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News Item5/21/12 7:20 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Angela Wittman wrote:
RE San Jose John: I am not going to waste time whiting out children's books, but I am going to be more careful when purchasing them in the future.

If I come across any I'll try to let you know.

I also once had an old paperback TEV Bible back in the 1970s when they called it "Good News for Modern Man", which had numerous stick-figures of Biblical Characters including Jesus mixed in with text on its pages. :/

Today I use ESV and other "Good News for ALL Men" Bibles, not just those geared for "Modern Men". Safer, I think.

Hab.Isa wrote:
It is more about the heart of a people who would fabricate the dumb idol and their purpose in doing so.
Yes, even the brazen serpent lifted up by Moses had become an idol to many in I think it was either Hezekiah's day or Josiah's day until that king had it destroyed.

News Item5/21/12 4:42 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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One of the more "conservative" churches I attended had a few illustrated children's books in the nursery where someone had whited-out all illustrations of Jesus' face. One of the books' own illustrators gave his illustrations of Christ the "Ben Hur" treatment, showing only the back side of Christ when shown with his disciples.

Since His ascension, Jesus has been in His glorified state as King of kings (at the Father's right hand is how the Bible describes it). No one could even begin to do justice to His appearance in this state, and since no one knows what he looked like when he was on earth, the best that anyone can hope to do now is to misrepresent him and make him look far less glorious than he is or was.

News Item5/17/12 1:23 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Russ wrote:
Truth. I think they are right on the money. We are losing our youth because fathers are not fulfilling their God ordained role as shepherds of their own families.
I really admire home-schoolers' willingness and earnestness in taking control and overseeing their kids' overall life training.

I'm not a parent but it must be VERY tempting to just turn the whole job of educating your kid over to a school so you can get on with your own life's activities. Nothing wrong with this as long as the parents remains proactive and involved in the kid's daily progress, rather than be disconnected.

Disconnected parents of the same generation of my own parents tended to only get visibly involved AFTER their kid got into trouble at school. Once the kid's "trouble" was "resolved", these same parents essentially disappeared until their kid got into trouble again. They seemed reactive as opposed to being proactive, and were either unable and/or unwilling to really care about much of what was happening in their kid's life. Sad.

News Item5/17/12 12:57 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Maybe the problem for Obama is that most of the actual benefits dispensed by government to married couples are already available to those involved in homosexual civil unions (or so I've been told). If this is the case then he can only "buy votes" by giving them the "marriage" label--but this will alienate some of his black supporters as well as his more-moral independents who don't approve of the homosexual lifestyle, much less having it be equated with traditional marriage.

Since Obama is evidently in political trouble (sinking poll numbers and floundering economy) he has to take risks like this if he's going to have any hope of winning in Nov.

News Item5/14/12 11:57 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Mike wrote:
Two things.
1) The "wedge issue" has been brought up solely by the homosexual "community," and their friends. The opposition to redefining marriage would not exist if the "community" had not promoted it in the first place. Confusion in "The Nation"?
2) Historical account records this:
"Previously, on February 24, 2004, Bush called for an amendment which would have outlawed gay marriage, and which would have disallowed states from recognizing or enforcing gay civil unions."
Thanks for clearing that up. I was having great difficulty trying to remember any "pro-homo" policies by GW Bush (still can't think of any), but I was also unaware of your second point until now.

Perhaps what Jim means is that Romney is less tolerant of the homosexual lifestyle than Bush was. Unless Jim can cite an instance where GW Bush promoted the homosexuals' agenda.

News Item5/11/12 12:48 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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millercl wrote:
Right, if it is a demon, wouldn't she bear the fruit there of? Why would you stifle something that you can't definitively say is dangerous and helps her feel closer to the God of the Bible?
Sure, if she starts becoming disobedient, you might find some causation or correlation, but why don't you encourage your sister, build her up like you should? I understand the warning, but again, unless she isn't bearing fruits of the spirit then there is no need for correction or such...
Her life has been a huge mess for at least 2 decades. No fruit of any kind that I or anyone else can see; but she does have mental issues too, so THAT could be at least part of the "demon" she's dealing with, and apparently has been for some time now. Not a very good testimony for "tongues" at all.

My original point was that as Christians we are to test the spirits to see if they are from God, which my sister, and so many like her today who foolishly pray words they don't understand nor ever seem to at least TRY to, never seem to do.

If Paul says 5 words in a known tongue are worth more than 5000 in an unknown tongue, who today is going to waste time on the latter?

News Item5/11/12 12:30 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Barry from KY wrote:
Ironically John, they where democrats too, if i remember my history correctly...
Back then they called themselves the Democratic-Republican party, of which Thomas Jefferson, who owned slaves, was foremost at the time. Republican party didn't even exist then, if I remember correctly. I do need to review my history since it's been a while--high school--but I was blessed with VERY good teachers.

News Item5/11/12 12:16 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
This could possible be true, pot smokers and peaceniks support Ron more than they do Obama.

"peaceniks" especially are unhappy with Obama's continued prosecution of the Afgan war, drone attacks, not closing Gitmo, etc.

I must say I'm surprised and even delighted that you didn't include "racists" among Paul supporters mentioned in your post this time. Still, I doubt if there are enough of them to make a dent in the huge number of blacks likely to vote for Obama again this time around.

News Item5/11/12 12:06 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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I'm told it's mostly the younger people who are ambivalent about this and other issues that we "olders" never had a problem with. Then again my generation wasn't smothered by modern/post-modern rationalization as much as kids now seem to be.

Don Randolph wrote:
I wonder if the angels are split over this one.
At one time they were but God opted to throw the 1/3 who rebelled against Him out of Heaven. No poll needed!

News Item5/11/12 12:00 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Mike wrote:
Actually, it's her Democrat liberalism that compels her.

Her Catholicism compels her to do what she's doing BUT only after it has been filtered through her liberal democrat world view, after which it no longer resembles actual orthodox Catholicism but retains its original label none the less.

News Item5/11/12 11:51 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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It would be interesting to see how so-called "Bible-belt" states fared vs. their more secular counterparts in this survey. I'm hearing a lot of complaints on other blogs that CA's low performance is somehow due to distraction of students by creationists and intelligent design advocates away from "real science". Talk about "shooting the messenger"!

Call me cynical but I think this general failure on the part of our 8th-graders is more likely due simply to the fact that we allow our kids to pack so much fluff in their heads that there's precious room for anything else.

Maybe the ED should try to get the producers and casts of Glee and Jersey Shore to develop scripts where some of the actors get involved in a science project and actually "enjoy" it.

Then science could actually be "cool" again. Like it was back when I was a kid when the space program was in full swing.

News Item5/10/12 11:41 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Obama's poll numbers are dropping. Pro-Obama comments on Yahoo articles regarding the president almost always have many more thumbs-down than thumbs up while those opposing Obama have many more thumbs-up than down. He's in trouble, so he needs to do something like this to shake up his voting base and hopefully expand it to include not only homosexuals but the many independents and libertarians who support homosexuality.

News Item5/9/12 12:41 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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age of minority wrote:
Tradition has it that Mary gave birth to the Lord at 13. At what age is one no longer a child?
Ours appears to be one of the few cultures which lacks any kind of well-defined "rite-of-passage" from "childhood" to "adulthood".

Perhaps much of this is due to family fragmentation, and various causes thereof, in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

This does make it kind of hard to form, much less apply, proper expectations to our young people, doesn't it?

News Item5/9/12 12:30 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Too lazy to read the article.

Evidently there's some incentive to count the unborn in this situation, not unlike Southerners at the Constitutional Convention wanting to count slaves as whole people to enhance their political clout. Northerners protested this which (if I remember correctly) resulted in the so-called "racist" 3/5s compromise, where blacks were counted as 3/5 of a person for political purposes.

News Item5/9/12 12:18 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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eleventh hour wrote:
When the government said let them consume contraception en masse (1960), what conservative made a peep?
When the government said let them divorce en masse (1970), what conservative made a peep?
When the government said let them abort en masse (1973), what conservative made a peep?
When the government said let them IVF en masse (1990s), what conservative made a peep?
But when the government finally says let them gay-marry en masse (2012), what conservative isn't making a peep?
Conservatives did nothing for 52 years while liberals changed the world. Now conservatives want to save Christian marriage at the 11th hour? It's too late for that.
I remember all these events when they happened and I remember hearing lots of "peeps", and much more than just "peeps" from conservatives at the time regarding all these issues--except IVF. IVF was actually lauded by many of my fellow protestants as a much more righteous alternative to surrogate motherhood, which was widely used by modern worldly people back then (late 70s, early 80s) as a viable alternative to childlessness.

Maybe you didn't hear the "peeps" because you lacked the ability to do so at the time those "peeps" were being made.

News Item5/8/12 12:23 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jewish leaders wrote:
So did the Pharisees and other leaders of Jesus' day.
You beat me to it. (John 9:24)

News Item5/4/12 12:42 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jesus Palafox wrote:
Praying in tongues does not exist anymore you can see that Paul talks about people who speak in tongues are of Satan because they think the spirit is in them while they're at church to gain attention but you don't see them doing that at home. Or Do You?
My sister claims to have a "prayer language" by which she speaks privately to God in a "tongue" that not even she understands. She claims it makes her feel good/blessed. She thinks it's cool. I think it's dangerous. If the words she's praying back to God are actually from a demon, she may be cursing God without even realizing it, thinking she's blessing Him instead. "Feeling good" is no safe valitdation of spiritual activity since most if not all people "feel good" (at least in the short run) when they sin. Sadly she's so enthralled by this "gift" of hers that neither I nor anyone else can convince her otherwise.

So much of what passes for Christianity today is largely a do-it-yourself religion, with little bits of Bible thrown in for seasoning.

News Item5/4/12 12:17 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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jodi wrote:
It shows how many people don't know what the Bible says. The world wont end but Jesus is going to return in my lifetime. This I know but I don't know what day or hour but I know its soon.
Since neither you nor anyone else can be sure how long they are going to live, it's much better just to say He's coming back SOON.

I also think Jesus will return soon. Especially when I see how much more the whole world looks like Sodom prior to its destruction with its increasingly wide-acceptance of homosexuality and other sins (divorce, abortion, etc.) that previous societies greatly frowned upon.

News Item5/2/12 6:48 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Tongues were a public event. By the way San Jose John.
I don't recall ever saying that they weren't, but I do like the rest of your post and I like what Chris Perver said too.

News Item5/2/12 12:29 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Mike wrote:
No wonder it's growing so fast. Most people do believe they are a god.. Sadd.
Great point.

Any religion that exalts the self in any way is going be much more appealing to our flesh.

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