pray for you GG, I just hope that when you do realize your religion won't help you, it won't be at the judgment seat of Christ.

News Item12/26/07 9:14 AM
PreacherJonD.  Find all comments by PreacherJonD.
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Abigail wrote:
KJV. Your words about genuine repentance and God sealing us with His Spirit, giving us power over sin are true. Genuine repentance is turning from sin—not remaining in sin or partially turning from sin. People make a confession of accepting Christ and continue living as they have always lived, doing as they have always done, so where is repentance? Were they so sinless without Christ that there was nothing to repent of? What gave you the idea that I have said we can live a righteous life without the Holy Spirit? The indwelling Holy Ghost is the power of God that gives us the ability to overcome sin. Modern churches avoid mortification and crucifixion of the flesh. They do not know nor do they care to know what true holiness is, nor do they recognize how exceedingly evil the world is. Instead of coming out of the world and being separate from the world, they want friendship with the world, walking hand in hand, claiming some sort of pseudo righteousness. There is no difference between the sinner and the "saint" except in their vocabulary. "Why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things that I say
Abigail, I agree, but where do you get your ideas of sinless perfection?

News Item12/25/07 9:32 PM
preacherJonD.  Find all comments by preacherJonD.
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Joseph wrote:
Jon, you seem to act like the Bible is so clear that a 1st grader could understand it.
The Scripture speaks for itself.

You can call me what you want GG, but if you,Joseph, Lance and whoever else placing their trust in a religious system, do not receive the second birth of the Spirit you will perish along with your gesu-ite religion.

I'm not being judgmental, I'm telling you what the written Word of God says. If our eyes meet on the day of judgment I'm free from your blood. If you don't like it take it up with God.

Father in Heaven, open their blind eyes and prick their hardened hearts with the true gospel, in Jesus's name I ask it, Amen.

News Item12/25/07 9:02 PM
PreacherJonD.  Find all comments by PreacherJonD.
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Once again, how much more plain do the scriptures have to be? But then again, you cannot understand the things of God as you are not born of the Spirit as it is written:

"But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. BUT THE NATURAL MAN RECEIVETH NOT THE THINGS OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD: FOR THEY ARE FOOLISHNESS UNTO HIM: NEITHER CAN HE KNOW THEM, BECAUSE THEY ARE SPIRITUALLY DISCERNED. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ." (1 Corinthians 2:10-16)

News Item12/25/07 7:55 PM
preacherJonD.  Find all comments by preacherJonD.
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Joseph wrote:
1. After all, James tells us that "a man is justified by works and not by faith alone." Don't the two passages contradict each other if interpreted in your way? ...

2. I have another question for you Jon. What do you think a man must believe about salvation in order to be saved? Must he believe in sola fide? Must he believe in eternal security? Could someone be bearing all the fruits of the Spirit and be damned because he does not believe in eternal security?

1. Joseph, the book of James teaches that works are evidence of genuine salvation. The birth of the Holy Spirit creates a radical, dramatic change in a persons heart and good works are the evidence of this change. James is teaching that if a person professes salvation, but his works do not match, then his faith is dead because the Spirit does not live within him. Faith and works must accompany each other in this sense, but works cannot have any role in salvation.

2. Joseph, a man must simply believe "on" Jesus Christ to be saved, simply genuine biblical repentance, and trusting Him alone. The rest is taught to us by the Holy Spirit after our spiritual birth. Until one is born again, it is impossible for them to understand the things of God.(1Corinthians 2:10-16)

News Item12/25/07 4:38 PM
PreacherJonD.  Find all comments by PreacherJonD.
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Abigail wrote:
A person cannot sin while abiding in Christ because that would make Christ the author of sin. A person cannot be led of the Spirit and sin simultaneously because the Spirit leads and guides in all truth.
Are you saying that one who is born again never sins?

News Item12/25/07 3:31 PM
PreacherJonD.  Find all comments by PreacherJonD.
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Abigail, I don't know what Bible your reading, but I don't want it.

The presentation of the Gospel that I gave was as biblical as one can put it. If we don't recieve the righteousness of Christ how in the world will we be saved? We don't have any righteousness of ourselves, and we can do nothing to gain righteousness.(Romans 3)

God gives us the righteousness of Christ UPON OUR SAVING FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST. Saving faith involves genuine repentance and turning to God and trusting Him. God seals us with His Spirit, giving us power over sin, enabling us to start living in holiness. I agree, we are to live in obedience to the scriptures, but without the Holy Spirit of God being born in us we cannot live in obedience. If we claim to be born again, having the righteousness of Christ, and live continually in sin and disobedience, and if God does not chastise us severly for it, WE ARE NOT BORN AGAIN.

Your interpretations lead me to suspect that you believe the false doctrines of the Penecostal/Charismatic crowd. Salvation is a complete work of God, in that He gives it, and He keeps that which we have committed unto Him against that day(2Timothy 1:12)

Abigail you cannot trust upon your own works for righteousness. If you do, then you're no different than the romanists.

News Item12/24/07 5:15 PM
PreacherJonD.  Find all comments by PreacherJonD.
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Wayne M, Amen to your post and thank you. I give God all the credit, as it is He who enables me to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Joseph, the books of Romans and Galatians are very clear on the subject of salvation. I'm praying for you to be born again. May God bring His Spirit to birth in your heart, in Jesus Christ's holy name, Amen.

News Item12/24/07 4:33 PM
PreacherJonD.  Find all comments by PreacherJonD.
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Joseph wrote:
Thank you Jon, I am glad to hear a more orthodox explanation of the term than some people..
Joseph, I would like to add that salvation is not an ongoing process as Rome and many protestant denominations teach. When you are born of the Spirit or born "again", it is a spiritual birth and a one time event just as your natural birth was a one time event.

God gives you the power to overcome sin, and He begins to sanctify you. Sanctification is when God works in your life to continually turn you from sin and make you more holy. We are not fully sanctified until we reach eternity, and we do still sin, but we are not given to sin, or continue in a life of sin. Even though we fail and sin, our salvation is never lost. God saves and God keeps us.

And when we do sin, we simply go to God and confess it, we don't have to go through anyone to get to God, we can go directly to Him.

This is why I said that rome teaches a false gospel. Rome teaches that you are saved by washing with water, and then its a constant struggle all your life to stay in the grace of God. You can never be sure if your going to "make it". The Bible says that if you are born again, you are SAVED, you will never perish, you HAVE(present posession) eternal life.

News Item12/24/07 4:08 PM
PreacherJonD.  Find all comments by PreacherJonD.
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Thank you brother Michael.

You see Joseph, there is a big difference in simply believing in Jesus and having saving faith in Jesus. (which is repentance and trust in Him)

Repentance means to turn from sin and turn to God. To trust in Jesus means to fully depend on His death on the cross to satisfy Gods wrath against you for your sin. The moment you place this saving faith in Jesus, the Bible says God will give you a new heart with His Spirit born within it. He'll make you a new person a new creature in Christ.

God will count you as righteous in His sight because of your faith in Christ. This is what it means to be justified by faith. It is just as if you never sinned. God will see you as if you never sinned, by your faith in Jesus Christ you will be counted as righteous. It is His free gift, you cannot earn it, you don't deserve it, but he offers it to you as a gift, all you have to do is reach out and take it by trusting Him.

God has made salvation a matter of the heart. You can't earn it, you can't merit for yourself any graces, you can't do anything to help you "make it". God promises that if believe "on" Jesus Christ you shall be saved.

This is the biblical gospel, Rome's gospel is very different. Joseph, ask God directly to show you who's right. He will!!

News Item12/24/07 3:38 PM
PreacherJonD.  Find all comments by PreacherJonD.
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"Jon, what do you mean by born again?"

Joseph, I'm talking about the literal birth of the Holy Spirit within you. We are born spiritually dead because of the sin nature we inherited from Adam. It is this sin nature that sets our destiny by default into hell fire. In order for us to see this more clearly God gave us His law(Ten Commandments) to show us our condition. Have you ever lied? This violates the commandment "Thou shalt not bear false witness" Have you ever looked with lust? Jesus says whoever looks with lust has committed adultery in their heart(Matthew 5:28)If you answered yes to these, by your own admission you are a lying, adulterer. This is how God sees you. His word says that all liars shall have their part in the lake of fire, and no adulterer shall enter the kingdom of God(Rev. 21:8; 1Cor 6:9) The soul that sinneth it shall die.. the wages of sin is death...(Ezek. 18:4; Romans 6:23) In order to be in the presence of God we must be righteous and without sin. So as you can see none of us are. We must recieve the righteousness of Christ. To recieve His righteousness we must repent and place our trust in Him. This is very different from just believing. The instant we repent and trust Him, God births His Spirit within us.

I need more space to finish this...

News Item12/23/07 7:36 PM
PreacherJonD.  Find all comments by PreacherJonD.
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I would like to add this quote from Spurgeon also. I couldn't fit it on the last post.

"“Men who are morbidly anxious to possess a self-consistent creed,--A CREED WHICH WILL PUT TOGETHER AND FORM A SQUARE LIKE A CHINESE PUZZLE,--are very apt to narrow their souls. Those who will only believe what they can reconcile will necessarily disbelieve much of divine revelation. Those who receive by faith anything which they find in the Bible will receive two things, twenty things, ay, or twenty thousand things, though they cannot construct a theory which harmonises them all” (Spurgeon, “Faith,” Sword and Trowel, 1872).

I'll say it again, no system of theology can explain the mysteries of God.

We have biblical authority to reject any point or all of Calvinism, and likewise also to reject any or all of Arminianism or any other system of theology. When we start putting the greater emphasis on what Calvin taught, or Arminius taught, or what Wesley taught, or any other mens doctrines, we move farther and farther from the Scripture and become more like the romanists.

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