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Sermon10/24/17 6:22 PM
nancy | georgia  Find all comments by nancy
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you, Jason Cooley, for this sermon. I wish many more preachers had preached on Mr. Hefner's legacy and how awful it is to entice untold millions of others into sinning against God. One can only hope that just possibly Hefner repented during the last years of his life. If not that, we can pray that his children who run the Playboy empire will wake up and repent.

Sermon10/24/17 9:33 AM
Nancy | Bay Village, Ohio  Contact via emailFind all comments by Nancy
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The Living Branch out of a Dead Stump
Rev. Clayton Spronk
“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon10/22/17 5:13 PM
Nancy | Bay Village, Ohio  Contact via emailFind all comments by Nancy
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The Old Paths
Rev. Clayton Spronk
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very good sermon. Very true.

News Item8/7/17 11:00 AM
Nancy  Find all comments by Nancy
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So what if they do Bible study how do that effect you? You weren't bothered when you did not know. Now you know it sends you in an uproar! Don't you have anything else to do

Sermon7/9/17 10:19 PM
Nancy | Dallas, TX  Contact via emailFind all comments by Nancy
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“ Thank You for this serm ”
I came from Cuba at the age of 13 and lived in ... "Little Cuba" in Jersey. My father would yell at me because I was trying to learn English. I made friends with American girls and my best friend would teach me some. I asked my brother, who sponsored us to leave Cuba, speak to me in English (I was lost have the time) LOL. I got an old broken phone and spoke gibberish so I wouldn't have a heavy Cuban accent. In 6 months I was able to converse. Because a Resident 2 years later and had to wait to become a Citizen, but in 1999 I became a legal American and make sure that I vote. I do have an accent a slight Cuban and Northeast accent. Oh, I forgot, my father was sick but he washed dishes. My mom got lost in Queens looking for a job and found one as a seamstress in a factory and we stopped taking money from the country. I'm proud to be an American with a slight Cuban accent. 'God Bless America, my home sweet home' Thanks again for preaching this sermon.

Sermon7/6/17 9:14 PM
Nancy | Mo  Contact via emailFind all comments by Nancy
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Such refreshing truth!

Sermon6/14/17 5:20 PM
Nancy | Orlando  Find all comments by Nancy
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Paul Washer
“ Wow! ”
I love this presentation. So succinct in presenting the whole and true gospel. May it bear much fruit!

News Item6/11/17 7:52 PM
Nancy | Orlando  Find all comments by Nancy
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It seems that there's a lot of throwing pearls before swine in a lot of these news threads when it comes to Mr. Lincoln.
IMO, Let's pray for him and stop arguing with him.

News Item4/9/17 11:00 PM
Nancy | New Jersey  Find all comments by Nancy
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The Pope should back up the BIble

Sermon2/2/17 10:29 PM
Nancy | Mo  Contact via emailFind all comments by Nancy
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“ You speak about the things we need to hear about. ”
I watch this 4 part series tonight and look forward to your teachings. Sorry I came to the end of this subject (series?) I have researched this alien demonic phenom for 20 years as available and it is so prevalent now. Disclosure (deception) is coming soon. GBY Pastor Lawson and your congregation. Keep speaking out.

Sermon2/2/17 7:25 PM
Nancy | Midwest  Contact via emailFind all comments by Nancy
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“ Great Sermon! ”
My favorite Pastor and I have no religion affiliate.

Sermon1/7/17 8:47 AM
Nancy | Florida  Find all comments by Nancy
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The Sin of Worry - 35
Michael R. Karns
“ Great Sermon! ”
Excellent message and reminder of God's grace and mercy while we are in the storm. Looking forward to the follow up next week.

News Item12/2/16 12:47 PM
Nancy | Ca  Find all comments by Nancy
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Yes Jeremy I homeschooled also but my husband teaches Bible at a small Christian school. He has an open ability to teach Biblical views on homosexuality and marriage and family to seniors. We have accepted Chinese students from China the last few years. I pray for those 10 kids because I believe they were hand picked by God to be here to hear His truth and take it back to their homeland. Yes, the school is a mission field. Even children from Christian homes are not all saved and the best examples to those that are!

News Item11/8/16 12:04 AM
Nancy | Ca  Find all comments by Nancy
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News Item11/4/16 12:22 PM
Nancy | Ca  Find all comments by Nancy
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Grandma again, my 2 cents. I hsed my 3 children 20 years ago when the practice was very new. I was considered crazy by many. That being said I have 2 teachers, one with a masters degree and a business degree and all very successful. I used Abecka and Bob Jones material. I feel the academics is not the major emphasis. It's personal, loving time and spiritual input. I was very fearful that I could not do this on my own but the Lord said to me, "you be faithful in teaching them the Word and I will take care of the rest". He did and 10 grandkids to boot!

News Item11/4/16 12:10 AM
Nancy | Ca  Find all comments by Nancy
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Today I homeschooled my 3 Grandaughters as my daughter works 1 day tutoring public high school students who can't make it in the classroom.
We studied about shepherds and sheep. I typed in shepherd in the search engine and images and we looked at how they would sleep in the door of the fold. We discussed sheep and watched a man calling them on YouTube. This lead into the discussion of Jesus, the Great Shepherd and how he cares for us. John reminded us that the wolves come to kill, steal and destroy. What a blessed day! Now that's homeschooling!

News Item9/23/16 1:12 AM
Nancy | Ca  Find all comments by Nancy
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Tomorrow, Friday, my daughter and her husband are taking the girls to Yosemite for a homeschooling field trip. She has her credential to teach but I did not when I homeschooled her and her brothers years ago. Well, they turned out well, college degrees and loving Christian families. Praise God!

Sermon9/22/16 12:41 PM
Nancy | Augusta Ga  Contact via emailFind all comments by Nancy
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Fear God
Dr. Kenny Baldwin
“ Great Sermon! ”
Amen ! Fear God !

Sermon9/14/16 10:52 AM
Nancy | Augusta Ga  Contact via emailFind all comments by Nancy
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We Make Jesus King
Dr. Kenny Baldwin
“ Great Sermon! ”
Amen ! Jesus is king

Sermon8/16/16 12:38 PM
Nancy | Augusta Ga  Contact via emailFind all comments by Nancy
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Jesus Changes Everything
Dr. Kenny Baldwin
“ Great Sermon! ”
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