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Sermon La majesté de l'humanité parfaite de Jésus à... | Lala Razafindrabe
Rodica Motiu from Oradea, Romania
"Notre Seigneur est plein d'amour pour nous et Il montre son amour par la..."
-35 hrs 
Sermon An Afflicted People | John Chapman
Johnna from Tri state
-36 hrs 
Sermon Huts in a Cucumber Patch | Douglas Van Dorn -38 hrs 
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Sermon8/3/2021 10:39 AM
Liz | Michigan  Find all comments by Liz
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Luke 1:1-4
Rob Rottweiler
“ Great Sermon! ”
A “classic Rob” start to a great series!

Sermon12/13/2020 3:27 PM
Liz | Hillsboro  Find all comments by Liz
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Steadfastness and Trials
Jamison Dye
“ Powerful Sermon! ”
Powerful and unbelievably timely as in a season of trial right now. THANK YOU

Sermon12/1/2020 2:04 PM
Liz | Oregon  Find all comments by Liz
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The Day of Judgment!
James R Hamilton
“ Nailed the “all” explanation ”
Great teaching w/clarity addressing arminianisms “all” saved prooftexts, concept of time. Thankyou Brother Jimmy! Peter study has been rich

Sermon7/26/18 10:09 AM
Liz | MN  Contact via emailFind all comments by Liz
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Amen! ”
Thank you,This sermon is very good. Also, "many coming in the name of Christ"-think about the Pope (Papa)and the priesthood of the Catholic Church and who they claim to be. God on the earth, and Mediator to the Father and so much more..

Sermon12/10/17 8:24 PM
Liz | Columbus  Find all comments by Liz
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The Humble Heart
Dr. Eric Sipe
“ Excellent Christmas Concert ”
The choir looked good, the music choices were amazing, but the microphone near the organ did not sound like it was ON. All the speakers that used it, could not be heard on the computer-access. This portion of the concert was sadly not heard nor understood enough to be a benefit. So sad.

News Item7/23/16 10:50 PM
Liz  Find all comments by Liz
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I can't believe this is a topic that requires discussion. If you are a male you should be using a male bathroom. The
Idea that predators don't make u halt the stupidity, baffles me. As a believer we have to pull our heads out of the sand and speak against immorality - in love.

Sermon9/1/14 1:16 AM
Liz | Southern Ontario  Find all comments by Liz
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Dr. Jay E. Adams
“ Great Sermon! ”
I did not realize that worry was a sin. Then certainly it needs to be avoided like all other sins. Thank you for your practical message Dr. Adams.

News Item1/10/14 4:27 PM
Liz | Southern Ontario  Find all comments by Liz
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Keep it up Candace. Feminists have spoiled ourr God given right to stay at home to raise children. Countless kids are raising themselves undet pretty dire circumstances. They are depressed, unmotivated and lethargic. Some mature adult needs to be there to take charge. Not that hard. Turn off thevTV. Speak kindly and nourish heir tummies with some simple cooking. Take an active interest in their lives. You will be surprised how these simple measures will revive your child and you also,

Sermon9/8/13 10:31 AM
liz | Florida  Find all comments by liz
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Conduct of Gentile Christians
Marty Hoffman
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you. Made this very clear and easy to understand. How many people sit in churches and think they are saved,but live a life totally foreign to God's holy word. Thank you for your labors

News Item6/6/13 12:37 AM
Liz | Canada  Find all comments by Liz
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I am proud of you
The Lord will acknowledge you to the Fathet as you have acknowledged Him.

Blog2/18/13 10:29 PM
Liz | Hillsboro  Find all comments by Liz
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Thank you Brother Derek. J.C. Ryle's book on prayer was a real eye-opener. Thanks for encouraging us to get back to reading great books. I'm going to shut this computer off now and get back to reading!

Sermon10/29/12 3:06 PM
Liz  Contact via emailFind all comments by Liz
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The Folly of Dead Religion
Timothy Dane
“ Great Sermon! ”
Totally lovely this! Thanks you. Liz, UK

Sermon1/24/12 8:48 PM
Liz | Fairfax va  Contact via emailFind all comments by Liz
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Stand Still and Go Forward
Clarence Sexton
“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon was very comforting to me because my circumstances seemed big but God is bigger.

Sermon9/12/11 6:29 AM
Liz | Isle of Lewis Scotland  Find all comments by Liz
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“ Excellent sermon ”
One of the best sermons I have heard in a long time,may the Lord bless,strengthen and uphold you Rev Hamilton for your stance for the truth in this sad age.

News Item2/14/11 7:47 AM
Liz | Isle of lewis  Find all comments by Liz
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Just one word " STUPID"

Sermon9/20/10 4:35 AM
Liz | South-Africa  Contact via emailFind all comments by Liz
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dr. Ware, I wish and pray that you could come and preach this message to the people in South-Africa!Apartheid and racism is still alive and well in this country with it's terrible history.

Sermon9/12/10 5:45 AM
Liz | South-Africa  Contact via emailFind all comments by Liz
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Righteous Anger (1 of 5)
Max Doner
“ Great Sermon! ”
At the moment I really need wisdom and answers!I live in South-Africa and I can tell you that Apartheid and racism amongst the white Reformed Afrikaans(Cristian?)communities is alive and well and still living in this country with it's terrible history!I am white woman and a teacher.My heart is broken and I keep on being angry!! My neighbours all around me cannot tolerate it that I mix with coloured people and even make biting and sarcastic remarks, even though these (coloured) people are my sisters and brothers in Christ. Am I mixing righteous anger with personal anger?

News Item7/29/09 10:10 AM
Liz | Indiana  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Liz
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Studies have long shown that divorce is hazardous to your health (though I think I also recall that studies also show married men are happiest and single women are happiest, in terms of gender!) Maybe this is the first one that shows that long-lasting ill effects. I find that interesting, as I know many divorced people who are much happier, once the initial adjustment period is over.

I wonder how much is the process and whether it's acrimonious or not. That's why I think divorce mediation is such a great way to reduce the stress. Ora Schwartzberg has written a book, "Divorce Mediation from the Inside Out," (www.nhlawyer.net) that offers a process to minimize emotional stress and costs, plus the financial ones. It's a refreshing approach to a healthy divorce, as opposed to contributing to an unhealthy life!

Sermon5/14/08 10:45 PM
Liz | New Zealand  Find all comments by Liz
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“ Spread it around! ”
This message is circulating around our friends and family and is feeding those who are hungry and thirst for righteousness. Couple this sermon with Paul Washer's series on Biblical Assurance and God really starts working in your heart. But this also comes with a deep burden for the lost and those listening to the 'modern gospel'.

Survey2/8/08 1:22 PM
Liz | Uk  Find all comments by Liz
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Interesting artical (im not sure whether the writer is in a cult-Ezines??? so you are pre-warned)-Regarding european non-election 2008, for the non Americans amonsgt us...[URL=http://ezinearticles.com/?Has-Her-Majesty-Queen-Elizabeth-II-Broken-Her-Coronation-Oath-to-God-and-Her-People?&id=963232]]]http://ezinearticles.com/?Has-Her-Majesty-Queen-El..[/URL]
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