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News Item10/3/09 5:47 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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"One nation under God"??? NOT ANYMORE!!! Oh, for God to raise up a powerful man like a prophet of old to preach His holy Word in Washington, D.C.! The ONLY thing that will save America is a mighty revival of the Bible. We MUST see the error of our ways and the sinfulness of our sin and return to the Lord, the Foundation, upon which this nation was built! Otherwise, God will finally turn from America as we have so foolishly turned from Him.

News Item10/2/09 8:25 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Here's another "inflammatory anti-Muslim message". The main occupation of Islamists is to force their beliefs on others and to kill them if they refuse. Don't like that? Too inflammatory? Try researching what takes place in other parts of the world.

News Item9/22/09 12:02 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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What a great idea, Mr. Obama! Lets reduce our weapons while our enemies build theirs up. Yes, of course we can believe everything they say! Sure, this will probably lead to world peace and you becoming "Man of the Century" with a parade and all that. Certainly, Mr. Obama.

By the way, what is your IQ???

News Item9/22/09 11:48 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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There are plenty of clowns in Mr. Obama's circus. Such statements by his "czars" are as idiotic as they are ungodly.

News Item9/20/09 1:34 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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When our Lord ate with publicans and sinners He never "crossed the line". He did not compromise with those things which were false. It is not necessary to adopt the ways of a false religion in order to reach people with the gospel.

News Item9/18/09 1:37 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Yes, you may, Kenny.

News Item9/18/09 6:56 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Very true, Tennessee. Most people think that worship is a "touchy-feely" experience. The Bible might not even be included. It's all worldly and that's what the flesh desires. No wonder our churches are full of immature Christians. No wonder the church is so weak and powerless. It has all been replaced by gimmicks and gadgets.

News Item9/17/09 9:06 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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This is the way it's always been. Preach a series of sermons on the blood atonement, for instance, and you MIGHT have a respectable little group show up. Put on a slam-bang show with plenty of worldly entertainment and you'll have to call in the police to control the traffic. The modern church has become a fleshpot for people who want to play religion. And the POWER OF THE LORD has departed.

News Item9/17/09 8:52 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Sounds like old-fashioned communism to me. Time to take a firm stand against this nonsense!

News Item9/15/09 11:10 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Here's how the problem was solved back when I was going to school (60's). 1. The kid would get his butt beat in the school office with a paddle. 2. He would probably be expelled. 3. He would have to face the friends of the guy he beat up (big mistake). Needless to say, this seldom happened. These punks need to be, shall we say, "corrected" in a VERY firm manner.

News Item9/12/09 7:02 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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What?!? You lost me on that one, Jim. What in the name of the English language are you trying to say? Please simplify your statement for me and perhaps others.

Odd. I can understand the King James Bible, but not you.

News Item9/11/09 9:11 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Those so-called doctors should thank God every day that I'm not that baby's Daddy!

News Item9/11/09 8:29 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Guess I'm smarter than I thought I was, Jim. I mean, if I could understand in the 5th grade what the ASV committee could not.....

Actually, some of the mightiest men of God to ever fill a pulpit never had a problem understanding the KJB. That's also true of the most uneducated believers. How could it have been that the "committee" had so much trouble with it?

Herein is something very unusual. A translation (KJB) that is said to be SO DIFFICULT to understand, yet, God has abundantly blessed the preaching of it with the greatest revivals and spiritual awakenings the world has ever known (1700's, 1800's & 1900's)!!

Of course, all of this is simply cast by the wayside when $$$$$$ is involved.

News Item9/11/09 11:47 AM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Take a firm, even aggressive, stand against this nonsense. Don't back down.

News Item9/10/09 7:45 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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This man is living a life of the utmost perversion and he claims "mental anguish" because of something he read?!? That's like swimming in the sewer and then complaining because you smell bad.

News Item9/10/09 2:55 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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"Antiquated language", Jim? That seems to be the main reason the Bible publishers tell us to buy their modern ver$ion$. I've read the KJB since the 5th grade, as did most other kids at that time. Does that make me a smart person? No, I was a C-D student in high school. The "antiquated language" argument didn't work then and it won't work now.

As for the so-called "many mistakes" in the KJB--well, skeptics (some actually quite smart) for centuries have claimed that. They are dead. Their "mistakes" died with them. The KJB is still here.

News Item9/9/09 8:20 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Gentlemen, let's settle this issue in a very simple, logical manner. It is known to all that the text of the King James Bible can be copied with no fear of penalty. All of the major Bible publishers print it. Now, lets all do our best to contact these very same publishers and ask them to share the texts of their own particular modern versions of the Bible. In other words, forget the copyrights. AFTER ALL, THIS SHOULD BE NO PROBLEM IF THEIR TRUE OBJECTIVE IS TO GET THE WORD OF GOD TO THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING MASSES OF THE WORLD--RIGHT??? Would they agree? Or, would they REFUSE because that would most likely mean the end of the endless flow of $$$money$$$ that they have enjoyed for so long? It isn't very hard to figure this out. MORE NEW BIBLE VERSIONS plus SLICK, DECEPTIVE ADVERTISING plus POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS WANTING "SOME NEW THING" equals LOTS AND LOTS OF $$$$$$! That's what its all about.

News Item9/8/09 10:04 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Another interesting bit of information that many students of the Bible overlook: When our Lord read from the scroll out of the book of Isaiah at the start of His ministry He was reading from a COPY. Yet, He called it "SCRIPTURE". The book of Isaiah had been written many hundreds of years earlier. It may very well have been dust at that time. Another proof of God's ability to preserve His pure and perfect Word whether its over a span of hundreds of years or thousands of years!

Note to j3: I understand your feelings. But, it's good to allow everyone to voice their opinions/beliefs.

News Item9/8/09 4:10 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Those brilliant men who translated the Word of God into what we know as the King James Bible did not talk exactly as the text reads. They used words and terms that were beautiful, poetic and STILL 100% ACCURATE. Since the Bible is God's expression of love to us, they wanted it to be expressed in appropriate English. How honoring to the Lord this is! After all, those guys were masters of the English language when it was at its most expressive ever. Not too many people are aware of this. This is just ANOTHER reason why the KJB is so unique and superior. I was reading it in the 5th grade with no problem. Of course, the Bible publishers, in order to promote their own particular versions ($$$$) want us to believe the KJB is VERY difficult to understand.

News Item9/7/09 10:21 PM
Frank Dombrosky | Texas  Find all comments by Frank Dombrosky
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Chapter and verse? I'll do better than that. How about the entire Bible? I left the new, modern (per)versions once I had enough sense to seriously compare them to the text of the King James Bible. It became very evident to me that Satan is attacking God's Word in the same, old way--changing it. It also became obvious that the Bible publishers are making LOTS of money with their newest versions.
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