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News Item9/24/08 8:54 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Kenny, you said 'sometimes love means being brutally honest'...I agree. But we have to walk that fine line of giving the gospel to a lost soul for the sake of salvation, not pointing accusing fingers or coming off with a self righteous attitude. IOW, we need balance as we proclaim God's truth. I don't know if you have heard of this Baptist church out of Kansas that viciously attacks sodomites, these folks are filled with hate, and a judgmental attitude. Because of this, they have NO EFFECT for Christ. I agree with you, and I think we are on the same page, for the most part.
There are many so called 'Christians' who agree with the sodomites that God made them that way; there are even some Christian websites that want to help the sodomite 'overcome' their same sex attraction. This is baloney, Romans One plainly states this perversion is a direct action upon lust.
Thanks for your input, and God bless!

News Item9/24/08 6:53 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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PreacherJon; again, you make a serious charge against this man, what evidence or proof do you have? I see much fruit from this man, yet you claim he bears none. On what do you base your claims? If you say he is saved, then how can he preach apostate things? Can good and bad both flow out of the mouth of a man of God?

Do you call Jesus 'Lord'? If so, do you know what 'Lord' means? Do you surrender to His authority in your life? 'Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord, and do not do what I say?' Calling Him Lord means you surrender to His authority, His rule and reign. MacArthur advocates this in his teachings, only because this is what the bible teaches. Please clearly state your proof against a man of God, and be very careful when doing so, so as not to bring judgment upon yourself.

News Item9/24/08 6:26 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Kenny, we could also call them 'effeminate' or 'buggerers'; my point was to call them what they truly are, and 'gay' is not what they are at all. One has to see and hear the severity of sin through God's word, and the consequences of such before they see a need for a Savior. We must be honest, and share with these lost souls the truth according to scripture. The true gospel won't be pleasing to the ear, but the Holy Spirit will not convict anyone of sin if the truth isn't first proclaimed, in love. Let's not forget 'the most excellent way', without love we are as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal'. We are called to give the gospel, be compassionate and merciful to all lost souls, just as Christ was to us. I fear of being whisked away in self-righteousness if I were to get too haughty. The difference between you, me, and the sodomite is the undeserving grace of Almighty God. May I never forget that.

News Item9/24/08 4:47 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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We must get back to calling these people homosexuals, 'gay' was implemented by the homosexual community to be 'less offensive'. I don't mean to be harsh, but to take the edge off such an abomination is inexcusable. So many in the church are softening the blow of this perversion, and tolerating it as well. It is a perversion driven by lust, from within the hearts of those who give in to this lust. There are some 'big names' in Hollywood donating money in support of homosexual marriage... Steven Spielberg, and Brad Pitt are two such names. This is a growing 'phenom', and sadly, will bring about swift judgment from Almighty God. Let's pray for this godless, wicked, perverted, greedy, child killing nation that everyone says is 'Christian'!!

News Item9/24/08 3:44 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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PreacherJonD.- are you saying MacArthur is an apostate {betrayed or deserted true Christianity} because he doesn't uphold the KJV exclusively? If so, this is absolutely ridiculous. You cannot go around calling everybody apostates just because they use multiple versions or translations other than the KJV. This whole argument is getting out of hand, judging the hearts of others according to a bible translation??!! May God help us all!!!

News Item9/23/08 7:21 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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I think we would all benefit greatly by sticking solely to the Bible, for ALL denominations are tainted. Trust no man, and allow the Holy Spirit to teach you God's truth found in His word. Pray and seek His wisdom, understanding, and insight. This is foolproof.

News Item9/23/08 5:39 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Lance, if you want to be 'accurate', then the scriptures should be read in their original form, the greek and hebrew. Using different languages adds nothing to worship. God does not call us to worship Him by words, or a set pattern repeated over and over, He is spirit, and we must worship Him in spirit and in truth. Paul Washer says it this way, 'we must worship God in the power and under the direction of the Holy Spirit. We must worship God with all our being, sincerely and profoundly. We must worship God according to the truth, found in scriptures. We must avoid associating God with a religious building or ascribing to God any human limitation'.

News Item9/22/08 9:40 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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I disagree with your accusations. I have listened to him, read many of his works, and books, and I find no such proof to your accusations. Just because someone doesn't agree 100% with another does not make them an apostate. This is a very strong accusation on your part sir, I ask you to seek the Lord in this matter when your anger has subsided. I also ask for proof to back up your comments against this man.

News Item9/22/08 7:59 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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PreacherJon, I think it is erroneous to call John MacArthur an apostate {in reference to a link provided by Jim Lincoln}. Dr. MacArthur is a renown bible teacher and expository pastor, and has been a blessing to many who have heard him preach. We need to be careful how we accuse others, we must never base salvation solely on a translation. God ultimately is the one who bolts through the proud, hardened heart and saves the lost sinner. No one can understand any translation unless God first opens the understanding of that person. Perhaps you should re-think your severe accusation against Dr. MacArthur; let's keep in mind, none of us are perfect, we are all sinners saved by HIS GRACE. May God guide your heart in this matter.

News Item9/22/08 4:42 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Faithful Remnant, Thank you for that info. I agree baptism is necessary as part of our walk with Christ, but it does not have saving, transforming power in of itself. I was baptized in a Lutheran church when I was 13, but I was not saved. I lived a wicked and sinful life for the next thirty years, and did not come to Christ until God humbled me and drew me in a mighty way 5 years ago. I was baptized again after I was born again, and I understand now water baptism saves no one. I praise God He saved me, for I know by His understanding through His word the heart must be humbled, and the mind renewed. In other words, I have been changed from the inside out by Almighty God, as are all who are truly saved by His grace alone.

News Item9/22/08 4:05 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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The only baptism that is transforming is the baptism of the Holy Spirit by Christ. "Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending and remaining on Him, the same is He which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost" John 1:33 Also, this from Mark 1:8, "I baptize you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit." Water baptism alone cannot save a lost soul, Christ told Nicodemus, "You must be born again". Christ also preached repentance, {Matt. 4:17, Luke 13}. How can an infant confess sin and repent? God commands we give Him our heart, "My son, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways" Proverbs 23:26 The heart must be humbled by God, then changed as God grants the new birth, the new creation in Christ.

News Item9/21/08 9:43 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Lance, I believe Tony Borelli's commentary says it all; it is apparent the RCC and it's followers viciously attack all who are set free by the bondage of man-made tradition. How sad for you, clinging to salvation by works, rules made by men that must be adhered to OR ELSE...you have no assurance of salvation, death is a fearful thing to those who cleave to a wafer and a man-made ritualistic tradition. You cannot be certain of anything when your last breath is drawn; you hope someone will pray you and pay your way out of this make-believe purgatory invented by your RCC powers-that-be. You refuse to search the scriptures, and believe on CHRIST ALONE, which is what is commanded in His word. You have no regenerated heart, no new birth, because you fail to understand; you fail to seek HIS wisdom. Your faith, hope, and trust are in what a group of men decided is the way to heaven, but in reality, this road is broad and wide.

News Item9/20/08 10:37 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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May the Lord draw near to the family of this young man during this most difficult time, may He comfort them as only He can. May we all pray for strength for this family to get through this.

News Item9/18/08 6:00 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Lance, you seem uncertain as to how everything began. We cannot be wishy washy on what the bible clearly states. God created the heavens and the earth, if we don't understand and believe this, how can we understand and believe anything else in the bible? We must stand firm on God's word, from Genesis to Revelation. It's when 'Christians' accept and tolerate subtle error that lukewarmness creeps in. If you do not believe God's word is the final and only authority, then you leave yourself wide open for relativism. Remember the warning to the Laodicean church, "I will spue thee out of my mouth"

News Item9/17/08 8:12 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Lance, You say evolution is irrelevant to salvation, and could be examined closely by those who want to do so, but do you know how dangerous false assumptions and theories are? There is a woman I work with who is not a believer; she has a 15 year old son who is a very bad diabetic. If he doesn't take his shots regularly, he must be rushed to the hospital. He tells her that he doesn't care if he lives or dies, after all, he says, we all evolved from apes. Do you still think evolution is not related to salvation? These kids are being brainwashed into thinking they just evolved, that they do not have a Creator who lovingly created and gave them life {read Psalm 139}, and desires to give them eternal life. They see no loving God, just a heartless society that keeps on pushing a theory down the throats of millions of kids each year. It is your type of thinking that just adds to this horrific problem.

News Item9/17/08 7:10 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Moonwalker, Is it pleasing to God when you verbally assault people? Calling Mrs. Palin and Mr. McCain names and making derogatory remarks concerning their age, IQ, etc. is uncalled for by ANYONE who professes Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Let's not forget humility, and the example Christ set when they mocked Him, hit and spat at Him...He NEVER spoke one harsh word in return, He stayed focused on what was to come- His rightful place alongside the Father. We need to stay focused on what is to come, and not lose sight of Christ. Keep your eyes focused on the Author and Finisher of your faith, and pray for strength to guard evil thoughts, fiery tongues, and unchecked tempers.

News Item9/15/08 5:39 AM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Lance, Are you doing the 'right thing'? How do you know? Are you sure you are going to heaven, and if so, how do you know? Have you been broken over your sinful condition, a condition so horrific NO human can fix. No amount of money, works, or ritual can repair this incurable heart {Jeremiah 17:9}. Only God can grant a sinner repentance, which leads to salvation. Salvation is of the Lord, He draws the sinner to His Son, humbles and saves. If you are 'banking on' a church tradition, you will find yourself stepping into the wrong side of eternity. Humble yourself before Almighty God, and cry out like the publican, "God have mercy on me, a sinner".

News Item9/7/08 3:14 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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It is an absolute MUST that the human heart be broken over its condition, and the convicted sinner cry out "God be merciful to me, a sinner". Confession and repentance are 'glossed over' in today's 'modern Christianity'. God is not waiting for us to make a decision for Him, He owes us NOTHING!! Salvation is by His grace, a gift of God. Let's pray for all sodomites to be humbled and saved, but may we NEVER, EVER gloss over or make light of God's absolute hatred of ALL SIN. May we never think one is changed by any man-made 'formula'. Jesus teaches in Luke 13, "Repent, or you will all perish". In the Greek, perish means 'destroy'. This is a powerful statement. If we don't tell sinners they must repent, then we have failed to give the gospel as it is written. Sadly, there are homosexuals who claim to be 'Christian', yet they still have wickedness and perversion in their hearts. Jeremiah 17:9 says this, 'The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked {incurable}, who can know it?' If our hearts are incurable, how is it then we think we can 'fix it'?

News Item9/7/08 1:32 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Fuzzy logic- there is nothing fuzzy about your statements, you are right on the mark. My response to your commentary is simply this, 'Amen'!

News Item9/6/08 8:52 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Micheal Hranek and Hidemi, I appreciate your comments...God has granted you both His wisdom and understanding, as well as discernment. May our Sovereign God be praised; He is worthy! I look forward to seeing you both one day soon.
May the Lord bless you both, granting perseverance and boldness to us all as the days grow darker by the minute.
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