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News Item12/12/2020 1:20 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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“A decade ago when we put this report together, most of the schools in our database were getting our worst rating. Now, the number of schools that are maintaining those most clearly and substantially restrictive policies are going down, which may surprise folks from things that they hear about the state of free speech on campus,” she said.

Beltz attributed the improvement, in part, to the fact that “a lot of state legislatures are passing free speech-supporting bills that apply to [public] colleges.”

The above from the SA article. Gloomy Gusses take heart.

News Item12/12/2020 12:57 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Jess Rendall and Lily Nothling wrote:
News of the University of Queensland's coronavirus vaccine trial cancellation may have sounded disappointing, but experts say it should give the public confidence in the Federal Government's vaccine development process.
Key points:

• The cause for cancellation of the trial is not a safety issue, researchers say
• The "stigma" surrounding HIV could have impacted the public's perception of the virus and affected uptake
•News of the University of Queensland's coronavirus vaccine trial cancellation may have sounded disappointing, but experts say it should give the public confidence in the Federal Government's vaccine development process...

excerpt from,"Cancellation of University of Queensland's COVID-19 vaccine trial 'reassuring'"


"Every cloud has a silver lining?"

News Item12/11/2020 8:27 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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The massive number of lawsuits have been kicked out by judges and now the Supreme Court, I was think would be indicative of the friviology of them?

"Can Trump’s lawyers get in trouble for frivolous lawsuits?"


Apparently some Republican leaders think that the Republican apparatus is trying to steal elections❗👎

From the above:

'... in the attempts by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) to have the Supreme Court overturn the results in four key states has been ridiculed even by some top Republicans.

'Texas’s own senior GOP senator, John Cornyn, said, “I frankly struggle to understand the legal theory” behind it. Jeb Bush responded by saying there was no theory and predicted that the court would reject it out of hand. Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) even went so far Thursday as to suggest it was a “PR stunt rather than a lawsuit” and that Paxton might be merely seeking a Trump pardon for his personal legal problems.'

News Item12/11/2020 5:26 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Mike, there's a Bloomberg article which I don't think I'll dig up, that says Trump should be impeached again for what he's trying to do to the country. I suppose since they'll be over in 40 days most educated people are gritting their teeth and thinking that it will be least be over by then. I don't hear that Nancy Pelosi is trying to have another impeachment trial, though I certainly agree that she can, or at least censor Mr. Trump. 👍

From this article,

https://tinyurl.com/y3vmyqx5 (Joe Biden and Kamala Harris jointly named Time Magazine's Person of the Year) I learned that Time magazine actually made Trump Person of the Year in 2016 ❗👎

I see you Time learned it's lesson, and didn't do it this year

News Item12/11/2020 2:35 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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"President Trump trying to halt defamation lawsuit, E. Jean Carroll's attorney says"


This lawsuit has had definite lasting power ❗👍 For one thing she has some physical evidence, and she sounds like a highly intelligent and tenacious woman. It's going to be interesting how this one turns out!

News Item12/11/2020 1:11 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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'The Westminster Confession of Faith explains what Protestants believe about the perspicuity of Scripture: “All things in Scripture are not alike plain in themselves, nor alike clear unto all. Yet, those things that are necessary to be known, believed, and observed for salvation are so clearly propounded, and opened in some place of Scripture or another, that not only the learned, but the unlearned, in a due use of the ordinary means, may attain unto a sufficient understanding of them” (1.7)."'


Of course the Bible that you're using has to be the language that you use such as the NIV or NASB

News Item12/11/2020 12:53 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Greg Jennett wrote:
With a panel of outside advisers to the US Food and Drug Administration voting to endorse emergency use of Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine,
paving the way for the agency to authorise the shot, we are about to find out whether all the confidence was well-founded or just another exercise in flaky marketing from people who should have known better.
excerpt from, "Donald Trump's experts talk a big game about the vaccine rollout plan. We're about to find out if it's all hype"


I am anxiously awaiting to get my jabs❗👍💉

News Item12/11/2020 12:34 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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John MacArthur wrote:
Think about it. The vast scope and endless outworking of divine providence, in which God draws together millions of details and circumstances to achieve His will each day, is a far greater miracle than the relatively uncomplicated, one-time supernatural occurrences that we usually term miracles. Belief in God’s providence is, therefore, one of the greatest exercises of faith we can have and a major contributor to our general preparedness and peace of mind as we encounter trials and hardships.

Paul trusted wholeheartedly in the providence of God, no matter how easy or challenging life was (Phil. 4:11). Joseph the patriarch stated his confidence in providence this way: “You [his brothers] meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive” (Gen. 50:20)....

excerpt from, "Confidence in God's Providence"


The Christmas star may very well not have been the conjunction of these planets

"But was Jesus really born on December 25 in the first place? Probably not. The Bible doesn’t mention his exact birthday, and the Nativity story contains conflicting clues...."


News Item12/11/2020 7:20 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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John MacArthur wrote:
As Christians, of course, we are for morality; we’re not for immorality. And we can do some topical, some superficial good; we can through political means, because we live in a republic and a democracy. We can mitigate public indecency in some ways. We can mitigate public scandal, can use our democratic privileges. But that does not advance us in divine favor either individually or collectively.

In fact, in 1 Corinthians 16:22 it is said unmistakably, “If any man doesn’t love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema,” cursed, judged, damned, condemned. There’s only one thing God will bless and that’s faith in and love for His Son the Lord Jesus Christ....

excerpt from, "The Deadly Dangers of Moralism"


I would suggest that you would read the whole thing, is quite good ❗ 👍

News Item12/11/2020 7:15 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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I see USA Today article pointed out that Time Magazine has a whole bunch of categories for "fill in the blank year".

"Time magazine names President-elect Joe Biden, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris as Person of the Year"


I'm sure Time Magazine could find an appropriate category for Mr. Trump, even if they didn't pick him as person of the year

I should put the next one on my John MacArthur Statement but I think I might put it here?

News Item12/11/2020 5:42 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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I know one person that should never be Times magazine person of the year ❗👎
~~~Sorry about messing up the quotation format!~~~
David A. Graham wrote:
When Donald Trump was granted a coat of arms for his Scottish golf courses in 2012 (after a lengthy court battle, of course), he chose as its motto “Numquam concedere”: Never concede. He has not, even as it has become clear that he lost the presidential election by a wide margin....
excerpt from, " The GOP Abandons Democracy"


Adriel, you really should look at: 👍


Very good series only three -parter. You should still be able to see it on the internet.

News Item12/11/2020 5:36 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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I know one person that should never be Times magazine person of the year ❗👎
[QUOTE]David A. Graham/AUTHOR]When Donald Trump was granted a coat of arms for his Scottish golf courses in 2012 (after a lengthy court battle, of course), he chose as its motto “Numquam concedere”: Never concede. He has not, even as it has become clear that he lost the presidential election by a wide margin....[/QUOTE]excerpt from, " The GOP Abandons Democracy"


Adriel, you really should look at: 👍


News Item12/11/2020 1:19 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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This is a reasonable action. :how:

News Item12/11/2020 12:51 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Excellent choices ❗👍

News Item12/10/2020 11:29 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Hardly, CV, they just like many others are the actual Republicans and not a import from the Democrats, who is now our President. Yet another opinion from a conservative.

Mona Charen certainly isn't the liberal, so it makes this observation even more important

Mona Charen wrote:
There’s a theory that people have rallied around President Donald Trump and alternative news sources because they feel disrespected by the mainstream, liberal-leaning press. There is some truth in this, but my experience with conservatives makes me skeptical of that as a complete explanation.

Sure, the urban/rural divide is real — and not limited to the United States — but resentment of elites has always been with us. From suspicion of the First Bank of the United States among the Jeffersonians to the populist movement of the 1890s, “coastal elites” have always been despised by some. But it didn’t drive people into abject lunacy in the past, or at least not on the scale we see today....

excerpt from, "The Republican Party is a danger to American democracy" ❗


News Item12/10/2020 10:31 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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John MacArthur wrote:
Jesus had little trouble reaching the harlots. He had little trouble reaching the thieves and the robbers and the criminals and the outcasts and sinners of society, including the tax collectors, the extortionists. But He had an almost impossible time reaching the religious, self-righteous, moral people who were under the illusion and self-deception that because of their goodness, everything was okay between them and God. You see, they recognized no sin, so they needed no Savior.✓ And that is always the danger of morality, that morality creates an illusion of safety when in fact the person who is moral may be in the greatest danger of all. We see this particularly among the Mormons, who feel so secure because of their morality, when in fact they are so insecure and under the judgment of God and so hard to convince.
excerpt from, "Reformation vs. Relationship"


✓ Unfortunately, many politicians fall in this group also ❗👎

News Item12/10/2020 9:28 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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I wish John MacArthur would remember this ❗👍
John MacArthur wrote:
What are Christians to do about it?

Many think this is a political problem that will not be solved without a political strategy. During the past twenty-five years, well-meaning Christians have founded a number of evangelical activist organizations and sunk millions of dollars into them in an effort to use the apparatus of politics—lobbying, legislation, demonstration, and boycott—to counteract the moral decline of American culture. They pour their energy and other resources into efforts to drum up a “Christian” political movement that will fight back against the prevailing anti-Christian culture.

But is that a proper perspective? I believe not. America’s moral decline is a spiritual problem, not a political one, and its solution is the gospel, not partisan politics.


This is a lesson evangelicals ought to know from church history. Whenever the church has focused on evangelism and preaching the gospel, her influence has increased. When she has sought power by political, cultural, or military activism, she has damaged or spoiled her testimony....

excerpt from, "The Gospel and Politics"


News Item12/10/2020 9:11 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Allison Durkee wrote:
Tuesday marks the “safe harbor” deadline by which states can lock in their presidential election results with Congress before the Electoral College meets Dec. 14—but the deadline isn’t expected to stop the Trump campaign and Republican Party’s long-shot legal efforts to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s victory. Here’s what the safe harbor deadline means for Trump’s post-election court fight:..
Judges can legally still rule on election challenges after Dec. 8—and theoretically change the results, though judges have universally refused to do that so far—but “courts are going to be very reluctant to mess with the safe harbor deadline,” election law expert Rick Hasen wrote, later adding on Twitter to think of the safe harbor date “not as a drop dead deadline but as another nail in the coffin.”...
excerpt from, "The ‘Safe Harbor’ Deadline For Election Results Has Arrived: Here’s What That Means For Trump’s Lawsuits"


Interesting article from Forbes magazine.

News Item12/10/2020 1:34 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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I assume that John MacArthur still believes in the Four Foundation of Dispensationalism

"The First Foundation: Consistent Literal Interpretation"


"Premillennialism: The Second Foundation"


"Futurism: The Third Foundation"


"Israel / Church Distinction: The 4th Foundation"


I believe he still has that right anyway.

News Item12/10/2020 1:08 AM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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This outfit had quite a bit of success with ads also.
QUOTE][AUTHOR]Simon Dumenco[/AUTHOR]....
The Lincoln Project, of course, pumped out a lot of ads—with such finesse and success, under Wilson’s creative direction, that Ad Age has named the PAC one of 2020’s Marketers of the Year. In this in-depth conversation, Wilson (speaking by phone from his home in Tallahassee, Fla.) reveals some of the art and science behind TLP’s barrage of remarkable, agenda-setting, viral political ads....
We moved former Republicans, independents and current Republicans over what we call the Bannon Line. Steve Bannon, who is no fan of us, said, early in the process, if these guys can move 2% or 3% of the Republican vote, Trump is gonna lose. Well, from the metrics we’re showing, in the swing states, where we spent I would say 80% to 85% of our resources, we moved the Bannon Line, and crossover Republican votes, between 9% and 13%...[/QUOTE]excerpt from, "The Lincoln Project’s Rick Wilson on the ads that actually worked"❗👍


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