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Airdrie Reformed Presbyterian Church
Rev. Stephen McCollum  |  Airdrie, Scotland
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01236 620107
48 North Bridge Street
Airdrie, North Lanarkshire
Scotland, U.K. ML6 6NE
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Godly Men - Great Nation
Posted by: Airdrie Reformed Presbyterian Church | more..
62,000+ views | 420+ clicks
Comment - "Great Sermon!" Amen! This sermon is appropriate for America, as well as Scotland. I pray others who are concerned about the decaying culture in their nation will listen to this sermon. UK 24/10/07
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Christian Basics - Sermon Series
Posted by: Airdrie Reformed Presbyterian Church | more..
55,880+ views | 620+ clicks
Listener Comment - "A spring in a dry land" - This series on the basics of Christianity is a spring of fresh, pure water in a dry and polluted land. We're living in a time when so many voices make so many claims to teaching the Christian truths...
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Why Should I Care? - Listener Comment
Posted by: Airdrie Reformed Presbyterian Church | more..
46,860+ views | 520+ clicks
“ Who cares? you should.... ” This is some of the most passionate Biblical preaching...The preaching is outstanding, the sort of thing young (or old) people need to be hearing in these times. The messages were given at a camp where...
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Made Alive in Christ! - What a Glorious Salvation!
MONDAY, MAY 21, 2007
Posted by: Airdrie Reformed Presbyterian Church | more..
46,960+ views | 420+ clicks
User Comment - “God's Perfect Grace” A humbling, yet awe inspiring sermon, that will bring the believer to his knees in subugation to a truly great God of love, grace and mercy.
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A Critical Call To The Church
TUESDAY, MAY 15, 2007
Posted by: Airdrie Reformed Presbyterian Church | more..
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Listener Comment - This sermon, with its couplet from Haggai 1 are "must listen to sermons".... I've been an OPC pastor (USA) for over 35 years, so I'm not speaking as a rookie. 15/5/07“ A "Must!" ”This sermon, with its couplet, also...
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Eternity; Where will You Spend it?
MONDAY, MAY 7, 2007
Posted by: Airdrie Reformed Presbyterian Church | more..
49,740+ views | 3,660+ clicks
Listener Comment on, 'Hell - Only one way to escape it!' - If you only listen to one sermon this year, this is the one. This is the heart of the gospel - man's condition and God's grace towards us. UK 7/5/2007This is one of five sermons preached...
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William Wilberforce - A Slave of God who fought for the slaves of men.
Posted by: Airdrie Reformed Presbyterian Church | more..
46,860+ views | 590+ clicks
Listener Comment - This is an inspiring sermon which examines what motivated William Wilberforce..... Pastor Quigley shows that the constant motivating factor in Wilberforce's life was the salvation of people's souls. The political activism for...
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Pray for the walking dead - I'm intrigued - Any ideas?
MONDAY, MARCH 12, 2007
Posted by: Airdrie Reformed Presbyterian Church | more..
44,720+ views | 500+ clicks
I am intrigued. On average, my sermons run at just over 1 download for every 2.5 views but this sermon posted a couple of Lord's Days ago titled 'The Walking Dead - Will YOU PRAY for them' is sitting at present with 750+ views and...
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The Walking Dead - Will YOU PRAY for them?
MONDAY, MARCH 12, 2007
Posted by: Airdrie Reformed Presbyterian Church | more..
31,140+ views | 390+ clicks
There is a problem of unimaginable size in our lives which we cannot solve - the salvation of our loved ones, friends and neighbours. In this sermon Rev Quigley preaches on the parable of the unjust judge and the widow and challenges the believer...
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Only one life to live - make it fruitful
SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 2007
Posted by: Airdrie Reformed Presbyterian Church | more..
32,500+ views | 820+ clicks
In this sermon I seek to encourage the hearers to give themselves to the pursuit of fruitfulness for God's glory by: - Not getting bogged down with past failure - Not living uncontrolled, unfulfilled lives. - Facing life, the good and the bad...
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