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News Item11/9/06 4:43 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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I know Neil, me not making a difinitions as the context as it doesnt say taxes can be dangerous.But I am seeking clarity here which is a subject i have not considered. So both ways can be just as dangerous but more so we me. But I am willing to stick me neck out. For a time. cheers

News Item11/9/06 4:39 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Boy! Sorry Byron I am a bad typist and was looking at looking name at the wrong place. It was to Jimbo
Neil said..None of the Biblical examples cited by jimbo concern unjust taxation. Does it need too.? Just a question.
You can use that logic for anything. But the principle is there for disobaying Goverments in certain areas and I claim that its not easy to define what they are because we are to obeys our godless government but there is a boundary. The Government law say Make No Law. We are to obey that law now if you want to change that law bring it to the people then change it.We live in a democratic government with laws lets keep to them. If you want to change the laws then bring it to the people.
I am not sure what question I asked Ive aske so many. But one I wanted answered is, is the 35 laws that seem to be post every where the actual laws of the Irs or are they some ones ideas..17. Discuss or identify threats to Christianity.
15. Express an opinion on any subject or issue.

16. Appeal to peoples' emotions by employing an evangelization method (such as "fire and brimstone" preaching) not considered a "reasoned approach" by the IRS.
13. Teach that abortion, especially partial birth abortion, is murder and is the killing of innocent babies.
etc. ect.cheers

News Item11/9/06 4:12 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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All good points Jimbo.
I just hope as we all disguss this that those who oppose Hovid or our own stand that its not because we are connected with a church that is IRS approved and visa versa. I sure either way only one is right and I pray as you would too that we be conformed to HIS WILL in al matters. cheers.
Byron, there is sure are times when disobediance to State federal and local government. One cannot use .2Pet 2.10 for "all" instances and like verses jud 1.8 too.You cannot use these verse to mean in all cases i dont think and the only way is to lobby government members or vote.
Well that is what I firmly belive in general sence. Now its just apllying when and where. May God Help us All to Apply HIS Grace by His Grace.cheers.

News Item11/9/06 3:46 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Thx Neil. I sure is two different acts.

Thinking more it still doesnt account for the things that are Gods if the thith . Then Sould we pay tax twice on our money since it has already been taxed and thus is Gods money not the govenment. I think that is why our for farther looked at what they came from England where the corruption of religion was being suweringed by governments forcing people to comply to laws that were added to overcome True christian Groups. Thus that is why the First Admendment is crutial to all other laws. And on that basis alone it wrong for any government to add more tax, which its not about tax is it.its all about culling the ifluence of Gods commands.
There claim, if you want what you already had exception you need to coply to these 35 law......or what ever it is im still looking into it. If these 35 law are actually the Laws that the IRS have stated. A yes or no answer would be helpful for the time being.If they are its desighn is not tax but complying as too muzzle or lord it or become supreme over the first Admendment which is the only law that stops them. Dont you think. cheers.

News Item11/9/06 3:04 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Matthew 17:24 And when they were come to Capernaum, they that received tribute money came to Peter, and said, Doth not your master pay tribute?
I think your right on that one so is there two instances on which tax is mentioned. Ill look into it cheers.

News Item11/9/06 2:45 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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No worries Neil..

Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
Im thinking too cheers.

Survey11/9/06 2:40 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Now dont get stroppy.Yamilsaid..I can play the same game. All I have to do is substitute the word "world" with "elect" and I can come up with some silly ideas.

See again a misleading statment you sure good at that

Where have I or any other said the word world always means the elect
But as Mike i think said it has 7 different meanings and that sripture interprets sciptures

Survey11/9/06 2:34 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Missed By Yamill. I wonder why
John 4:42 And said unto the woman, Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world. Universal Salvation
Acts 24:5 For we have found this man a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes: I didn,t know Paul went to every place in the "World"

John 12:19 The Pharisees therefore said among themselves, Perceive ye how ye prevail nothing? behold, the world is gone after him. Wow I didn,t know the whole world went after him maybe universalism is right.. .Think not.
\Try again Yamil. Keep jumping around and never inturpret any scipture. Mike has bees so patient with you and after so much time you still never interpret the whole verse Just like your "All" The true is you dont really want to deal with these word its because your heart knows your wrong again. "All Men" ALL, world.
Re 13:3 - And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
Did all the "world" wondered after the beast..I. think not Yamil
Yamils WORLD

Survey11/9/06 2:32 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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We have shown you many scripture beside the one you gave and deathly silence. Its because you rule doen,t fit your own understanding and if you do attempt to do so. Its because no on likes your dancing its too funny.

Survey11/9/06 2:28 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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No you have not.

Survey11/9/06 2:22 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Another Yamill interpretation.
Yamils quoted this verse for his idea of ALL the world..
2 Corinthians 5:14-17 For the love of Christ constraineth (((((us))))); (do you notice this little two letter word Yalil it means someting) because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then (((were)))) (notice this word too yamil "belivers") all dead: And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for ((((((them)))))), and rose again. Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

"I feel like you are taking me through rabbit trails again."No to the truth

Survey11/9/06 2:15 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Yamil the english teacher said..indicates that the word "world" is being used in another sense other than its natural meaning. There is no figurative language in play there. And there is no distinction made between two people groups.
Yes it does... Its just that you refuse to see it when you want to do what we would do to other verses that you would claim gives the contexts when it doesn,t going by "your" rules

News Item11/9/06 2:08 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Well it doesnt mean that over here. No worries neil sorry from me too. I was only trying to find out things cause this is all new to me and was sencire about it. Then I get Straight dope? I was knock out about that. No hard feelings now though cheers. Just dialog. Do you think its talking about temple tax? Im not sure myself I will look into it further.Its seem to me its talking about the same thing. cheers.

News Item11/9/06 2:00 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Neil also said..Paying Caesar does not make him my diety, nor is paying what you don't technically owe (assuming Hovind is right) a sin. That's the fallacy of the pietistic argument here. There are worse things than ungodly gov't, like no gov't at all. It's easy for Westerners to forget that.
You still haven,t delt with the first admendment which is important dont you think.

News Item11/9/06 1:55 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Neil said..R&S, "two types of dope" I hope was not intended as an insult. I sometimes think, based on my experience on these forums, that gratuitous rudeness is supposed to be a fruit of the Spirit.
I Agree it goes both ways dont you think

Neil said..Straight dope about 501C3 isn't hard to find:

Survey11/9/06 1:44 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Again Yamills misleading stament I superseeded your expectqation and gave you all the referances..Think not..Missed By Yamill. I wonder why
John 4:42 And said unto the woman, Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world. Universal Salvation

Acts 24:5 For we have found this man a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes: I didn,t know Paul went to every place in the "World"

John 12:19 The Pharisees therefore said among themselves, Perceive ye how ye prevail nothing? behold, the world is gone after him. Wow I didn,t know the whole world went after him maybe universalism is right.. .Think not.
\Try again Yamil. Keep jumping around and never inturpret any scipture. Mike has bees so patient with you and after so much time you still never interpret the whole verse Just like your "All" The true is you dont really want to deal with these word its because your heart knows your wrong again. "All Men" ALL, world.
Re 13:3 - And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
Did all the "world" wondered after the..

News Item11/9/06 12:54 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Neil from Tucson. I think you are being a bit harsh or stuborn. I seems you dont understand render unto God the things to God Bit either. Its not about paying out taxes personally. As I know it America was founded on God and Thus the first admendment state "make NO LAW" thus churches are to be always free not taxed twice after were have alreadt payed tax by our wages then have to pay taxes on our thith as well?
Have you not read has a point which you stubornally disregard.. NO LAW means just that. Goverment are seeking more and more ways to re tax us over and over again but it wasn,t like this. Christians were persecuted for not rendering unto caesar what was Gods. They were killed.The IRS is strickly a god unto themselves look at the laws they state the churches need to coply by.
And what did Jesus say.What about context of the Caesar rule..Matthew 17:25 Doth not your master pay tribute? He saith, Yes. And when he was come into the house, Jesus prevented him, saying, What thinkest thou, Simon? of whom do the kings of the earth take custom or tribute? of their own children, or of strangers?Matthew 17:26 Peter saith unto him, Of strangers. Jesus saith unto him, Then are the children free. There are two types of Dope dont you think Neil..

Survey11/8/06 5:00 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Amen b.a.To u 2..
Yet I have always hated dancing but kind of like watching the old westerns when Terance Hill would shoot around there feet and watch them dance their dance of confusssion.

Survey11/8/06 4:50 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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Missed By Yamill. I wonder why

John 4:42 And said unto the woman, Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world. Universal Salvation

Acts 24:5 For we have found this man a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes: I didn,t know Paul went to every place in the "World"

John 12:19 The Pharisees therefore said among themselves, Perceive ye how ye prevail nothing? behold, the world is gone after him. Wow I didn,t know the whole world went after him maybe universalism is right.. .Think not.
\Try again Yamil. Keep jumping around and never inturpret any scipture. Mike has bees so patient with you and after so much time you still never interpret the whole verse Just like your "All" The true is you dont really want to deal with these word its because your heart knows your wrong again. "All Men" ALL, world..Yamil your english lessons are the same as my school days Boring.

P S JD amen to you bro. You finally made it GOD is God Not Man

Survey11/7/06 7:47 PM
Remo & Susan Graziotin | Adelaide, South Australia  Find all comments by Remo & Susan Graziotin
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B.A said..have you ever heard the term "feeling led"?
it is used often to justify the unscriptural and irrational. for example, i may feel led to storm the pulpit and lead the congregation in prayer, i may have good motives, the Lord clearly gave me my voice and my ability to think and perhaps the courage to do it. does that make it right?
likewise, the Lord may well have blessed you with musical ability and song writing talent, as he did indeed with many hymn writers. however the same biblical principles which should restrain my feeling leddism should also restrain those of others.
I dont know how Psalms oly gets dragged into this topic. But thats the way of the weak.
I wonder if Ispired messages with mans words added to scripture will be tolarated or mans prayers are inspired the same way Or even too agreement with para pharaphased Bible are allowd in the House of God with paraphased Psalm with added words of men who were inspired to do so. Laughable isn,t it.
Away with that rubish and lies.The topic is Easter the scriptual one. Lords day.
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