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Survey2/11/07 7:47 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Yes, the Lord of darkness said something very similar in Genesis 3v4:

"And the serpent said to the woman, Ye will not certainly die"

Always interesting to see where docrines originate.

News Item2/11/07 7:43 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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This guy has figured out a neat and effective solution to the problem the USA faces; a small constitutional ammendment:


News Item2/11/07 5:02 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Anna: "The ice caos are melting and fast." (ice caps)

Absolutely wrong I'm afraid. This is what the computer models predicted but the actual measured data shows the opposite Anna. In a couple of areas there has been some melting but overall the ice is THICKENING in both the polar regions and in Greenland.

Perhaps you should be more concerned about global coolong?

Oh, and the Polar bears are healthy and increasing in number too.

Survey2/11/07 5:39 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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God told us in verse 9 not to be decieved by people like you.

"Such WERE some of you" - the Corinthian brethren being addressed had repented and turned from these sins. Despite what you and Satan would try to assure us God tells us there is no salvation for people who continue in the following sins:

"neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God."

News Item2/10/07 9:49 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Just send Jimmy Carter to Iran to talk to them, sure he will sort it all out!

Survey2/10/07 7:12 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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It directly contradicts scripture.... but since when has that been a problem for 'even the Calvinists'?

1Cor 6v9-10 "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God."

News Item2/10/07 2:29 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Personally I have no problem with Christians having a beer, a wine or preferably a good single malt - as long as they don't become drunk or dependent in any sense.

But fellowshipping with the world and it's works of darkness is quite another matter altogether. And refusing to have a judgement of sin (ourself or others) is also wrong according to scripture. How do you plan to judge the world in the future if you have no judgement now pray tell?

1John 2v15 "Love not the world, nor the things in the world. If any one love the world, the love of the Father is not in him"

News Item2/10/07 2:19 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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msc: the sun causes global warming. What are you going to do about it?

Lance - I have noticed the so-called 'climate scientists' don't like to factor in the Medieval warm period, I hadn't heard that excuse though. Wasn't aware that Greenland was so close to Europe either but then my geography isn't too good in those far away places.

There hasn't really been any statistically measurable warming in Australia of late. Here is a good independant account based on the governments own Bureau of Met figures:


Remo: OK, I misunderstood your sarcasm!

News Item2/9/07 6:29 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Westborough Baptists are themselves only worldly, nominal Christians. It's not like they are very Godly people living closely by scripture and showing a good example or anyting.

I wonder what they say when something bad happens to them?

News Item2/9/07 6:15 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Wow! The computer can communicate to us!

Remo says (sarcastically?) about global warming "And it's so easy to fix: go back to living like medieval peasants!"

Wrong Remo. Don't believe 'The Advertiser' newspaper. The world was warmer during the medieval period than it is now. The Vikings were able to grow crops in Greenland and farmers were growing grapes in southern England etc.

Man made global warming / climate change is a big hoax. This is the fourth media cycle of this hoax since the 1800's too. Pick up a National Geographic from the 70's and read about the coming ice age about to doom the world.

It all ties in with man worshipping the creation rather than the creator; also a distraction from the signs of the end of days.

Survey2/9/07 1:37 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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I found the need is to understand the two tenses that the NT uses for salvation. Both are applicable and one will not grasp the full meaning of salvation without accepting both. Some examples:

Present tense:
1Co 1:18 "For the word of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but to us that are saved it is God's power."

Future tense:
Mat 10:22 "and ye shall be hated of all on account of my name. But he that has endured to the end, he shall be saved."

Both tenses alluded to:
1Co 15:2 "by which also ye are saved, (if ye hold fast the word which I announced to you as the glad tidings,) unless indeed ye have believed in vain."

Survey2/8/07 11:38 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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CBC wonders "How are OSAS and perseverance two different doctrines?"

OSAS - if you had a moment of faith in Christ you are saved and remain saved even if you become an athiest, a murderer, an adulterer, a pedophile or a Satanist. Typically modern Baptist doctrine.

Perseverence - if you had faith but later become an athiest, a murderer, an adulterer, a pedophile or a Satanist you were not saved properly to start with. Typically Calvinist doctrine.

Survey2/8/07 7:14 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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"Sounds like work's salvation."

To a modern American Christian it would, yes.

Survey2/8/07 7:12 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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OSAS and perseverence are two different doctrines actually.

Survey2/8/07 7:09 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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So you feel the likes of King Solomon was possibly never saved? And Peter only got saved some time after he denied Christ?

You deny apostacy.

If the bible says that some 'departed from the faith' and 'fell from grace' who are you to claim they were never in the faith or under grace?

If the bible tells us 'if we deny him, he will also deny us' who are you to claim that Christ won't actually deny us at all? You think he is kidding, just bluffing?

Survey2/8/07 5:03 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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OSAS is a denial of apostacy.

News Item2/8/07 5:39 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Ve haf means to make you learnt.

PS: hope you are doing fine in Ghoul-burn Lance?

News Item2/8/07 3:42 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Actually I don't mind porkers or monkeys.... both are much better than pagan kaffirs anyway. But this school must immediately be given the chop (and I don't mean a pork chop). Also time for the neighbours to organise some hog races methinks. Oink!

News Item2/7/07 11:47 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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OK; clearly Jean Chauvin wasn't a five-pointed Calvinist then (yes I know the 'five points' terminology came later thanks to the remonstrants).

News Item2/7/07 11:45 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Assuming this is fact there is something very creepy about that country..... sounding more like communist China.
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