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News Item12/13/15 6:14 PM
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Same exact thing George W. Bush said which is factually true. Why politicize it?
It's also true that Isis tries to paint it this way to cast USA as Crusaders to recruit Muslims and sympathizers for Jihad, i.e. militants defense in their eyes....the motive at Ft Hood, San Bernadino, and Paris.

News Item12/13/15 6:07 PM
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....."If it be not lawful to make the image of God the Father, yet may we not make an image of Christ, who took upon him the nature of man?

No! Epiphanies, seeing an image of Christ hanging in a church, brake it in pieces. It is Christ's Godhead, united to his manhood, that makes him to be Christ; therefore to picture his manhood, when we cannot picture his Godhead, is a sin, because we make him to be but half Christ - we separate what God has joined, we leave out that which is the chief thing which makes him to be Christ.

But how shall we conceive of God aright, if we may not make any image or resemblance of him?

We must conceive of God spiritually. (1) In his attributes - his holiness, justice, goodness - which are the beams by which his divine nature shines forth. (2) We must conceive of him as he is in Christ. Christ is the 'Image of the invisible God' as in the wax we see the print of the seal. Col 1: 15. Set the eyes of your faith on Christ-God-man. 'He that has seen me, has seen the Father.' John 14: 9.

Thomas Watson, the 2nd commandment

News Item12/13/15 6:00 PM
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"Avoid superstition, which is a bridge that leads over to Rome. Superstition is bringing any ceremony, fancy, or innovation into God's worship, which he never appointed. It is provoking God, because it reflects much upon his honour, as if he were not wise enough to appoint the manner of his own worship. He hates all strange fire ..."
Thomas Watson, the Second Commandment.

News Item12/13/15 5:09 PM
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The Puritans frequently pointed out that God used Mohammedanism as they called it to punish areas of false Christianity. Usually from the excesses of idolatry and ritualism. But today May be more so because of the worldliness , casualness, and absolute stupid and silliness of modern Christianity which no longer has any credibility. see also Dabney on the attractions of popery.

News Item12/13/15 4:51 PM
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Only people whose minds are driven by television promotion and propaganda of terrorism are more fearful than of people driving on the roads everyday as they should be. The threat is exaggerated from a few incidents and political posturing.

News Item12/13/15 4:47 PM
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Once you go down the road of accepting worship forbidden by the second commandment and following the pure New Testament pattern, i.e with no musical instruments ceremonies vestments etc. this is the end result

News Item12/13/15 4:42 PM
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Don't miss the article also in BP news how Baptist are gradually creeping into ritualistic idolatry about Christmas and the quote Advent season unquote:

Anglicans and Lutherans maintained Advent. Puritans -- British and American Christians who sought to purify the Church of England in the 1500s and 1600s -- believed churches should eliminate all worship practices without clear biblical warrant, and they included Advent in that category. In fact, they eliminated all Christian celebrations except the Lord's Day.

Early Baptists, with many of their roots in Puritanism, "would have shared that sort of attitude," Haykin said.

Not until the late 1700s did Baptists' aversion to Christmas start to shift, with English pastor John Ryland, for example, preaching a Christmas sermon. By the mid-1800s, Baptists began to celebrate Christmas more broadly, Haykin and Norman said.

Basil Manly Jr., one of Southern Seminary's founding professors, wrote in an 1867 letter that "a custom has sprung up, since the [Civil] War began, of having a Christmas tree." London pastor Charles Spurgeon said in an 1891 sermon that while "perhaps it is not right to have the birthday [of Christ] celebrated," he would "say nothing, today, against festivities on that great birthday of Christ."

Yet even a

News Item11/1/15 4:46 PM
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Political correctness is the new orthodoxy that all are being forced to bow the knee to. How refreshing to see a German pastor taking the lead and speaking boldly the truth of God's word against it! The climate sounds like much of that in America as far as the media is concerned, the devil's tool. this pastor sounds like a modern day Martin Luther in the very time of October of the historic Reformation!

Sermon10/27/15 5:56 AM
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Is it true that he's a Seventh day Adventist? if its true you better think again

Sermon10/18/15 10:17 PM
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Eagles Circle the Carcass
Derek Carlsen
“ Must hear this! ”
What Happened in Jerusalem in 70 80 part 2. Behold how awful the judgment of God upon the Jews and Israel! This is what led to their homelessness And How the prophecy of Jesus in Matthew was fulfilled. listen to this whole series.

News Item10/4/15 2:02 PM
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Homosexuality is a behavior contrary to biological mating and not an Identity of an individual determining rights.

News Item10/4/15 1:58 PM
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Only 2 options on birth certificate

News Item10/4/15 1:50 PM
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No mention of targeting Christians as in Columbine. No mention of hate crime from a mixed race against whites. This was all mentioned in regards to South Carolina shooting... Race and religion. Atheism is dangerous. He was into Wiccan.

Sermon10/4/15 1:42 PM
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The Abomination of Desolation
Derek Carlsen
“ Must hear! ”
Listen to what happened in 70 AD at Jerusalem, regarding this prophecy. YET it is interesting that Matthew Henry who is no dispensationalist also projectsthis foreshadowing things in the future Though took place actually in the past.

News Item9/20/15 3:35 PM
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Gestapo in America... Our own government! Probably false reports from suspicious neighbor. What began in 1870 as Free Education has become mandatory institutional indoctrination.

News Item9/20/15 3:28 PM
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Hate speech from a PM!

News Item9/20/15 3:13 PM
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This is turning then appropriately to a States Rights issue with the federal court usurping state law and authority beyond their jurisdiction under the pretense of civil rights.

News Item9/20/15 3:08 PM
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Does this policy include then speaking against Christianity, Christians or the Bible? What about acceptance of that!
Note it is impossible that all beliefs are therefore equal, some beliefs are superior to others. The government is choosing sides.

News Item9/13/15 6:20 PM
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Read or watch how Gov. BOBBY JINDAL described Trump in recent interview. He was spot on in calling out the real character and deceiver Donald Trump. https://youtu.be/5VnZJ2PDlic

News Item8/30/15 4:13 PM
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Birth certificate is required for drivers license id which is either male or female and is therefore unalterable. Deal with it.
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