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News Item10/11/07 1:11 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Be ye not conformed to the world...
because the world is not faithful to

Dear Abby is, like Al Gore, conforming
to the ever-shifting standards lf the

News Item10/11/07 12:59 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Terri Schaivo was murdered.

All she needed was food and fluids (and, of course, LOVE).

Her heart and lung systems (from what I was told)
were still fully and independently functional.

In other words she still had "the breath of life"
in her at the time she was starved/dehydrated.

Her secular benefactors seemed to define her life
in terms of the presence or absense of higher brain
cognitive functions, which they perceived (perhaps
conveniently!) as being not there any more.

Even so, I don't envy the position her husband was
in--trying to decide the fate of someone so seemingly
close to death requires TONS of wisdom to make the
right choice.

News Item10/11/07 12:44 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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SBGG beat me to it.

In a weird and pathetic way, events like this actually
strengthen the idea of marriage for gay people in the
minds of the general public.

After all, if homosexuals can suffer divorce, then by
(assumed) implication, what's to keep them from being
married in the first place?

News Item10/11/07 12:38 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"At a time when more Americans view Christianity as judgmental and
hypocritical, Christians are being cautioned to live lives that do
not contradict the message of Christ."

Who's doing the viewing of and cautioning of "Christians" here, and
to which "Christ" are they referring?

If I bring Christ's message to someone who's own concept of Christ
happens to be unbiblical, they will most likely perceive me as being
"judgmental and hypocritical" even when I'm telling them the truth.

News Item10/10/07 12:02 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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I would think that ANY kind of strife
would tend to be bad for one's heart.

News Item10/8/07 12:04 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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I never like Rubic's cube, but thoroughly
enjoyed Piet Hein's Soma Cube, back in
the early 70's. Perhaps it was an easier
puzzle but it could also be made into
a variety of shapes other than the cube.

News Item10/6/07 7:43 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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I tend to agree with Fellow Saint, even though I don't
want to sit in judgment over my fellow "wet" Presbyterians
or Jeaporsize my home state's wine industry (California)

My best friend died from alcoholism, 20 years after being
encouraged to enjoy/imbibe such spirits by his college
buddies. I miss him VERY much, and--had I known his
weakness--would NEVER have drunk with him in the first

It's a tough call and requires much wisdom, but alcohol
consumption must NEVER be taken lightly. This stuff can
KILL you if you're not careful.

News Item10/6/07 7:29 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"Bush worships another Jesus and reads another bible."

You could be right, but I hope you're wrong. For his
(Bush's) sake, if nothing else.

News Item10/6/07 7:15 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Matt 6:33 is probably the best verse to
remind "christian ecologists" of.

Whatever "good" cause you decide to
champion, at least get your priorities

News Item10/6/07 12:50 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Why am I not suprised?

This world and its wealth are more than
a match for any person not restrained
by the power of the holy spirit.

News Item10/6/07 12:24 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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He'd BETTER be an "internet expert" if he wants to maintain
his tight control over his country amid the tidal wave of
information now available to everyone on the planet, thanks
to the WWW.

News Item10/6/07 12:16 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"I'm still a person seeking redemption." Says George W. Bush.

That's an odd thing for a true Christian to be saying--unless
by "redemption" he means SANCTIFICATION.

True Christians already ARE redeemed, not by their own works
but by the perfect work of Christ; and most, if not all true
Christians have at least SOME degree of assurance (Rom 8:16).

It hard for me to believe that a person who can't or won't
distinguish between the Christian God and the Muslim's Allah
(GW Bush) or is unable or unwilling to see or accept that
Mormons are not true Christians (Jimmy Carter) is, in fact,
a REAL Christian themselves.

News Item10/6/07 11:25 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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I don't quite "see" the problem with Gen. Boykin doing and saying
what he did as long as he did it in a CHURCH (condemning Islam in
the name of God, etc.). I think Weinstien and his people are
overreacting here, but some of the other situations they state
are genuinely embarrassing to believers like myself.

I do think Weinstien and his people are on to something when they
complain about professing Christians who tend to overspiritualize
the war on terror (as I believe Boyken has) as well as the significance
of the modern nation of Israel in these "end times", as they are
perceived to be by many.

We who are true Christians must remind ourselves and others that the
JEW as well as the muslim, hindu, buddhist--and even the "christian"
will all end up in the same Hell unless they repent and believe on
Christ as their savior/lord.

News Item10/5/07 7:34 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"Kinnaman says non-Christians' biggest complaints about the faith are not
immediately theological: Jesus and the Bible get relatively good marks."


How can "Jesus" and "the Bible" get "good marks" from non-believers when
Christ himself said all the world will hate you (Christians) because it
hates me. John 15:18-19 John 7:7.

More likely is that non-believers, in this case, are suffering from the
same sentimentality that plagued the Pharasees, who decorated the tombs
of the same prophets who condemned their fathers--and would have similarly
condemned the Pharasees themselves--even as Jesus did.

As for being too "anti-homosexual", is this not rather because of the
tremendous ascendancy of this particular sin in our day and not that
"Christians" today have become more "judgemental"?

The reason Christ himself never preached (directly) against homosexuality is
that even the Pharasaic Israel of His day was not so corrupt as our present
generation in this and other such areas of sinfulness.

Granted, we Christians screw-up from time to time and make asses of ourselves,
but calling us "hypocritical", even when it's justified won't ameleorate God's
wrath toward the unsaved. All men everywhere need to repent and believe.

News Item10/5/07 12:52 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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The only "stench" I detect from reading
this LONG article is the stench of
increasing American disunity--and that
during times of war. God help us!

News Item10/5/07 12:19 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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It also perpetuates the overall conflict.

The more things that we do which the enemy hates and regards
as evil (and in this case--having women in combat and men's
roles--I think they're dead-on right), the more they will
desire and strive for our destruction.

This new enemy hates and will hate us anyway, but why should
we exacerbate their already hightened animosity by continuing
to sin against our God in ways that even THEY recognize as
being wrong?...lest God himself decide to fight against us
on THEIR side. (Jer 21:4,5)

News Item10/4/07 5:15 PM
John  Find all comments by John
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What god are they talking about? Not the Christian God. It is illegal for a muslim to be in a military that stands against allah. .......makes you think.....

News Item10/3/07 11:34 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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There god is their belly (in this case, LITERALLY) and their
glory is their shame... Philipians 3:19

News Item10/2/07 5:05 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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My generation worshipped "privacy" as if it were some kind of
a god--and in the name of this god, committed much corruption
amongst themselves (including the slaughter of untold millions
of unborn babies--Roe vs. Wade was founded on so-called "privacy

Is any truely Godly person suprised that today we have far less
privacy than we did before we started worshipping it and doing
such nasty things in the name of it?

I'll bet God is laughing his head off right now (a la Psalm 2)
as he watches us complain about all the cameras going up--and
the subsequent diminution of our precious god of "privacy".

News Item10/1/07 4:40 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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True Christianity and True Islam are BOTH very much
religions of warfare.

The difference is--and I wish more people would
realize this and spread the word--is that ALL of
true Christianity's warfare takes place on the
spiritual level, whereas at least some of true
islam's warfare is still sanctioned and carried-
out in the physical dimension.

This is why there is so much more news of Muslims
blowing up stuff rather than Christians blowing
up stuff.

1Cor 7:15, James 1:20, and 2Cor 10:3-6

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