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Sermon10/14/18 5:12 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Blind But Now I See
Gavin Beers
“ Great Sermon! ”
Oh! If only we knew how blind we are! Blind to our sin, blind to our lost condition, and blind to the Saviour who alone can give us sight! If we knew how blind we are, we would cry out with all our might "Jesus, have mercy on me!"

Sermon10/7/18 8:44 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Christians Care About Affecting Others
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
What care we should take that we do not stumble, by word or deed, those who would come to Christ, or the people of God: "Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones." (Luke 17:1-2)

Sermon10/7/18 5:50 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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A Blessed Hunger
Gavin Beers
“ Great Sermon! ”
Do you have a heart hunger that wealth, position, amusements and even relationships haven't been able to satisfy? Come to the Lord Jesus Christ, who alone can satisfy the hungering, thirsting heart! "O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him."(Psalm 34:8) 

Sermon10/4/18 3:54 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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“ Great Sermon! ”
William Tyndale's love for his people drove him to both live and die to give them the Bible in their own language. Can we not distribute gospel tracts to our "kinsmen after the flesh"?

Sermon9/30/18 8:41 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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What Matters In The End
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
The rich man imagined he had it all, and thought himself quite secure and happy in his outward wealth. But riches in this life are no sign of acceptance with God, and even those with the greatest possessions face an everlasting hell. Whether rich or poor, only a saving faith in Jesus Christ will secure a blessed eternity in heaven!

Sermon9/30/18 5:34 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Return To The Lord
Gavin Beers
“ Great Sermon! ”
Has the Lord torn at your heart and life, and smitten you for your sin? "Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up." (Hosea 6:1)

Sermon9/30/18 2:28 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Was C. S. Lewis an Evangelical?
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
A strong and much needed caution against the writings of C.S. Lewis, this sermon exposes the many heresies held by this brilliant, yet dangerous, author.

Sermon9/23/18 8:16 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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God's Religion, Not Man's
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
Man made religion is, in truth, a form of rebellion against God. Far from being sincere, its practioners seek to disguise their heart enmity against God by keeping a set of human rules and regulations. By so doing, they may give an impression of great holiness before men, but God is not deceived. Man made religion and self righteousness will only bring damnation and eternal destruction. Repent, and put all your hope for salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ alone, for He is the only way, the only truth, and the only life.

Sermon9/23/18 5:14 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Knowing Christ
Gavin Beers
“ Great Sermon! ”
Do you ever wonder how you can know that you know Christ? Christ's disciples also experienced doubt and uncertainty, yet the Lord has revealed in Scripture the ways in which He manifests Himself to His people. An instructive and encouraging sermon!

Sermon9/16/18 8:10 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Consistency In The Children Of Light
Rev David Silversides
“ Challenging Sermon! ”
Are we, as Christians, as consistent in seeking the glory of God as the wicked are in seeking their vain and covetous ends? A challenging sermon!

Sermon9/16/18 5:22 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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The Motives for Evangelism
Gavin Beers
“ Great Sermon! ”
Sluggish about evangelism? Then this sermon is just what you need!

Sermon9/16/18 3:19 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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New Age - Old Deception
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
As one who was delivered from the New Age by Jesus Christ, I can testify that this sermon accurately describes New Age beliefs and practices. Also, Pastor Silversides is correct in saying that New Age thinking still permeates our culture and is even influencing current events, although the term "New Age" has fallen out of fashion. A valuable sermon!

Sermon9/9/18 8:34 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The prodigal son left home to enjoy the pleasures of sin, yet found that "the way of transgressors is hard." (Proverbs 13:15b) Being brought to poverty, and with none to care for or help him in his misery, he came to his senses, and returned to the Father, who lovingly received him, and graciously forgave him all his sin. Will you, too, abandon your sin and misery, and return to the merciful Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ?

Sermon9/9/18 5:32 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Valuable biblical instruction for those who lead in public prayer, as well as for congregations!

Sermon8/26/18 8:30 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Joy In Heaven Over God's Grace On Earth
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
Do you rejoice with the angels when a sinner is converted to Christ? If not, why not? What joy should fill our hearts when we see the grace of God magnified in the salvation of those, who, like us, deserve only God's eternal wrath!

Sermon8/26/18 5:19 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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The Real St Andrew
Gavin Beers
“ Great Sermon! ”
The Apostle Andrew set for us a wonderful example of Christian humility, contentment, and evangelistic zeal worthy of our imitation! "Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample." Philippians 3:17

Sermon8/23/18 5:14 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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Household Baptism
Robert McCurley
“ Great Sermon! ”
A very edifying sermon, and one we wish all our Baptist brethren would listen to!

Sermon8/20/18 11:44 AM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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The Mode of Baptism
Robert McCurley
“ Great Sermon! ”
A concise presentation of the biblical basis for sprinkling or pouring in baptism. Well done!

Sermon8/19/18 8:07 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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More Than A Name
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
There are many excuses for worldly conformity, but Christ did not leave us here to blend in with the world. Only by being distinct from the world can we season it with the good salt of the gospel!

Sermon8/19/18 4:55 PM
David and Karen Biser | Cumberland, MD  Protected NameFind all comments by David and Karen Biser
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Many love the message of forgiveness and salvation in Christ, but do not wish to live the Christian life. Yet, "faith without works is dead." What a tragedy, what utter foolishness to prefer Hell over a holy life and heaven!
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