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News Item1/24/08 4:43 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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enough already wrote:
wayne, because this is where you find the phrase, 'depraved mind', you can't pull words out of context and use them to support something other than what it was intended for. John the baptist came to make way for the Lord, how did he do this? By 'preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins'-Luke 3:3. Why did he do this? To 'make ready a people prepared for the Lord.'-Luke 1:17. It is the heart that is calloused to sin, God draws near to the contrite and brokenhearted. Relationships are formed in the heart. When I was humbled and my heart broken, then God saved me. I am not c. or a., I am saved by God alone, this only came to be after my heart was broken in two.
I cannot see anything in this reply that answers the question concerning Romans Ch1. You have not shown how the verses in Rom.1:18-32 refer to someone who heard the gospel and rejected it.

There is nothing in your comment that demonstrates that the unregenerate heart is anything but depraved because it has a fallen nature passed on to all the descendents of Adam.

"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" Jeremiah 17:9

News Item1/24/08 12:43 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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enough already wrote:
DB and Micheal; in regards to total depravity, this is a condition of someone whom God has turned over to, or let go of, to continue on in their sins. I don't feel this condition applies to someone who has never heard the gospel; this is a reference to those who have heard and reject it. God returns the favor by 'giving them over to a debased,depraved,reprobate mind'-Romans 1:28. The greek meaning for depraved is 'unfit for, unproved, not standing the test-this is a mind tested by God and found to be worthless, useless. These are those who did not like to retain God in their knowledge, thus, God gave them over to this mentality. Not trying to pick any arguments, maybe there just needs to be a better choice of words used. God bless
This last part of Romans ch1 (vs 18-32) seems to be referring to those who have rejected the truth of God which is revealed to them in the creation. It is not talking about the gospel at all in these particular verses. It is simply talking about the natural revelation in verses 19 to 21, not the biblical revelation where the gospel is found. How do you draw the conclusion that these verses refer to those who heard the gospel and rejected it?

Survey1/22/08 8:04 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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The women in colder climates like Canada where it is below freezing in the winter will not be found wearing skirts or dresses outside. It is a necessity to wear thermal underwear and slacks when outside in this area, for men or women, young and old.

Survey1/21/08 3:58 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Lisa wrote:
O and regarding the denomination thing...Hahaha...
Im about to be baptised into the Jewish root (as an act of repentence in being baptised into Christianity, which i have come to regard as a Catholic cult).
Im spending a lot of time repenting for getting involved in a false gospel...Yashua/Jesus was King of the Jews!
What led you to believe that Christianity is a cult? That sounds like an oxymoron. The word "catholic" simply means universal. It was stolen by the Roman church, but all true christians are catholic because all who believe in Christ as Savior are baptized into one Spirit. Therefore they belong to the one universal church or catholic church, which is not referring to the Roman church.

News Item1/21/08 1:16 AM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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The Lone Ranger wrote:
Maybe he read Martin Luther's words "Sin boldly" "Commit some sin to throw the devil off." And no this is not the Christianity of the Bible, to answer your question Lance. The Bible teaching is "Abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul," and "Resist the devil and he will flee from you." If perfect doctrine gets you into heaven, what's happened to Martin Luther and his followers? Will they be in heaven teaching and believing such lies, to sin boldly and enjoy a little sin to thwart the devil?
There is rumour that comes up once in a while that Luther said that, but can you provide any verifiable or authoritative source that can be trusted? Luther is famous for God led him to stand against the despotic Church of Rome and for the truth of the Bible that salvation is by faith alone. He did so at a time in history when any who spoke against Rome could be arrested by the inquisition and burned at the stake. Millions have since come to Christ through that Biblical doctrine. I'm sure Luther is in heaven even if he did commit some sins. His salvation did not depend on himself but on what Christ did for him. None are perfect

News Item1/19/08 2:36 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Mike from NY,

The torture list is now reported on CBC Newsworld website. It is a list in a manual which was not authorized by the government and the minister for the govt says it will be re-written as it does not reflect the views of the govt.

Having said that, what about the reported use of water-board torture in Guatanamo Bay and the past reports of U.S. rendition of terrorist suspects to other countries to be tortured to extract information? What about the famous case of Maher Arar, a Canadian with dual Canadian-Syrian citizenship, who was detained in the U.S. when he was travelling through? He was arrested by U.S. authorities and flown to Syria where he was held in prison for a year and tortured. After finally being released, he was returned too Canada, where the Canadian Gov't ordered a public enquiry. The inquiry exonerated him and ordered the gov't to pay him ten million dollars as compensation. The U.S. govt has so far refused to accept responsibility for what happened to him. Mr. Arar is still on U.S. "no fly" lists and evidence pointed to him as completely innocent. He cannot even fly over the U.S. in an airacraft and cannot travel to the U.S.

As christians, I think we should acknowledge unjust or inhumane treatment of people, whoever they are, and oppose it.

News Item1/19/08 11:15 AM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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John Yurich wrote:
That is also a complete and total fabriacation because the Douay Catholic Family Edition Bible that I have states in Exodus 20:4 "Thou shalt not make to thyself a graven thing, nor the likeness of any thing that is in Heaven above or in the earth beneath, nor of those things that are in the waters under the earth.".
What is with you Fundamentalist Protestants anyway? Why are you continually telling absolute lies about the Catholic Church like this one about Catholic Bibles omitting the Second Commandment from Exodus 20:4? Don't you Fundamentalist Protestants know that lying is a sin? I guess you guys think that telling lies about the Catholic Church is not really sinning since you guys consider the Catholic Church to be devoid of any scriptural teaching?
The Roman Church does not allow it's members to interpret the Bible freely; they must accept the interpretation of the Roman Church.

The RC book "Instructions in the Catholic Faith" by Parish Priests says "God's Living Teacher of Revelation--The Catholic Church".

So how can you defend the Roman church? What difference does it make what Bible they have if they can't determine what it says for themselves?

News Item1/18/08 10:58 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Mike wrote:
That's ok. Canada is on the US list of nations with low defense expenses because the US will spend our money and blood protecting them. Then they can spend their money coming up with training documents critical of the US.
The report that Canada puts U.S. on torture list may be a false report. I follow the CBC TV Newsworld daily and have seen nothing about this on it. I would think if it were true, there would be something on it.

The minority Conservative government we have in Canada is definitely pro U.S. and has been doing a terrific job in Afghanistan. Canadian Forces have several thousand troops on the front line in S. Afghanistan. Also they are involved in training Afghan troops and police.

Several Canadian troops have been killed there in the past few weeks. There have been about seventy Canadian soldiers killed since Canada got involved several years ago. The problem is with some European NATO partners who have not been involved in fighting the Taliban in the dangerous parts of the country. Their govt's policy is not to be in combat roles.

Canada is committed until Feb.2009 as part of NATO under a UN mandate. What they do after that is being debated now and will be decided by the Canadian Parliament this year.

Survey1/15/08 2:03 AM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Some christians might not be aware of this but apparently one-third of Roman Catholic priests in the U.S.A. are married. They are no longer permitted to practice as a priest where non-married priests are available, but they are clerics who do other work within the RC church. There is an organization called Rent-a-priest. There is a kind of crisis in the RCC because there are not enough unmarried priests to supply the official churches. These priests who are now restricted to other functions, are available through a website called Rent-a-Priest, and do regular priestly functions in places where there are no regular priests available. Apparently it is permissible for them to do this.
This is a suprising discovery to me to learn about this. Read more about it at the Rent-a-Priest website:


Apparently more than 20,000 of them are married in the U.S. alone and far more worldwide.

News Item1/11/08 1:24 AM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Lance Eccles wrote:
Wayne, I've read the so-called "Jesuit oath". No Jesuit has ever taken this oath, it is a fabrication.
And lyn, the disciplining of priests depends on the local bishop. If the bishop is bad (and unfortunately, quite a few are), then he will let all sorts of abuses flourish in his diocese --
Lance, I accept your statement the so-called oath for Jesuits and the extreme oath are fabrications.

I also accept to some extent your claim that local priests fall under the direct authority of their bishops and not the Pope.

However, the Pope, being in the powerful position he is in, could still exert a tremendous influence on the bishops and priests in the diocese don't you think.

If the Pope has the power to issue infallible encyclicals, why couldn't he issue one to say that priests who indulge in child molestation shall be removed and defrocked and any bishop who does not deal with priests accordingly will suffer the same fate? That would put a quick end to the problem don't you think? Could the reason they don't is that they are desperately short of priests these days and many churches would cease to function? It's just not convenient to kick them out!

News Item1/10/08 9:24 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Lance Eccles wrote:
Funny how people think that because the Jesuits were well organized, they are to blame if an evil ideology copies their good organization.
I can only imagine that somebody who thinks this way is deliberately deluding himself.
Lance, have you ever read the extreme oath of the Jesuits? If so, what have you got to say about it? It is found on the internet through search engines. Is it legitimate? Would you approve of it even though it, if the version on the internet is true, is contrary to the laws of nations, and a threat to the peace, order, and government of nations. Do you know if there are Jesuits who actually make a vow to that extreme oath? How does one determine if it is legit or propaganda put up by opponents? Any ideas?

Survey1/7/08 10:36 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Was Jesus circumcised on the eighth day as commanded in the Law? Certainly
Now if baptism (infant sprinkling) replaces the circumcision of the old covenant why did Jesus have to be baptized AS AN ADULT at the beginning of His ministry to fulfill all righteousness?
Want to think about that for awhile?
(Also note when John the Baptist rebuked the Pharisees...he wan't rebuking children was he.)
Hi Michael,
During His earthly ministry, Jesus fulfilled the Mosaic Law and was therefore circumcised. Matt.3:15 tells us he was baptised to fulfil all righteousness.

We are baptised as a sign and a seal of our covenant relationship with God. Since Jesus is the Son of God, baptism was not necessary for that reason, but vs 16 tells us the Spirit of God descended like a dove and lighted on Him. A voice from heaven (God the Father) announced "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." vs.17

John's baptisms of others had been baptisms "unto repentance", but Jesus had no need to repent as He was sinless. So it must have had a different meaning. It's significance must be associated with the descent of the Spirit of God and the announcement from heaven.

News Item1/7/08 6:38 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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The CBC Television website has a forum going right now called "Where is God?". Hundreds of people are leaving comments on this subject. If you are interested in seeing what the general public are saying and/or wish to leave a comment go to:


Survey1/7/08 6:29 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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MurrayA wrote:
And what, pray does this have to do with baptism??
As Spurgeon once challenged: "Can anyone find water in this text?" He further offered a reward to anyone who could. No-one ever did.
You have fallen for the old trap!
The fact is that what Jesus was asked to do was what Jewish rabbis would often do: raise their hands and bless children. Jesus was requested as a rabbi (he is often addressed as such in the Gospels, and the title Didaskale is a Greek translation of that) to do likewise. Furthermore, a minister acting in His Name may legitimately do the same.
However, because baptism is an ordinance that testifies to salvation, the moment one applies water to an infant, and not merely the hand of blessing, he is thereby making some kind of claim about infant salvation (already saved, provisionally saved, going to be saved somewhere down the track, saved but in danger of losing it etc.) - which cannot be proved at all.
Murray, can you explain why it was necessary in the Old Testament times for the children (infants) of believers to be circumsized? If circumcision was a sign of being in the covenant, then would it not make sense to be baptizing children of believers today who are part of the covenant also?

Survey1/7/08 6:00 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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"And they brought unto him also infants, that he would touch them: but when his disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God." Luke 18:15,16

It seems that Jesus accepted little children as being part of the kingdom of God. Since the promise is to the children of believers, it seems reasonable that they should be baptised as infants. They are part of the covenant.

Survey1/7/08 5:32 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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JD wrote:
That is real silly wayne M. Men are commanded to believe the gospel. Yours is the silliest argument I have ever heard.

I accept that from you and the very silly Evans.

Of course they are commanded to believe the gospel. Never said they weren't, but the cause for belief is the grace of God. You sound rather bitter.

Survey1/7/08 4:12 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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JD wrote:
Acts 13:46 does not make your case that men are 1) totally depraved, and 2) the total depravity equals total inability. You have a perverted understanding of the doctrine of man. You did not get your information from the Scriptures, the Spirit, prayer, or meditation. You got your understanding from your depraved (not totally depraved) heart. It came out of your own volition and I can prove that by the simple fact that I have read the Scriptures and did not get that from it. Therefore, what you believe is a matter of choice. It has nothing to do with total depravity though it might have something to do with a sinful heart.
JD, You want to give man the credit for regeneration and the new birth. But the Scriptures teach it is entirely by God's grace. The grace which causes man to choose God and turn to Christ for salvation is a gift that comes entirely from God.

"When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying, Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life." Acts 11:18

Sure, men and women should choose Christ. But remember the ability to do this comes from God.

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:" Eph. 2:8

Survey1/7/08 11:40 AM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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preacherjond. wrote:
Amen!! God calls, God draws, God convicts, but He leaves it up to the person to make a choice to accept or r
Not exactly Jon. If God left it up to the individual, none would be saved because the human heart is totally depraved and incapable of choosing God on his own.

"And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed." Acts 13:48

Those who are ordained to eternal life will believe.

"And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved." Acts 2:47b

"Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified." Romans 8:30

There are some who think they can put off believing in Christ as Lord and Saviour until it is convenient. There is a big danger in this. They should make their calling and election sure. "Now is the day of salvation; now is the accepted time."

"It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God."

"It is appointed unto men once to die and after this the judgment." Hebrews

Survey12/28/07 9:23 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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The book "Christianity Through the Centuries - A History of the Christian Church" by Earle E. Cairns says concerning that period in the 1500s:

"In 1541 the reforming forces again gained control in Geneva..."

"In order to set up an effective system, Calvin used the state to inflict more severe penalties.

Such penalties proved to be much too severe, fifty-eight people being executed and seventy-six exiled by 1546. Servetus (1511-53), who questioned the doctrine of the Trinity, executed in 1553. Though we cannot justify these procedures, we can understand that people of those days believed that one must follow the religion of the state and that disobedience could well be punished by death. This belief was held by both Protestants and Roman Catholics. Some of Calvin's regulations also would today be considered an unwarranted interference in the private life of the individual." P.311, 312 (The Reformation Switzerland)

News Item12/28/07 4:09 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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Maybe the so-called athiest wants to remove every reminder of God because his conscience tells him there is a God and he is sinning against God.

"Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:" Romans 1:19-20

Having just come across some articles on a search engine about how the Bible condemns gambling, it would appear that the gambling addiction is growing faster in America (and Canada) than alcholism and drug addictions. This is a blight on society. Just another tool of the devil.

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