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News Item6/3/2020 9:31 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Frank wrote:
...Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely is the way I view them. I had a family member who was a policeman and he actually told me they can pretty much do as they please and their fellow policemen will cover and support them.
And my brother-in-law, a Christian who (now retired) worked for a State Controller office, agrees, and points out that most of the dept's he audited were corrupt:
- Misusing funds
- Nepotism (even the TV show Blue Bloods depicts this)
- Not getting tickets for parking and traffic violations
- Demanding free meals from restaurants
- And threatening him for calling them on this.

They are not law enforcement, but tax-funded gangs (hence the tattoos).

News Item6/2/2020 11:52 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Though sadly temporary, this was a more fitting restitution for American slavery, which stole the lives of millions of Africans and destroyed their families. Too bad it was countermanded by President Johnson, a Unionist Democrat.

News Item6/2/2020 11:03 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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This article mentions 18 prior complaints about Chauvin's conduct, which is what I expected: the Floyd killing was part of a pattern of abuse that elicited no discipline. I see this lack of organizational accountability everywhere; it is a consequence of our general, catastrophic ethical collapse, not excluding churches.

I should add that unions, including those for police, were part of the leftist agenda early in the 20th century.

News Item5/31/2020 5:17 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Watchmanremo wrote:
All the facts have been seen.
Facts about what, racism or manslaughter? I wasn't questioning the latter, only the former. But fortunately for defendants, facts are for juries to decide, not online lynch mobs.

News Item5/31/2020 2:28 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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As I have learned in studying American history, racism is more complicated than we are told; it is like greed, a sin difficult to discern except by actions, yet even actions can be misleading. Unless we get more detail, I would not assume the officer was a racist, though it is possible. Perhaps he cruelly abused *all* suspects that way, but a black happened to be the first to die from it.

Christians should not commit another sin in rushing to judgement, as lynch mobs do, until enough facts become available, which may never happen given the media's tendency to sensationalism and political filtering.

News Item5/31/2020 10:35 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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This statement strikes me as shallow bystander moralizing. They offer no specific evidence for the generalization that justice is racially unbalanced in this country, it's simply assumed (9th Commandment, anyone?), nor do they offer any solutions beyond the cheap truisms one often hears in organizational PR.

Organized Christianity, like police agencies, has problems of its own, such as clerical sexual abuse, and I haven't heard any solutions on this point either.

Sacking the officer was easy, but my guess is he had problems before that were not addressed by superiors.

News Item5/30/2020 5:52 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Neil, perhaps this Jerusalem Post article will be of use to you?
Not particularly. The Scientific Method is logically fallacious even when we might like the conclusions. As John UK said, faith is not grounded in tangible, empirical things that science is concerned about.

"Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed," John 20:29.

News Item5/30/2020 10:40 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Who did the study? It might matter, for people hostile to Jews could argue Conflict of Interest if the study was done by an Israeli organization or college. And those more sympathetic to Jews don't need convincing.

News Item5/29/2020 3:56 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Frank wrote:
This subject is one that is difficult for me. I look around the world and see literally billions of people who do not have a fraction of what I have.
We may wind up as they are very soon, given out catastrophic ethical decline tolerating evil.

News Item5/29/2020 12:33 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Another howler:
"Republican respondents may know the correct answer but provide the incorrect answer to demonstrate their support for the Trump administration or because they just tend to view national conditions more positively when a Republican is president."

Pot calling the kettle black. BTW, this should lead one to conclude that no political poll can be trusted, even if those financing the poll might be (implausibly) neutral entities.

I don't participate in phone polls anymore, even "friendly" ones, as they are a waste of time given the unbounded number of questions they ask.

News Item5/28/2020 1:24 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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This or "rent strikes" will have a ripple effect on landlords who have mortgage payments, or else those who must live on rental income.

The current economy is close to the Socialist's dream: everyone relying on benefit checks, AKA guaranteed income. Gov't as Sugar Daddy. But the problem is, this dream must be paid for by someone, and if you tax these people enough, as Pelosi et al. want to do, there's no incentive for them to work to the extent they'll be taxable.

News Item5/27/2020 3:17 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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"As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump threatened explicitly to put his opposing candidate in jail."

Well Trump didn't need or couldn't even use the NSA to tell him Clinton actually broke the law, whereas Obama had the FBI spy on Trump's campaign for no valid reason.

Gotta bash Trump if you're going to sell books to Commie nerds.

News Item5/27/2020 11:52 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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John UK wrote:
Thanks Neil, so they seek the impossible, from a faulty premise concerning the man.
And I forgot to add that America's founders, from what they wrote, were, compared to Progressives, more pessimistic about man and far less ambitious about the govt's role in society. Surely "Promote the general welfare," from the Constitution's Preamble, did not imply a Welfare State of drones with Guaranteed Income and a mandarinate of bureaucrats to supervise them.

Irony: the system of chattel slavery was in part justified on the grounds that blacks were incompetent to live without supervision. We have the same situation now, with an unemployable caste dependent on welfare benefits. The main difference is, no force is required to keep them this way.

News Item5/26/2020 5:55 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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John UK wrote:
...I wonder Neil, if your Progressives hate America so much, what is their desire upon it?
Good question. From all I have been able to comprehend and synthesize, I would say the Progressive goal is to eliminate sin and suffering from the world by material means: No disease, no hunger, no hatred, no drudgery, no inequality, no war, no punishment since man, as a good if imperfect being, doesn't deserve punishment or need redemption as his problem is external or environmental, not internal and spiritual. Heaven can be realized in this life, not the hereafter.

It is ironic that corporate capitalism, supposedly a conservative faction opposed to leftism, has actually fed this Progressive fantasy in its incessant promises of happiness through technology. As Edward Bernays might say, modern business sells dreams, not merely products like Jesus's family.

News Item5/26/2020 4:10 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Watchmanremo wrote:
...Its all the Providence of God
...that no man should boast.

News Item5/26/2020 2:44 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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John UK wrote:
This is what I believe also.But when I say it, I get lambasted
Jews can tell jokes about Jews, but Gentiles cannot without being called bigoted.

What conservative and Progressive Americans have in common is, they do not see other countries very often or long and as a result, tend to be extreme in either loving their own country too much (conservatives), or hating it too much (Progressives).

E.g., while a teen I was an Anglophile (too much BBC?), but got over it and now see that other cultures can be both infuriating and admirable, just as Israelites were sometimes godly, but other times wicked. When I met European young people before, I was surprised at how acquainted they were with their neighbor countries. This gave them a more balanced perspective, I think.

News Item5/26/2020 12:28 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Citizen wrote:
It’s the state that’s breaking the law, the constitution & bill of rights!
Then you must support the Incorporation Doctrine, which was implied by the 13th Amendment originated during the Civil War and opposed by Slave States, the same people who insisted that Free States could not nullify the Fugitive Slave Law.

Originally, the Bill of Rights was binding only on the Nat'l Gov't, not the States. This was why States with established churches were not violating the Bill of Rights.

News Item5/26/2020 9:37 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Americans are strange people. Where I live, folks often park cars outside so they can store their junk in the garage. Even our neighbor, who has a 3-car garage, still parks one vehicle outside. This, plus the many carports and proximity to Mexico, might explain the high car-theft rate in Tucson.

Homes built before the 1960s or so usually had garages in the back of the property, like the carriage-houses of old. Since then, they've been in front, but why, if they're going to use it as a storage-shed anyway?

News Item5/25/2020 1:09 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Chrisgp from England wrote:
it must be stated that very often the Catholic (..and other denominational or “parochial” schools) are much better academically than the state or public schools.
Maybe so, but bear in mind that at best, they merely graduate more literate unbelievers. And in America they have exerted a outsized influence politically since many of their graduates go on to matriculate at prestige schools like Georgetown and Loyola (BTW both Jesuit, which is the most militant leftist of Catholic orders). Now these people may not be doctrinaire Catholics, but they are trained to think like ones, as an Italian Prime Minister once admitted. And the unbiblical falsehoods in the Thomistic Natural Law philosophy they are taught are merely another route to the same infernal destination.

These and other such colleges have the same role in America as the Normale Supérieure, which have long supplied most of France's civil servants and ruling class. They inculcate a certain mode of thinking.

News Item5/24/2020 12:45 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Why I no longer believe official suicide statistics:

Statistics are dubious enough without political incentives to falsify, which with suicides, can be familial (respect for dead, reputation, etc.). And comparative statistics are valid only if both data sets are equally reliable.

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