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Sermon1/14/2022 9:12 PM
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“ Stan Lee: Unbeliever ”
We know that Stanley Lieber (Stan Lee) (28 December, 1922 - 12 November, 2018) gave up the ghost on 12 November, 2018 at the age of 95. We also realize that Stan Lee was an unbeliever given his belief in humanism, particularly through the superhero characters like Iron Man. A sermon and podcast like this shows that superheroes are types of antichrists. It also means that the now deceased Stan Lee was also a type of antichrist.

Sermon1/14/2022 9:07 PM
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“ A Response to Popery ”
This sermon is a needed response to the damnable errors of popery.

Sermon1/9/2022 7:01 PM
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Nephilim - The Real "Ancient Aliens"
Dr. Phil Fernandes
“ Jurassic World: Introducing Nephilim Hybrids ”
It should be noted that the Jurassic World films connected with the Jurassic Park film series introduced hybrid Nephilim dinosaurs known as the Indominus Rex (Jurassic World 2015) and the Indoraptor (Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom 2018). It appears that the Jurassic World storyline is now depicting Nephilim dinosaurs identified as hybrid dinosaurs.

Sermon1/6/2022 9:08 PM
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“ Davy Jones: Type of Nephilim ”
One notable instance of the Nephilim depicted in live action media is Davy Jones from the Pirates of the Caribbean films. One reason why Davy Jones is a type of Nephilim is because he is an octopus humanoid with a disembodied heart inside a chest. The Davy Jones character from the Pirates of the Caribbean is one of many instances in which Nephilim have appeared in live action media. It is worth noting Genesis 6, particularly Genesis 6:1–4, in response to the Nephilim.

Sermon1/6/2022 8:54 PM
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Nephilim - The Real "Ancient Aliens"
Dr. Phil Fernandes
“ Davy Jones: Type of Nephilim ”
It should be noted that Davy Jones from the Pirates of the Caribbean films is a type of Nephilim, which is where his origins come from. This is because Davy Jones is a octopus humanoid with a crustacean claw for his left arm as well as the right leg of a crab (resembling a pegleg). Davy Jones also has Nephilim roots because his disembodied heart is located in a chest. As noted, the Davy Jones character from the Pirates of the Caribbean films is just one instance in which Nephilim have appeared in live action media.

Sermon12/20/2021 8:52 PM
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Billy Graham
Dr. Ian R. K. Paisley
“ Billy Graham: Friend of The World ”
It is tragic how Billy Graham demonstrated friendship with the world, which is enmity with The Lord as noted in James 4, particularly James 4:4. Not only did Billy Graham create a worldly evangelicalism accepted by pro athletes, political leaders, and popular musicians, but he also countenanced spiritual infidelity against Sound Biblical Doctrine. As noted, Jesus Christ and His Glorious Gospel is a rock of offence to the pro athletes, political leaders, and popular musicians in this world. Sound Biblical Doctrine is also a rock of offence to the evangelical apostates and modernistic infidels operating in many different church organizations. This sermon is a needed response to Billy Graham's apostasy and popularity, which has influenced countless evangelicals around the world.

Sermon12/5/2021 6:02 PM
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“ Superheroes: Patron Saints of Gnosticism ”
As the false religion of Catholic popery has its "patron saints," so does Gnosticism. Of course, the patron saints of Gnosticism today are known as superheroes. According to the popish Catholic religion, a "patron saint" denotes a Catholic "saint" representing any particular person, activity, geographic location, or any type of object. This podcast is a needed response to these Gnostic "patron saints" called superheroes.

Sermon11/6/2021 4:53 PM
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“ American Revolution: War on Christianity ”
Because the American Revolution was a Masonic revolution, it also means that the American Revolution was a war on Biblical Christianity. Now we know the principal reason as to why the United States of America sought to dissolve its connection with the British Kingdom. It was because the British Kingdom spread Biblical Christianity to every major corner of the Earth. This sermon clearly shows that the American Revolution was really a war between Christian Britain and Masonic America.

Sermon10/31/2021 2:31 AM
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“ Olympic Diving: Pornography in Plain Sight ”
One example of pornography in plain is that of Olympic diving. In Matthew 5, particularly Matthew 5:27-32, we are given warnings about the sin of adultery, especially the adultery of the heart. Not surprisingly, many of the poses assumed by the Olympic divers as they flip, twist, and leap through the air prior to entry into the water are very similar to the sexual poses performed in the Kama Sutra (Sanskrit: कामसूत्र), a Hindu text on sexual lasciviousness. This is because kama sutra, like Olympic diving, requires a lot of athleticism and acrobatics. While Olympic diving is marketed as an acrobatic sport, it is really a type of pornography with Olympic divers nearly naked wearing immodest swimwear while performing acrobatics like somersaults and twists. All of this means that every pose performed in Olympic diving is a sexual pose. It is staggering, yet tragic, how sexual sin is being put in plain sight through Olympic diving.

Sermon10/18/2021 10:55 PM
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Interview With Bill Gothard
D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.
“ IBLP: Institute in Basic Legalistic Principles ”
It should be noted that the IBLP founded by Bill Gothard should be known as the Institute in Basic Legalistic Principles.

Sermon9/26/2021 5:28 PM
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“ Revelation 20: Downfall of Satan the Dragon ”
In response to dragon-related media, Revelation 20, particularly Revelation 20:10 is also worth noting since Satan the Dragon will be cast into The Lake of Fire to be eternally tormented.

Sermon9/18/2021 3:36 PM
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“ Superheroes: LGBT In Costume ”
It should be noted that superheroes are really lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders in costumes. This is also because the superhero costumes look like the costumes of participants of an LGBT Pride parade. Not surprisingly, many superheroes, like Iceman and Batwoman, are LGBT. It is very staggering how superhero media is conditioning the masses into accepting not only antichrist spirituality, but also LGBT behavior.

Sermon9/4/2021 11:52 PM
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“ Olympics: Sin of Covetousness ”
This podcast demonstrates that in addition to the Olympics being rooted in paganism, the Olympics are also rooted in the sin of covetousness by the marketing of sexual lasciviousness and the love of money. A podcast like this is a call to take heed and beware of covetousness as noted in Luke 12, particularly Luke 12:15. Jesus Himself told us that we should take heed and beware of covetousness since people's live do not consist on the abundance of possessions. As noted in this podcast, the Olympics is just another name for the sin of covetousness. Then again, pro sports itself is one name for the sin of covetousness.

Sermon8/22/2021 2:08 AM
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“ Satan: The Original Eternal Dragon ”
There is a Satanic anime and manga written by Akira Toriyama called Dragonball with a vain imaginary Satanic eternal dragon called Shenron. Of course, according to Revelation 12, Satan is the original eternal dragon. This sermon is a needed response to dragon related media, including this Satanic anime and manga called Dragonball.

Sermon8/22/2021 2:02 AM
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“ A Needed Response To The 2021 Tokyo Olympics ”
This is a needed response to the 2021 Tokyo Summer Olympics.

Sermon8/5/2021 10:21 PM
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“ DMX: Antichrist Rap Musician ”
This podcast clearly shows why rap musicians are antichrists, including the now fallen rap musician known as DMX. The primary objective of rap music is to prepare the world for the coming of the antichrist. This podcast is a needed response to this rebellious tool of antichrist called rap music.

Sermon8/5/2021 10:16 PM
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Hollywood: Satanic Roots
Jason Cooley
“ Satan: The Original Rebel With a Cause ”
It is sad that James Dean played a rebel in the 1955 film called Rebel Without A Cause. As we know, Satan was the original rebel with a cause. Lucifer's rebellion was noted in Isaiah 14:12-15. Revelation 12 and Revelation 20 should be noted in response to Satan's rebellion, especially since Satan will be cast into eternal torment in The Lake of Fire as noted in Revelation 20:10. Satan started the first rebellion and his sin of rebellion is what will get him cast into The Lake of Fire for eternal torment as punishment for his sin of rebellion.

Sermon8/1/2021 6:05 PM
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“ American South: Masonic Belt ”
People keeping referring to the American South as the "Bible Belt", when in reality, the American South is really known as the Masonic Belt. It is also because George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe were known for their Masonic connections. It is therefore no surprise that many American rednecks are Freemasons since their forefathers like George Washington were Freemasons. As noted in this sermon, the American South, also known as redneck country, like the rest of the United States of America, was built on Freemasonry. It also explains why many African Americans are Freemasons since Prince Hall was the founder of African American Freemasonry, which is as antichrist as the American Freemasonry of the white American southerns known as rednecks. Worth noting Revelation 20, especially Revelation 20:11-15 in response to Freemasonry.

Sermon8/1/2021 5:57 PM
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“ Dictators: Violators of Commandment 6 ”
It should be noted that historical dictators like Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, and Mao Zedong were well known for their violation of Commandment 6 of The Ten Commandments. Of course, in Galatians 3, particularly Galatians 3:24, The Mosaic Law was a schoolmaster designed to bring us to Christ, showing us that we have sinned and violated The Commandments of The Lord. Thus, we are all violators of The Laws of Jehovah in need of a Saviour. Of course, any atrocity committed whatsoever is a violation of Commandment 6, so it is not just the dictators like Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, and Mao Zedong, who are violators of Commandment 6.

Sermon6/4/2021 11:19 PM
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“ American Revolution: Masonically Inspired ”
It should be noted that the antichrist spirit of Freemasonry inspired the American Revolution. This is especially noted since George Washington was a well known Freemason. The objective of the American Revolution was to establish an age of reason in America, especially since the infidel Thomas Paine was known as 'The Father of the American Revolution.' Thus, it is clear that the American Revolution was really a Masonic revolution.
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