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Sermon10/15/08 2:26 PM
Wayne | Oregon  Find all comments by Wayne
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“ Wonderful Sermon! ”
Wonderful sermon may we rejoice we have been brought and loosed from our sins! Love the pictures of redemption in the Old Testament you brought out Brother Don. Precious truth!

Sermon10/14/08 2:04 PM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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On Patience & On Gossips
C. H. Spurgeon
“ Great Sermon! ”
'If we must talk, at least let us be free from slander, but let us not blister our tongues with backbiting. Slander may be sport to tale-bearers, but it is death to those whom they abuse. We can commit murder with the tongue as well as with the hand. The worst evil you can do a man is to injure his character' C H Spurgeon

Survey10/14/08 12:33 PM
Wayne | posting on the right forum  Find all comments by Wayne
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'There is Hope from America'

You said:
"Shame on those 4 who would display such behavior. It is totally uncalled for and displays their unregenerate nature."

You said:" I listened to Bro. Click's message and much of his criticisms were based on misinformed sources..."

Now my friend where in the Bible does it say you can make judgement without all the facts? We are both in agreement as I read your comments. I emailed Norman Smith with a similar comment. I am not a hypercalvinist and BTW I am a Free Presbyterian and where I disagree with you is that I am neither unregenerate or mistaken if I note your own comments on the Gary Click sermon.

I have nothing to hide if you want to email me please do so as we are exhorted to seek 2 or 3 witnesses to prove the essential truth. Norman hardly displayed his own rules *clothed with humility*, and *speak the truth in love*, in his response did he?

Why I further responded is for his *reason* but his humility seems to allow him to make a charge but then refuse to back such up. Maybe he thinks that is 'speaking the truth in love'?

God bless you


Norman received 4 'hate' email from me-I suspect there isn't 4 others to be ashamed. Please feel free to email me-but I do not wish to make any further public comment.

Survey10/14/08 11:35 AM
Wayne  Contact via emailFind all comments by Wayne
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FAO: 'There is Hope from America'

(from opinion of SA forum-sorry I this write here)

You said:
"Shame on those 4 who would display such behavior. It is totally uncalled for and displays their unregenerate nature."

You said:" I listened to Bro. Click's message and much of his criticisms were based on misinformed sources..."

Now my friend where in the Bible does it say you can make judgement without all the facts? We are both in agreement as I read your comments. I emailed Norman Smith with a similar comment. I am not a hypercalvinist and BTW I am a Free Presbyterian and where I disagree with you is that I am neither unregenerate or mistaken if I note your own comments on the Gary Click sermon.

I have nothing to hide if you want to email me please do so as we are exhorted to seek 2 or 3 witnesses to prove the essential truth. Norman hardly displayed his own rules *clothed with humility*, and *speak the truth in love*, in his response did he?

Why I further responded is for his *reason* but his humility seems to allow him to make a charge but then refuse to back such up. Maybe he thinks that is 'speaking the truth in love'?

God bless you


I shall make no further comment on this but should any want to email me then please feel free do do so.

Survey10/14/08 10:56 AM
Wayne  Contact via emailFind all comments by Wayne
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I had email contact with Norman a few years ago-all saved on file-I have as far as I know never caused him any offence. I wrote the following so he could check out some simple facts and received his response that I am a hypocrite-I then asked him for his 'justification'. BEFORE making any judgement I have all the 'venemous' email for any to check. Norman can explain now as he has gone pubic why I am an hypocrite?

Dear Norman

As you make your email address public I hope you don't mind my writing to you.

The problem with your comments are that you haven't understood correctly Gary Click's sermon-for the sake of clarity please listen to http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=1011082323512

A Response to The TULIP Wilts-Pastor Trevor Hammack

It is shocking that Pastor Click makes such statements and he has been urged to repent and challenged to respond. Listen and base your comments on at least a truthful examination of the facts rather than gross distortions that are sadly so common by so many on sermonaudio who claim to know better.

God bless you


His reply:
So why dont you make YOUR comments public then ,know it all ?
Please DONT you ever post emails to me trying to put me right again.
Youi are as hypocritical as somebody else i know.

Sermon10/7/08 7:14 PM
Wayne | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Wayne
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Excellent Sermon! ”
Excellent sermon on Jesus Christ our Saviour! Thank your Brother Don. Reposing in Christ!

Sermon10/6/08 12:13 AM
Wayne | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Wayne
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Biblical Repentance
Don Bell
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wonderful sermon Brother Don. The contrast's between true and false repentance was excellent! Christ is all in all!

Sermon9/29/08 1:34 AM
Wayne | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Wayne
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Don Fortner
“ Great Sermon! ”
I agree with Dessie this sermon was very precious! Brother Don this was honey to our souls! Praise God for the Free and Sovereign Grace of God in Christ!

Sermon9/29/08 1:19 AM
Wayne | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Wayne
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Praise God for our Saviour Jesus Christ who is the bread of life. Wonderful sermon about our Saviour. Clover for the sheep of Christ!

Sermon9/29/08 1:13 AM
Wayne | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Wayne
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Wonderful sermon Brother Don! Very Christ honouring sermon, thank you for proclaiming the Gospel so boldly! All glory to Jesus Christ!

Sermon9/23/08 11:50 PM
Wayne | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Wayne
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He is Precious
Don Bell
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wonderful sermon! Precious truth!

Sermon9/23/08 4:05 PM
Wayne | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Wayne
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Christ The Well of Life
Don Fortner
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wonderful sermon very Christ honoring. Love the contrast between duty obedience and commitment. Loved the comment about read the scriptures looking for Christ! So many blessings in this sermon. Wonderful sermon that is Christ honoring!

Sermon9/22/08 11:49 PM
Wayne | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Wayne
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Praise God for Free Grace preaching! Love the different references to wells in the scripture Brother Don. Honey to the saints soul!

Sermon9/22/08 11:45 PM
Wayne | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Wayne
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I Am Gracious
Don Fortner
“ Wonderful Sermon! ”
Wonderful sermon about our gracious God. A must listen!

Sermon9/19/08 5:16 PM
Wayne | Oregon  Find all comments by Wayne
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God's Bloodhound
Evangelist Rolfe Barnard
“ Great Sermon! ”
Outstanding sermon by Brother Barnard. Exalts the sovereignty of God and humbles the pride of man. Salvation is of the Lord!

Sermon9/14/08 4:19 AM
Wayne | Oregon  Contact via emailFind all comments by Wayne
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“ Wonderful Sermon! ”
This sermon was a blessing to my soul. Thank you Brother Clay for this Christ honouring sermon. The part about they are all looking at each other but not at Christ is a sad fact. Precious truth!

Sermon9/13/08 3:31 PM
Wayne | Oregon  Find all comments by Wayne
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“ Excellent Sermon! ”
Wow! Great sermon thank you Brother Rupert for the precious truth in this sermon. There's a great day coming! A must listen!

Sermon9/13/08 3:29 PM
Wayne | Oregon  Find all comments by Wayne
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O Magnify The Lord With Me
Jesse Gistand
“ Wonderful Sermon! ”
Praise God for His matchless grace in Christ. Thank you Brother Jessie for this Christ honoring sermon.

Sermon9/13/08 3:26 PM
Wayne | Oregon  Find all comments by Wayne
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“ Excellent Sermon! ”
Thank you Brother Cody. I love how you went through and showed us the must's that are in the salvation of God's people. Salvation is of the Lord! Precious truth!

Survey9/13/08 12:29 PM
Wayne | Western Massachusetts  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Wayne
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No, not ALL able-bodied adult Christians should be on the streets going house to house. Neither of the no answers apply. I don't believe the "book of life is settled" and I don't believe in inviting sinners to church. I do believe that the gospel is best done through friendship. Jesus was called the friend of sinners because he hung out with them, not because he preached at them. Some people are called to preach in the streets and house to house, but most of us are called to love people into the kingdom.
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